Is it true that the pendulum swings in favour of men when they reach their late 20s/30s? Ie you have the upper hand on girls, easier to fuck young sluts, you become more attractive, more respect?
I'm 22 and it seems like the girls my age have all the advantages and are dominating the dating game while I'm alone most nights. Will it get better?
Or is this something bitter manchild who were unsuccessful when they were young hold on to?
>they reach their late 20s/30s No, it's just that you have a career and financial independence at that point so there's that level of attraction you bring to the table.
But OP, you're not going to make it
Brayden Brown
we like stability, and older men offer that.
Ryder Perez
Thats just a lie old guys tell you.
Jayden Nguyen
Practice practice practice
Flirt with all women (when appropriate), doesnt matter if its a cashier. You need to practice. You will get burned, get over it. Lift and let your career flourish. Travel a lot and get a dog.
I have banged 80 women over the last 2 years from doing the above. I am a RN and army officer btw
If you are ugly now you will be ugly in your thirties.
Gabriel Collins
I'm 30, banged more than 70 women, and am in very good shape. Alas, I am a teacherfag and my career is non-existent. Reaching a career-crisis that was my own doing and not sure where to go. It definitely got easier the older I got, fwiw
Jaxon Collins
Oh God how many of them were filthy enlisted army whores though
Dylan Flores
>28 khv >still haven't finished my master's >not worked a real job ever >in debt cause student loans It's too late for me isn't it?
Jose Jones
Any flirting tips? What's your height?
Aaron Gonzalez
I kind of doubt that. I find it's actually harder to talk to girls now that I'm too old and jaded to even pretend to give a shit about whatever hysterical retarded nonsense they're eating via asshole from the msm.
Jack Johnson
Maybe 2.
I avoid being around soldiers as much as possible. Worse than fratboys and literally scare away any pussy that's around. I live downtown in a big city and commute out.
this, I was a total neet and started to learn pick up, what helped a lot was just practicing by talking to random strangers and hot women to meh women, but after awhile I got good at approaching women, plus it helped me to network better with people
as a woman, fuck you. don't spread this fucked up mentality.
Jeremiah Sanders
this. as you don't allow the build up a full DNA profile, its a relatively easy crime to get away with
Ryan Baker
Oldfag here. No, it's not true. Sorry user.
Anthony Kelly
>Anyone got that pic about women being princesses about it and consent being a myth?
You retarded rape-apologists always forget that anti-rape laws are not here to protect womens but social stability. Most women have husbands, brothers, fathers that will torture and kill rapists if they catch them before the police. Laws are here to merely prevent such escalations and vendettas
Dominic Hernandez
You make all the stupid mistakes and have all the awkward encounters that you learn from at ages 17 - 22 I found. I'm 25 now and have no problem approaching groups of sluts by myself in clubs, get laid at least every 4- 5 weeks by a new girl and I took an 18 year olds virginity earlier this year. Keep getting rejected until it doesn't phase you and keep making mistakes, it gets better trust me
why? you should be fucking 15~16 year olds. You'll find them easy to manipulate, tight, horny, less likely to have std's or be roasties, and you'll be sufficiently older that they'll be more attracted by your age differential.
Men suffer from this "same age" thing with women, that we only seem to attune to later in life. As far as sex is concerned, date younger, you won't regret it. Just don't expect to be having deep conversations with a young girl - although that would be true of most women before the age of 50, anyway, tbqh.
Dylan Morgan
5'10 180 pounds, very fit. I am well "cultured" and well traveled. Women loooove travel, it's basic as fuck nowadays. Live an interesting life that projects status (boating, snowboarding, hiking, being a foodie or some shit). You can fake it a bit but you actually need to be active.
Just got to stop placing value on hot women. Bars are a waste of time. Parks,, grocery stores (whole foods) and fitness classes are much better places to meet women who are relaxed and up for interacting. Women in clubs are guarded...usually.
Be confident/funny, abundance mentality. No matter how goo looking you are, you will get rejected. Fuck it, move on to the next...can't focus on the Ls.
My careers help me a ton RN (caring/empathetic/intelligent) and army officer (alpha/power/security) are turn ons for most even libtastic ones.
Daily reminder that woman's pair bonding capability is destroyed after 5 partners Daily reminder microchimeral dna is left behind in women, and affects them and future children on a cellular level Daily reminder you degenerates need to get right with God before youre strung up
Jonathan Lewis
You dont actually need to get them gibs though lol
Joseph Fisher
dude, just talk to them. there's no secret. don't listen to people who say you need to be chad to get women, and don't fear rejection.
