InCel appropriation

She's right you know.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You have to admit it is hilarious watching the world gang up on virgin men for not getting laid

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can women be incel?

If they are 30 and childless or at least married they are femncels

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Who is this woman? Why are you posting this stuff?

She's fucking hilarious. She hates NU Star Wars etc and tells SJW's to fuck off.


That's not really a girl. Many such cases. Sad!

Just watch her The Last Jedi review

This ugly bitch getting laid regularly is just proof that incels are right


why does this meme still exist?

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Because WE exist

>that lisp
holy shit I want her to have my children

As they damn well should

>totally not shameless self promoting


>The lord didn't come to be served, he came to serve

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That's not a she. That's a faggot.

Why the fuck is Jow Forums so obsessed with this incel business? Is this psyop trying to get Jow Forums to identify with incels and take away legitimacy to our antisemitism??

hating on r9k
> really?
what a sad loud cunt... truely she goes in the oven first

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breakdancing kek

>pot meet kettle
just because you don't like tomboys... wait, yeah, that does make you a faggot

Insh'Allah brother

Go back to r9k mudslime, or kys for your virgins in heaven.

/rk9/ will pour their hate on the others now, this will get real so fast people will feel stupid for ever finding out about them

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Jow Forums isn't incel, but we're gonna use their autism to augment our own. Also, where did you find this fucking mess?

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Can someone explain the r9k board to me? I thought it was meant for original topics or some shit but it seems like the place the rejects of society hang out

No, wimen can only be volcel
Even the nastiest bitch will get sexual attention from someone

It's for incels and degenerates who black ail other incels into becoming suicidal traps

is this a boy or a girl?

>budget smosh guy

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>existential threat
You fucks can’t not be Jews even for a second, huh. Maybe Jow Forums really is a Jewish board.


It's your responsibility. Nobody else can do anything about it, just you. Moaning to each other won't make girls appear and fuck you, you have to make it happen yourself.
But in a side issue raised by that ...chick? I'm going to go with chick. I'm never going to tongue her beef baguette. Not in my drunkest horniest moment. Never..Ever. Talking women are the antipathy of sexy.

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These are the incels that have caused the violence. Acid chuckers.

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ugh, pure roastie


>Roastie talks about responsibility

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>Le edgy "I liek pissin ppl off lol" man-woman.

Yeah I'm good nigga

>I've rejected customers
>I fucked many of them
sounds like have ourselves a roastie

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That's a man, baby

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I was wondering, kinda has a guy's face.

Yeah she's a degenerate slut. She is right but she is so obnoxious and long winded, why did she even need to make this video it's not original or interesting.

>Two angels arrive in Sodom, and Lot shows them hospitality. However, the men of the city gather around Lot's house and demand that he give them the two guests so they could rape them. In response,
Are we the angels?

enjoy your washed up roastie whores you absolute cuck, we want nothing to do with them

why would you choose to be an incel?

It's involuntary not voluntary, actual incels don't choose to be the way they are unless they never tried.