Undeniable Proof

His name was Seth Rich. And with this tweet President Trump just told the world that Seth Rich was the real source for the Clinton email leaks!

Attached: 20180522_003634.png (1440x1673, 2.43M)

Other urls found in this thread:


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wtf seth rich was a kike? oh shit.... maybe hillay was /ourgal/ all along???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I love Donald Trump. Seth Rich was a hero. F.

>Immediate shill posts when a SCR thread is posted
Every time. You fuckers glow brighter than the moon.

meme flag shill lm feeling generous, have a (((you))), l know you get paid a shekel for every one that you get

Attached: 20180320_181612.png (1440x1667, 1.35M)

It was bots responding to keywords

>t. T_D boomer

no because there are more odd capitalization

>you need to be a bot to mock a stupid op

Attached: 1524716528635.jpg (500x500, 38K)

>Seth Rich
I thought he was a fellow Gentile, but that name is fit for a Jew.

when the jew shill response is that fast, it is evidence that my post is correct

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Just because he's a Jew doesn't mean he's automatically in the fucking deep state you moron. He was American.

the OP image is Q tier retarded

Attached: 1516469305316.jpg (645x729, 57K)

thats an ad hominem attack, the letters S.C.R. in this hillary server tweet are all that pertains here, and those letters spell Seth Conrad Rich's initials. It cant be any more obvious

Attached: 1526954592044.png (422x460, 330K)

t. chicken shit shill

is this thread designed to waste time arguing over something inconsequential since everyone already knows it was Seth Rich?

another as hominem attack. this has nothing to do with Q. ok smart guy, why would Trump capitilize those 3 letters in a tweet about hillarys email server???

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Protip redditfriend, there are no good kikes, none of them can be trusted not to reveal their true parasitic nature.

boomers leave and take your schizophrenia with you

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Q didn't predict this, so fake news

I would wholeheartedly disagree with you that everybody knows Seth Rich was the leaker, at least half the U.S thinks it was muh Russian "hackers". By Trump tweeting this he confirms that Seth Rich was the leak, and to have confirmation from the President is something that should definitely be discussed and that discussion is NOT a waste of time.

Fucking idiot

Attached: d27.png (645x729, 75K)

those arent random letters, those are Seth Rich' full complete initials IN ORDER on a tweet about the "hacked" server. This tweet is more than just implicit, its pratically screaming "hey world,Seth Rich was the leaker". If you cant see that you are either a victim of TDS or you are a brainlet

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I like mine more!

Attached: shutitdownlambright2.jpg (1440x1667, 189K)

schlomo l know you are a shill because you are using a super stale meme image. l know you are a jew and all, but chrissakes spend a little money and buy something current to try and attack me with

Attached: the more you redpill.png (1440x799, 626K)

Mossad gave the go ahead for Seth Rich to be assassinated. Reason? Because Rich's allegiance and loyalty was with the United States of America and not Israel.

I love how small they made Shia's hands
Great meme

Post too long. Didn't read. Hidden.

all these foreigners angrily commenting on an American political post that has nothing to do with them and affects them in no way. Really makes you think....

Attached: 1522471837712.jpg (598x348, 64K)

the post is only 2 very small sentences long, and almost the same length as your comment.

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I believe that as well

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What does it mean?

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checked and praised

Attached: 1521769853121.png (465x408, 207K)

hi kike

Boomers -check.
Schizophrenia - check.
Low effort response, needs more. C-

>when you go for the "Goyish US Army tombstone" aesthetic, but still want it to feel Jewish, so you literally place a clay bowl behind the tombstone to put rocks in
>and then half the goy visitors dont understand what it is so they put seashells and shit in

Reform Judaism, not even once

"Conrad Rich" are Goyish as shit names.

Probably what happened is he has a Jewess mother and a Goy father. Usually in those cases the mother demands the kid be raised technically Jewish, with a circumcision and Bar Mitzvah and everything, but gives the goy father free right over the rest of his upbringing.

t. know many such American couples

You faggots are so desperate and sad

did you have your bleeding cock sucked by a rabbi during your circumcision?

KEK approves

Attached: 1525485515486m.jpg (1024x457, 68K)

>Hillary killed a Jew.
Mossad is really off their game these days, how could they let some gentile goy cunt lay hands on one of THE CHOSEN?

Holy shit you are a lunatic. There are other capital letters you did not choose. Server and corruption only have the initial letter in capital while refused is all caps and you skipped over other words that match the initial only cap schema.

The other capital letters have to be capital. You always look at the ones that are not necessary faggot.


Attached: q35235252.jpg (1014x1159, 284K)

Dude, did you know if you open a book and read all the letters in order it SPELLS SHIT OUT? Its like a code.


>low energy

Attached: giphy (11).gif (480x279, 2.47M)

the letters are in caps in case you did not notice.


Kill yourselves. Especially the mexican.

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no you.

Rich was a Dim so he deserved to die.
Fuck all Dims

r_trumptards really are this stupid

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Nah, he's saying Sex With Children Rules. It's a shout out to his good friend Jeffrey Epstein.

It means dog in Persian.
سگ sæg "dog"

So that’s why it’s endlessly posted... over and over and over

I've noticed something that proves, nothing of value was lost.

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> A dead kike
Don't care.


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Jews have no problems killing other Kews, especially "lower class" ones, if it fits (((their))) agenda.

Sure is a lot of butthurt for a seemingly innocent post. Really makes you think.

Attached: yesofcourse.jpg (655x527, 44K)

Attached: Gaype.jpg (575x651, 65K)

Saved your Gaype, and give you Basedyit in exchange.

Attached: soyyit.png (594x582, 41K)

wrong again subhuman kike
pic related

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not the last instance of Server
why he do that

This touched a nerve with the shills
lends me to believe this might have some merit

you two clowns mistyped, this is /pol , not r/politics

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checkd trips of truth
digits dont lie

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Was still more patriotic than you, memeflag

What did he mean by this?

wow, those two reddit sòyboy brainlets sure do enjoy the taste of each others cum. I bet they have a reddit alien Wil in their collection too. Sad

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you can tell when you are over the target by how loudly the jew cries out
pic related

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Why are you ignoring all other capitalized letters, especially the second server?

wtf he is a jew
... and just like that i dont care about him anymore

Wew, even Pizzagate threads aren't shilled this much.

Attached: fate.jpg (422x422, 119K)

Bump for plausible deniability


t. cucked nigger traitor faggot

...and so was Seth...

Fucking shills lost their shit over this thread

Humongous if unquestionable.

jews are our friends

The amount of shills this thread unearthed.

Attached: 1526937737603.jpg (370x465, 49K)

Trolls Libtards Epic Style

jidf is this desperate


Desperate first thing in the morning kikes make my day desu :) Your fear is palpable.

no you stupid cucks....the family has said multiple time to not use Seth's death as a political pawn....yet you faggot continue to do so and not give a family a chance to grieve

This is about decency and respect.....something you cucks clearly know nothing about

Can't wait until the Day of the Rope for you fucking worthless traitors

Why did he capitalize the last word in the tweet too? SCRS?

tay sachs yourself david

jews are our friends

Jews are fuel for fire.

That was fake news. Here's the real news:

Patriotic, the liberal’s favorite new word

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Stale pasta from a year ago, keep trying shitstain!

Attached: LOOKATME!.jpg (762x862, 62K)

The fog has lifted..... this totally explains the families non interest in his death... dude was sacrificed