Long hair and beards like this never works, just stop neets lol
James Anderson
nope it's bullshit
how'd his hairline move forward?
Jonathan Cooper
"hurr LIFT durr".
That fucking meme I've seen a thousand times.
Parker Smith
Mid 40s white guy checking in. I bang teenage Thais and Filipinas all the time. Most for money, some not tho.
So, yes.
Brandon Smith
I'm almost 30. Dating became much easier for me once I got my shit together (finished school, good job, my own nice place etc). It's easy to get betabux'd if you aren't aware of that so completely disregard single moms and any woman over 24-25. I've been seeing a 20 y/o for the last few months. If you plan on remaining a NEET fuckup and therefore undesirable once you get older, you can still watch as a couple decades of bad decisions catches up with roasties and take schadenfreude from that.
Been nailing 18 to 25 year old pussy on the regular since I was 28. 40 now.
Christopher Collins
>Is it true that the pendulum swings in favour of men when they reach their late 20s/30s?
if you're successful and have a reasonable career unfortunately if you're going through a rough time or aren't successful in your late 20s/early 30s then it actually gets worse
Adrian Moore
It worked for me, 80 women later...
Ill be in Greece next month, Guarantee Ill bang a few there too...
i'm convinced Jow Forumsfags are either gay and want to see more swole men around, or are insecure about their addiction to weight gain and want more people to waste their time chasing it to the same unhealthy degree
he's more receded in the first image, you can see it under the right side of his fringe
Bentley Ward
28 here Can confirm I get more pussy now then when I did when I was in the military.
College educated, bachelor with no intent on marrying, always upfront with my actions and genuine.
Women love honesty, fit men, who have actual interests outside video games, anime and porn.
I take girls snowboarding, shooting, hiking, and ask them to walk my dog for them and I have zero dry spells.
This year alone I’ve had 5 girls A** Iri** Br*** Kel** And one more ;)
Trust me it gets easier if you actually are a decent human, with honest interests.
Fucking owning being a nerd and knowing shit aboht Skyrim, Star Wars, and final Fantasy has gotten me laid because girls dig that shit too and if you know the lore and arnt afraid to say shit about it they dig it.
Nothing gets a girl wet like a man that says he wants to cook for her.
Kevin Davis
They are mostly basedboys and cucks now though. Thanks to feminism. It's literally open season for rape, refugees have proved this.
Cameron Scott
>no timestamp >Daily reminder microchimeral dna is left behind in women, and affects them and future children on a cellular level do you have ANY proof that's not a Jow Forums jpg? >Daily reminder you degenerates need to get right with God before youre strung up I don't need to do anything. Who's gonna do anything, you? Nahh it's always some mythical army/group of people. "Someday" >my dude /reddit/
Michael Gray
I honestly, 100% believe the pareto principle is real for men in the sexual marketplace. Your sexual market value is directly linked to your position in society.
You can get lucky in your early 20s but essentially, unless you are well known on campus, the majority of girls wont give a fuck about you.
For me personally, I just wanted to get out of the whole ordeal as quickly as possible.
I dont really want to get back in, either. Women dont change over time, they just get uglier and therefore lower their standards/ you rise in the hierarchy.
There is really no positive approach to this whole thing other than 'getting some'.
Ethan Wilson
I've tried but it's just not worth it. At that age there most of them either already have kids or want to have kids very soon, plus they are old enough to be completely jaded when it comes to dating/men. Also girls are way more difficult to impress the older they get. Young girls are blown away dating a guy who has his own place and takes her on a spontaneous weekend trip. Girls in their mid to late 20s expect that shit and more. If I'm still single a decade from now I may reconsider but for now 19 to 24 or 25 is the sweet spot.
Nolan Robinson
Only if you're financially stable and/or fit.
Noah Anderson
In America, if you aren't fit, you arent getting top tier pussy. I dont know how it is in Londonistan but I noticed when living in Germany that most European men have that skinny fat/dad bod thing going on. Despite America being fat as fuck, the top tier guys and women are in far better shape. Discount what I am saying if you want but lifting and being fit works for initial attraction. Grooming as well.
Blake Bailey
It swings if you get your shit together bro. Then take a younger girl, my girl is 13 years younger and I found her just as she turned 21. She is not some perfect angel, but my situation shits on basically anyone I know.
