When you go to Pornhub and watch AMWF Porns,There are so many dislikes on Asian male White female Porns compared to Blacks fucking Whites
Why do White Men get so Jeolous of Asian Male fucking White female?
When you go to Pornhub and watch AMWF Porns,There are so many dislikes on Asian male White female Porns compared to Blacks fucking Whites
Why do White Men get so Jeolous of Asian Male fucking White female?
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fuck whitey
lol the hell is the context here?
le autism
We don't, it's just another jewish divide and conquer meme.
white men hate everyone including other white men
the fuck is this?
Yeah white people, what's going on?
One moment you hate us, the next you want to cuck us, then you want to fuck us. Seriously, wtf?!?
>Why do Whte men hate Asian so much?
I don't. /thread
eh? I don't. I expect if whites to dissapear
We have inferiority complex.
We are insecure that asian males are better than us.
Asian men have smaller penises, proven fact.
he livestreamed himself pouring onions sauce over his head in his room in nov 2017 lol. thought i recognised him
maybe its a jew
Thanks for the chuckles, Ming. hahahahahahahahaha
>Go to pornhub
>Compare various statistics on all the beastiality videos
That's called autism, user
If anything white guys just like to mess with/troll asians with dark humor, something we have grown accustomed to as it politically incorrectness has basically merged with the white identity.
AFAIK austrialians are the only whites that actively hate Asian men.. Most other whites just don't care/think about asians much. You aren't our allies not our enemy much, which is the way it should be.
Saying that though any race that is nuetral towards whites I would consider an ally. In this climate shitskins are enemys to whites.
which vod is this from?
Chink man goes nuclear over whites forcing a homeless shelter near chink houses.
it's just old white men with thailand brides who spend too much time there
>Why do Whte men hate Aisan men so much?
We don't. We hate asian masculinity spergs tho
the old hag looks like some hardened commie
Let's just wig right out why don't we.
I think Jews just get drunk late at night, meme flag it up, and go nuts at this point.
>Chink man goes nuclear over whites forcing a homeless shelter near chink houses.
Fucking leftists, they always do these kind of stuff, refugees welcome but not in my house
this is raybrary
Woah there plebbit calm down
pic related is OP
sage all michael do threads
do not reply to michael do threads
>Kekistani memeflaggot
I don't, most Asian men I've met I have got along well with. Fuck off JIDF.
how could i hate them, they are so cute
there's some uncanny valley shit going on in that pic
what do you mean
>Most other whites just don't care/think about asians much.
Pretty much this. I'm opposed to all miscegenation on principle, but when I see an Asian Male/White Female couple it doesn't trigger me or anything. I consider Asians the only other race that's on par with whites. The only time I get annoyed is when I'm in a store and a horde of Chinese insectoids are there jabbering loudly in their shit language. I actually like the sound of Japanese or Korean, but Chinese makes my ears bleed.
>When you go to Pornhub and watch AMWF Porns,There are so many dislikes on Asian male White female Porns
Asian chicks are possessive I guess
Why are you dirtying up this board with your degenerate questions? Among the gutter-dwellers who visit pornhub, X people (of unknown race) dislike AMWF porn- maybe it's fucking boring and degenerate?
I don't think I have ever seen asian male on non-asian female porn
You think we dont observe you make thread after thread with a typo in it?
>what you think this is khazar "intelligence" ?
Sage & KYS
we don't, it's just something asianmasculinity made up
hello r/asianemasculation
stop projecting pls, it makes you look even sadder than you already do
I'm sure you'll find happiness some day too
No one hates asian men.
No one has even cared about asian men.
Not even asians.
Better question yet. Why are they there to begin with?
Nobody watches AMWF porn.
Majority of people don't even know it exist.
Why must OP always lie.
>Nobody watches AMWF porn
I've seen plenty of porn vids with Finnish guys in them what are you on about?
>chink spazzes the fuck out then anime runs away
I swear I went to high school with that faggot
nice trips.
The reason is simple: You get like a lot of asian guys to watch it and even pay for it. They even crowd fund these videos.
