>'Compelled to act': Dutton opens door to more IS victims >Peter Dutton tells SBS News that Australia wants to help more Yazidis still being held captive by IS in Iraq and Syria.
>Human Rights Commission pushes back against Peter Dutton bid for more powers >The Human Rights Commission has lobbied against expanding the home affairs minister and department’s powers to make visa cancellation decisions without a merits review and even called for them to be wound back.
Aus bro here (from China thread) Links for further Duttonry: He is - Against Same-Sex Marriage - Against Increasing Land Rights to Aboriginals - Against extending government benefits to same-sex couples - For encouraging Australian-based industry - For decreasing availability of welfare payments >archive.is/ge6mv ALSO Muslim Lebanese immigration was a mistake >archive.is/CQhLV Melbourne African gang problem >archive.is/7M5Wq Helping South African Farmers >archive.is/dcU99 DUTTON is our best chance at reclaiming this country at this moment - he is not perfect, but he is the most realistic choice for future PM
This - the "we're full" saying is actually true - they keep shoving immigrants in, but trains are packed like rush hour Tokyo and parking is impossible in many places
Joseph Diaz
I want the other OP back, this is waaaay too fucking early. Everyone is still at work so this will be really slow and shit, then die at around 170 postd
Austin Butler
Called woolies today because I was worried it had been a week since I did the online quiz and still had no email. The guy reassured me it's a good thing I hadn't received an email yet because it would probably be a rejection then he said it was good I called because it showed enthusiasm hope I get this job lads.
It is a bit early - but OP really wanted to get the ball rolling.
Ayden Miller
Man I hate timezones. I generally enjoy aus/pol/ but it's the dead of night here and I can't catch this until it's evening for you and the thread is already near bump limit.
>Excited about woollies job We're in tough times, lads
Brody Price
where I live is slowly becoming a muslim ghetto and the only bastion is a Korean church.
Jack Phillips
so what's with the forced dutton meme?
d&c strategy from the left?
Cooper Reed
>by ethnicity vs actual Chinese
Jacob Jenkins
We also have a fuck load of asians from other countries. We're toast. They're getting pretty arrogant and self entitled too. Copying our soccer mum cunt face culture.
Owen Phillips
Encouraging industry how?
Everyone says that, then get's enthusiastically bukkaked by the property and finance industry.
Hudson Hughes
He's shown some very mild nationalism that's amounted to little in an attempt bring nationalists back to the coalition
Levi Murphy
is it worth dividing the base and giving control to labor?
Cooper Clark
As if it even matters. What does it matter if libs or labour hold power when both actively work to fuck the anglo?
Julian Diaz
>d&c strategy from the left? Nice meme.
Gavin Miller
>its only tuesday and i already want the week to end
Highest concentration of lesbians in Australia, believe it or not.
Daniel Cooper
>play nationalist by keeping out 20,000 illegals while allowing record legal migrants >sell residency through education >support anti natal housing bubble >literal jew as party leader
>record legal migrants because the economy is booming apparently >sell residency through education no one is employing non citizen grads who don't speak good English >support anti natal housing bubble started as a labor initiate to put residential housing for sale on the global market >literal jew as party leader genetic fallacy
Andrew Smith
>economy before race >lol it ok to give them residency because shitty no proof justification >labor started it so it ok if we not only allow it to continue but personally profit from it >Jews are white So basically you aren't a nationalist. Why don't you go discuss politics with the boomer on faceberg?
suppose that's why we elect adults to government, if you want change then it's gradual without waves, like what we're seeing now
remember this: there's a flock of shrill leftists ready to bitch, moan and scream about the smallest thing if they're given a chance - which you would enable when given your chance at broadcasting 'ebil joos' and 'blood and soil'
Liam Sanchez
You're dumb. Or a Young Liberal shill.
Kevin Evans
All I'm reading here is people like Katter need to run our country before we become just another se asian hellhole.
Camden Bailey
>You're dumb. says the two word sentence master
Brody Murphy
>no one is employing non citizen grads who don't speak good English uhhh user this is a joke right?
>BILLIONAIRE retailer Gerry Harvey says Australia needs a two-tier wage system to allow employers to pay foreign guest workers less than locals.
>The Harvey Norman boss said Australia’s prosperity was creating a labour shortage and endangering the nation’s competitiveness.
>He said a growing number of Australian manufacturers were moving overseas, where cheap labour was plentiful.
whats the matter goy don't want to die in a arab country helping israel destabilize the region while flooding europe with shitskins and the enemy gains political power 10 years later?
Ayden Murphy
Oh garbage. Considering thinking about looking at maybe allowing the firearms industry to be consulted before they increase the size of the butt plug is not in the least pro-gun.