Brody Turner
Avoid girls 18-27 Go for older women 28-40 Fit hot ones They been around the block, even if they got kids they don’t want you to be a part of their life because your just a fuck toy to them, it’s fun that way because you don’t have to be step dad, you don’t have to spend money on them etc.
Nicholas Sanders
beta incels who don't have the self discipline to hoist but still feel entitled to women way out of their league
Anthony Ramirez
yeah girls act as if i performed an act of sorcery when i've cooked basic as fuck meals in their vicinity. not dates or anything, just friends' girlfriends and the like.
Nathaniel Taylor
Lifting is not a meme user.
Brody Brooks
Fake and gay
Asher Reed
Can confirm, I have a solid career and fitness levels. I thrown in my D&D hobby because its unique and girls find it cute/different. THATs when being a nerd helps but you have to have the whole package.
Most military guys are autistic when it comes to women. I stayed the fuck away from bases, locations plays a big role in your success.
Cooking, dogs, travel, outdoors activities...all get women wet. I agree.
This guy has got it figured out. Fear is natural, and you cannot avoid it, but you must push through it when you know it's holding you back. You don't need to always be flirting with women, but you need to talk to them and not be afraid. Only through repetition will you gain confidence. Once you can confidently conversate with randoms you should try to flirt because if you do it before this point you will probably get rekt.
Big city. I live in Seattle, most women are 25-30 and unmarried with actual careers. Very few single moms here, too pricey.
Yeah in shitty midwest and small town america that demographic is garbage.
Dominic Adams
it is true but depends on a if you cultivate yourself into a desirable man (money, fitness, confidence) and the fact that you have seen the true nature of whores and see though their garbage by that age give you a natural advantage. They need us more than we need them and you KNOW that when you get a bit older 28 yr old
Christian Turner
Omg is this paleo
Bitch it’s fucking qomnia and salmon with some fucking portbella mushrooms with olive oil and tomatoe n shit and a lil seasoning. This only took me 30 mins to make don’t act like I’m making a thanksgiving feast!
But yeah bitch it’s Palio...
Jacob Sanchez
When did I ever say that?....
Most of my workouts are cardio based. Im lean muscular, not oddly swole looking.
Gabriel Edwards
Fuck seattle, worst part of wa, move east
Christopher Wilson
I'm 28 and I'm much better than at 22. See, I might not look hotter, than when I had a better body at 22, but the body is only half the battle. See at 28, you have a career, a car, a fancy apartment, the best phone, you can take her to the best restaurant in the city and fuck her in a fancy hotel room. When you are 22 you can finger her in the McDonalds disabled toilet.
When I am 38 I will be so rich I keep a few extra girls in my basement, as my "full time" side girls. When I am 48 and nobody wants to look at my disgusting body, it is not a problem, because I will have captured most of the women in my village.
Carter Watson
bitches love poldark
Ethan Wright
I have lived all over, I like my Americanized asian women. Eastern WA has none and far less good looking women in general.
I want to fuck, I dont give a shit about their politics.
Jonathan Ramirez
that's good then, but attractive face and humour are far more important than body.
Hunter Evans
So what if I have gotten older, have a career, my own house and nice car, and can fuck hot women on the regs, but I want to find something long term that is going to be worthwhile loyal and dependent and not try to split my money and take my kids?
Is there a guide on that?
Asher Nguyen
But you must at least have status or else you have no value as man.
>See at 28, you have a career, a car, a fancy apartment ummm
Christopher Morgan
I forgot to mention yoga. Most women see a yoga mat and cream there panties.
Don’t forget live music like orchestra’s and shit.
I mentioned this to a girl who was talking about FFx-2 cosply after seeing my cosplays I made and she freaked out.
William Evans
If you think you can get that body without lifting you are out of your damn mind.
Jeremiah Howard
Body is just as important, at least in America for 7-8+/10 women
Isaac Rogers
Older women usually let you cum inside them and let you know they have no intention of getting preggo.
I am a captain in the US Army, it sounds nice to most women when you say it.
Jaxon Jackson
>flirt with cashiers There is nothing worse then when you stand in line and a fat autist infront of you try to flirt with the cashier
Nathaniel Russell
Im ugly and reading this made me lose all hope and now im even more depressed
Luke Brooks
i know, but vocal liftfags want you to turn into grotesque redfaced abominations with indistinguishable neck and head, like themselves.
Anthony Campbell
Can second this post!
When they say they have their tubes tied it’s like I’m already setting myself up for the momentary heartbreak.
Girl I got now is power lifter, and tubes tied.. I’m in heaven.