Their life goal is getting a white girlfriend, which seems to be hard since the average "guy" over there is 6+feet tall, bulk + has a sixpack, has a model-tier face and an average penis size of 7.5 inches.
>like two billions of asian insect like subhumans
>only a few ten million pure young white women on earth
oh geeez I wonder why we are angry that you are trying to end us
just kill yourself chinkgook rat
Fucking based
i hate the dog/cat eating shit, thats about it really
But I don’t hate Asian men. I may find them a bit odd, but they don’t bring a visceral reaction to me if I see them with a white woman, because it’s more likely that she is with him because he’s a genuinely good person.
On the other hand, white women with black apes is absolutely disgusting, because I know that relationship only exists because of degenerate propaganda and social jewry, and the child made from that union will only be a disgusting low IQ ugly half-nog. Her potential to create positive offspring will be killed at that moment.
Whites don’t really hate most other races, that’s propaganda, we just despise nignogs.
I live in redneck central and I never hear anyone hate on asians. The worst I heard were a couple of eye/driving jokes, but it's just banter.
nutty ass gook
ugly gook has issues mate
Is this actually true? Or is this a kekistani fag being gay
Those gooks are male or female?
They don't dislike the vids for racial reasons, they dislike them because watching some two inch dick buried in fur effortlessly slide in and out of some roastie is fucking disgusting
>Why do White Men
We hardly even think of asian men. Any issues with ching chongs at a cultural level are a drop in the bucket compared to nogs, mudslimes, and spics. Nips are bretty gud desu
>meme flag
sage and kys faggot
I only see asian men spamming Jow Forums with amwf porn. You’re probably an asian guy too OP.
I don't hate them at all, if anything I think they hate us
they are always very cold to me, often seem nervous
do they think i'm trying to steal their asian girls? I'm fucking not, their girls are ugly and they can keep them
calm down chang
cause fuck dem wypipos
We don't? We just b8 the happas who come here to whine
I like how he instantly looks like he's in gradeschool again because of the backpack on when he runs away
>kicks a librarian
>on anti-bullying day
We don't really think about it my dude. In fact, I've never seen an AMWF couple irl. Even if I did I probably wouldn't car desu. Asians aren't really threatening.
We don't, we just don't care. I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings.
>In this climate shitskins are enemys to whites.
Probably would help if whites would stop fucking shitskin women, just like whites who fuck asian women. Who am I kidding though, you millennial & gen-X whites have been infected with jewish "do as I say not as I do" pseud-morality
Does it matter? I'd fuck their boipuccies with my big fat white cock.
it's the other way around
possibly justified
>Does it matter?
No, nothing wrong with a nice trap but actual females are better
>two able-bodied white men watch the weeb run away without even a movement of defense or chase.
I hate my fucking race. Bunch of cunts, every one of you but me.
Take off the meme flag and stop being an insecure bitch. Get yourself a white girlfriend and ignore other insecure faggots.
Of course but when you are swinging a big tent pole between your legs you might as well take whatever looks good.
He really doesnt get a say because they let his chink ass in when they shouldnt have. He can deal with it or go back to bugland
Why? That old lady and those guys are all super liberal pieces of shit. I hope they crash and burn every way possible.
I agree
We don't fren
We just don't like being replaced
holy shit internet research agency is going ballistic this week what happened?
ain’t even mad
13 February 1945:
In saying this, I promise you I am quite free of all racial hatred. It is, in any case, undesirable that one race should mix with other races. Except for a few gratuitous successes, which I am prepared to admit, systematic cross-breeding has never produced good results. Its desire to remain racially pure is a proof of the vitality and good health of a race. Pride in one's own race—and that does not imply contempt for other races—is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilisations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilisation to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them. - Adolf Hitler
>letting a maniacal Chad weeb kick an old lady for any reason.
>Why is white civilization falling, oooh, I can't figure it out.
I feel marginalized to be born as a gook
The only Asians I have any issues with are the Chinese. But even then, it's generally just with their government.