Porn makes people fap

>porn makes people fap
>fapping makes men lose their hair
>jews sell hair growth products and hair trasplants
>porn promotes sexual degeneracy and thot culture
>sexual degeneracy helps STDs to spread faster
>jews sell meds
>porn promotes racemixing (
Porn is a jewish tool to control and profit from the rest of the civilization. Why are you still watching porn and fapping twice a day, Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>fapping makes men lose their hair

topkek. It also makes the hair grow on your palms instead! and are the 2 best porn sites on the net. Can't live without those.

>yes goy, keep fapping, fapping doesn't do any harm to your body.
>don't trust those who did nofap and are claiming their hairline has improved! >Watch this white blonde getting fucked by a 10" black goy instead!

I've been pretty virtuous lately. Accepted God as the creator of everything, and all that.

I'm really frustrated that I can't beat off to anime tiddies anymore. Like, not in a way where I super desire it — I have not masturbated in a week and feel no strong emotion to do it — but wanking to really nice art of fake women was always something I enjoyed a lot.

Kinda just miss it, I guess.

On the up side, every load I pour into my wife's womb is as big as ones in the hentai I used to whack it to. So I guess that's cool.

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Can your hairline actually grow to improve without fapping? Does sex also ruin your hair growth?

Indulging in porn with moderation is a great stress relief. Fuck off with this shill thread you dirty kike.

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Problem is if I dont fap(only fap to 2D) i get extremely aggressive. Makes me sick of all these faggots and niggers so fapping is the only way I have to relieve stress.

My hair loss has slightly declined on no fap. I'm back to masturbation, no porn though, and the hair loss is back to normal.

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No, it's pretty much bro science.

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How many times do you have sex everyday and how many times do you fap everyday?
Everytime you ejaculate, your balls produce DHT, which miniaturize hair follicles and therefore produces hair loss

>fapping makes men lose their hair

Only if you swallow your own load - stay away from those "Cumroulette" and "WEBMs that make you want to suck cock" threads mate!


get off here with that asslet

Well the results aren't substantial so it's nothing worth noting.

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>jack off twice a day for the last 14 years
>hairline is still fine
>no thin hair

>Twice a day

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Well is this big enough for you?

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>masturbation leads to hairloss

The fuck are you smoking?

You alt right are turbo degenerate youre not allowed to claim otherwise

Holy lack of self awareness batman

For many men it does!
The part he leaves out is that those men have spent too much time watching sissy hypno webms and have started whacking it into their own mouths.

Good genetics.

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People claim all sorts of shit.

A guy on Jow Forums swore his own ball sweat worked as cologne

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That's because you don't have the balding gene. But for those who has it, excessive masturbation increases the hair loss rate

>LACK of self awareness

If anything that post showed an excess of self awareness champ.

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That one's actually true, women like pheromones.

>watching random sluts get fucked
>(((stress relief)))
>being this beta

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You're on a porn website user. GTFO.

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I fap once everyday and thats before i sleep or else id have a hardon all night

>can try nofap for a moth and see the results
>"nah, better fap everyday since some (((studies))) say it doesn't affect hair loss"

I want to fuck that frog

Not nearly as much as men.

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I only masturbate to animated cartoons.

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Because I can't solve the stess problem without it, and falled into propaganda on russian nofap forum that one night sex is worser than fap.

but I non-ironically have a very bad hair.

Come on buddy stop pretending it's ONLY the wanking which is causing it.

not so bad as it can be, but have this problem.

>>fapping makes men lose their hair
my hair goes past my shoulders and I wank everyday I think you just have low t

I can not stop myself from masturbating help pls

Me to, I just love emptying my balls and rubbing one out.

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not even mad
thats nice

Hair length does not equate to hairline
And if you don't have a receding hairline that just means you have good genetics and your hair follicles are not that sensitive to DHT than other people
Before nofap, when I faped 3 times a day
>couldn't concentrate during large sessions of study
>hairline receding
>lots of hair gone every time I combed my hair
After nofap for 2 months
>full of energy and can concentrate better
>don't act as awkward as before around women
>new hair growing from balding spots
>minimal loss of hair when I comb it

Good taste.

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Yeah but how did you finish?
Something tells me you've spent a little too much time on Jow Forums and have ventured towards cum-roulette and sissy hypno.

i have a theory that mixed races = receding hairline t.anglo

Placebo effect.

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You are fucking obsessed with sissy hypno holy shit

That's because I haven't gotten an answer out of you on the subject, which just all the more confirms my suspicions.
It's not the masturbation which causes the hairloss, it's the consuming of your own semen which causes it.

I'm 50, jack it at least 3x daily, and have a full head of hair


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I don't really care since it's working for me
I don't get why people hate it so much when other people say they are on nofap. It's not like they are trying to sell anything to them. The ones who has more to lose are those who produce porn and we all know who are them
I had to look it up to know what sissy hypno is though.
>consuming of your own semen
Are you trolling or projecting?

>shrek postingin the year 2000-54x23+1000

I'm just a man with a receded hairline who 100% without a doubt found the cause (at least in my case) and now I'm trying to help out fellow anons.