Brayden Perez
nope I am the the 35 year old 6'4'' quasi millionaire (self made) white guy that posts on here sometimes.
Young girls completely ignore me, I must use escorts exclusively
Lucas Reed
Yoga is good especially in urban areas but most women have caught on that a lot of men go just to pick up women. IF you go with a girl you know than it's fine.
thanks for the link, I will probably go. I live like 2 blocks form there lol
Christopher Ward
This user speaks truth. I'm a LEO who does volunteering at an animal shelter, these two things are massive turn ons for girls. Iv gotten laid on that fact alone. When I started really hitting the gym and I mean really hitting it. Once a day every day except sundays, you start pulling in a lot of girls. the easiest place to find girls for me is the gym and my local community college are the best place to find girls. I'm 26 my current GF is 19 who I met at the community college. I arrived in uniform straight from work. Took my class and walked through the common area. Saw a cute and frankly autistic looking girl playing pathfinder with a group of overweight spergs. Walked over and introduced myself, sat down and played with them. I was like a shark among tuna in regards to the guys at the table. I'm not saying you need to have a dangerous job or anything. But you need to have a somewhat interesting job. Or at least pretend to, work at a bank? You're not a teller, your a finicial investor who works with the bank managing its clients investment accounts. Volunteering is super important as well. This user is also correct on appearing more cultured. I read a lot, and Iv been out of the US maybe twice as a kid. Doesn't stop me from saying how Iv "traveled Europe" technically true just did it with my family at age 10. Also make an effort to find the best restaurants in the area. Not chains but smaller hip places. Go there semi regularly so you know the menu maybe a few of the staff. Appear confident and passionate about traveling, good food and liquor, appear well read "half the books I own Iv never read, got them for cheap at the flea market but all those philosophy books I own make me appear a certain way", dress nicely, shower regularly, try to at least not be a butterball, you don't have to have a six pack and a foot long dick but don't have rolls on rolls. Project an image that your cultured and you know how to take care of yourself
Jonathan Taylor
I said when appropriate....cmon now
Brody Perez
Do you avoid soldiers because you couldn't pull an ounce of pussy because Rangers have already taken it all/run a massive harem of Rangerettes?
Thomas Williams
Keep telling yourself this.
When you're in your late 20's+ you can score young college girls with daddy issues no problem just by resembling a father figure. I was an out of shape NEET and managed to pull pussy, granted I did not live with my mother.
On the plus side, all the single moms, born again virgins and reformed sluts want me now when I got my shit together. All of those women who didn't give me the time of a day 10 years now want to marry me and help raise their children. I'm not Chad to score some prime teen pussy though.
Caleb Jones
80 women? did you bang them all without a condom? if so, then it's statistically probable that you have every STD in existence. any regrets? or did you wear a condom? if so, then you wasted all of that time, because a proper fap always feels better than stuffing your penis into a latex bag and then applying pressure to the bag with no actual friction. condom sex is ludicrously pointless. it barely feels better than your penis rubbing against your clothes as you walk throughout the day. just think of the countless hours, days, weeks this sad faggot wasted pretending to care about a hole's thoughts and feelings so that he could feel a sensation barely any better than your penis rubbing against your boxers as you walk. he has wasted legions of neurons by fully devoting them to boosting the speed of his sisyphean hedonistic treadmill. he could have spent all of that time plotting a path to glory, to eternal infamy. he could be in the history books. Breivik times a hundred. but no. his grand accomplishment in life fits inside a MUH DICK post on a Jow Forums thread. pathetic.
Jack Brown
Definitely. When I turned 24 I noticed more and more women taking an interest in me. Its also much easier to be naturally confident due to your experience and station in life.
Wyatt Brown
I can confirm that I have been having more success with girls in the last 3 years, 26-29, than all my years previous. I'm nothing special and I don't have the greatest career or status by any means, I'm even a balding manlet to boot, but I've developed (without blowing too much smoke up my own arse) a shitload of charisma and charm that has seen me bed my fair share of 8+'s. Now I've developed this charisma over years but like people have said, you've gotta get in there and have a go at least, you're gonna get rejected and make a fool of yourself a lot, but you learn from it and hone your skills. Unironically years of Jow Forums opens your eyes to the true nature of women and you stop putting the pussy on a pedestal too which also helps your game tremendously. Add all that with being reasonably Jow Forums and well dressed and you can snag anyone you want.
Thomas Taylor
You just need to be above average looking and not an autist. The other stuff is just noise.