>fapping makes men lose their hair
If you have weak genes, yes.

Don't worry about me, I would never eat semen

That's a good thing retard. Use your aggression and go get a woman to fuck IRL.

Bruce, mate, are you saying you ate enough of your own semen to cause hair loss? If so, holy fuck I am laffin.

Yes that is correct.
In my defense I did it for the gainz...

That’s dark.. I have only inadvertently tasted my own, not a big fan if I say so myself.

>good genetics = perfect hairline no matter what you do
>bad genetics and nofap = less DHT = hair loss is slowed down
>bad genetics and excessive fap = more DHT = balding at 30

Fuck me checkin them digits

It's an acquired tase, at first I forced myself to do it to recuperate my protein, but it also depends on your diet.
But stay away if you value your hairline!

It's because NoFap comes off as a cult of porn addicts/chronic fappers who use masturbation as an excuse for the reason why their lives are so crappy. Not to say that there isn't any truth to it , the problem is that they blow the effects of nofap out of proportion which makes people seem very skeptical of it. Fapping is a pretty bad addiction and people generally use any excuse in the book to defend it, but it's like that with any addiction.

You do know they make protein supplements, correct? I am also on a pretty big caloric deficit, 1000 a day, grilled chicken and tuna.

it is masturbation and the circulating hot blood from your penis burning out your hair folicals. Your theory is gay af bro. Ive seen those sissy hypno vids and I feel sorry for goobers who get off on that shit.

>Whats the worst that could happen from letting the Govt. Mk ultra my brain.

You've also got to be careful of protein supplements (or just any advice you get from Jow Forums really) - I was hitting the whey protein hard, which is what everyone recommends, and I started growing puffy nipples!
Milk byproducts = hormones galore.

>fapping makes men lose their hair
Then why do I have to get haircut so often?!

>Nofap increases your testosterone
>Hair starts growing

>High testosterone side-effects include balding

How do you explain that

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Testosterone becomes DHT when you ejaculate. It's the DHT that affects hair follicles depending on ones genetics

BTW, I bet some of you have heard of Finasteride and Minoxidil, hair loss medications. They are just DHT inhibitors but with side effects. That's why they tell you nofap doesn't work, so they can sell these products

I don’t really browse Jow Forums, but I stay away from supps aside from vitamins and stims.

i don't buy into this hairloss shit, but can you not understand that something happens inside our bodies if we are not releasing the sexual tension? that we get more energy to impregnate females?

do you have a source for your claims?

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You can look it up what DHT is, what it does to hair follicles, what finasteride and minoxidil are.
Then if you have a receding hairline or hair loss issue, try nofap for 2 weeks to a month and see the results for yourself. If it doesn't work, then you can just curse me and fap twice as much as you used to in order to make up for the faps lost

I only jack off to furry cock vore porn
jewish porn industry BTFO

>You can look it up what DHT is, what it does to hair follicles, what finasteride and minoxidil are.
i know what these are. i want to know if you're speculating about dht and fapping or if you actually have a source

people have been going bald and losing their hairlines since fucking antiquity you goddamn moron

people have not been race mixing as long as your degenerate mind thinks stupid stinky anglo

how comes sluts aren't completely bald then

>not watching cam sluts
>there's your problem

proofs where?

Fapping makes you go blind aswel

And guess who isit that sells the most glasses and eyedrops....


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Spain bro, [off topic] what do you think of Mestizos?

Ejacutation makes the body prodyce Oxytocin. Oxytocin converts testosterone into DHT
>Oxytocin (OT) is traditionally thought of as a "female" neurohypophysis hormone due to its role in parturition and milk ejection. However, OT is recognized as having endocrine and paracrine roles in male reproduction. At ejaculation, a burst of OT is released from the neurohypophysis into the systemic circulation and stimulates contractions of the reproductive tract aiding sperm release. There is conclusive evidence that OT is synthesized within the mammalian testis, epididymis and prostate and the presence of OT receptors (OTRs) through the reproductive tract supports a local action for this peptide. OT has a paracrine role in stimulating contractility of the seminiferous tubules, epididymis and the prostate gland. Interestingly, OT has also been shown to modulate androgen levels in these tissues via stimulation of the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestostone (DHT) by 5alpha-reductase

Lower height, lower IQ, we shouldn't have racemixed with the natives

>nutting makes your T levels shrink
>basedboys are low in T levels
Why wouldnt you not stop?

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What if those Mestizos reproduce with a white girl and they become Castizos? Are they still shit?

Same question I asked before to Spainanon and this question. I just want to know what do Iberians think of them.

Also, I've done nofap for a few months already. My life has gotten better in some parts but I've been fucking more recently and you said something that ejaculating is still bad because it can still cause hair loss. So is sex bad then in this case?

It's a shit move from the mestizo to taint that white girl's bloodline, but the offsprings have their blood cleansed, so as long as they have predominantly white features, they are okay

Fapping and sex all lead to ejaculation. But normally you fap way more frequently than having sex. So you are okay as long as you can overcome the chaser effect, unless you fuck 2-3 times a day