#TimesUp Trump

Finally SOMEONE is going to ACTUALLY drain the swamp! #ImWithHer #NoMoreOrangeCheeto #RESIST


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funny how their new program is
>drain the swamp
>bring jobs back to the usa
it reminds me of someone else's program hhmhmmmmmmm...


Why is your guys' political system so fucking insane? It literally just keeps going until it loops back over itself like a snake eating its own tail.
Pic related, Spain.

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go away leftie Jow Forums is not for you

Good... bet the whole party on an anti corruption platform right before you get BTFO by the IG report... solid plan.

All by design my man. Yours may seem different on the surface, or maybe it doesn't, but it's all really exactly the same. Veneer changes, substance doesn't.

Are they promising to all quit?

Sooooo..... they couldn’t figure out how to spin it as racist..

>Hey let me copy your homework

>Why is your guys' political system so fucking insane? It literally just keeps going until it loops back over itself like a snake eating its own tail.
We have the attention span of gerbils, ala facebook and twitter. One travesty and disagreement to the next.

goddammit does my id really say burger. have a bump before i flee this thread in shame.

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Better a poo than a fuckin leaf

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>we're going to drain (((ourselves)))

desu it's fun to watch and I hope it keeps being insane. I don't even follow our boring as shit politics. Every day I wake up and see what's happening in your system and am just stunned and in awe...like wtf is THIS move? Do they really think they somehow 180 this into looking like the good guys? This is full Orwellian delusion and I love it.
Q predicted this.
>obviously a poo defending a fellow poo

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>Draining the swamp

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No, everyone on this board would get a poo over a leaf.. you’d be the last guy that no team picks.. sad!

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it was kinda amusing for a little while but now its just desperate and sad.i wonder how much further they can sink themselves.cant wait to find out.

More edge than a butter knife. But you be careful, I hear that's illegal there.
I view it like most of the conspiracy shit MUST be true if they're going this hard at it...they have nothing left to lose at this point, so they might as well try some insane moves. It's like watching a cornered wild animal. Anything they do, even if it blows up in their face, won't be as bad as the truth actually coming out.

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Stay mad that poos think you guys are faggots thanks to your PM

Two words.
Marc Rich

Check that them come back and support Hillary some more.

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Rare flag

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Watch it, burger!

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Now they want to stop Mueller. This couldn't possibly get any funnier.


He's still just a substitute drama teacher. Christ, how did you get so fucking gay.



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>Sure...but I didn't actually do it, I just shat on the sheet

I love this, drain the swamp means government is inherently corrupt and dems refused to admit this. They think they can use it and say drumpf is the swamp but the message falls flat without wanting to Make America Great Again. #LockHerUp and #DrainTheSwamp only worked because of #MakeAmericaGreatAgain which is something dems will still refuse to do

>nothing's working, Cletus and Billybob won't vote for us
>copy Trump verbatim

Maybe you guys didn't hear me the FIRST time...pic related.
To their credit this is some serious outside the box thinking on their part. Just when I think there's no angle for them left to squirm out of the corner they try THIS. Let's tell everyone Mueller is a danger to democracy and needs to stop investigating (because he couldn't find anything on Trump and looking is exposing us) and promise to drain the swamp Trump has created with all the people we wrote fake news hitpieces on and use those hitpieces as our source of proof that they're the swamp 2 + 2 = 5 four legs good two legs ba-a-a-ad

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>Drain the swamp
Still means there will be a swamp
We want fill the swamp in with concrete

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Mueller is a danger for the dems, they will soon call for him to be fired. Since shlomo can’t think 2 steps ahead they probably think that trump will fire mueller now that the left wants him gone so that they can flip and say trump didn’t let mueller finish the investigation. Mueller won’t be fired and dems will be sorry that they didn’t try to get rid of him sooner

The left really can't meme can they?

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When all the shit comes out about what went down at the FBI and where they got all their false info, Mueller and team are going to have to sheepishly conclude that there was no conclusion.

The next six 4 months will be a wild ride

>poo defending poo


How original

>Clinton and DNC rigged primary against Bernie
>Wasserman-Schultz's IT aide under criminal investigation
>Obama administration weaponizing the US Intelligence community against an opposing presidential campaign

If the Dims are going to run on an anti-corruption message...they can't look like hypocrites

The DEMS are going to destroy their own home?

Leaf, he is a poor excuse of an amateur boxer that has a glass jaw and the predatory nature of a goldfish. Most half decent fighters would wipe the floor with him. He is also an incompetent clown that probably gets bullied and called a nerd behind closed doors by other world leaders.

with kek and GEOTUS' help yes.

>1 post by this ID

This. I can't wait to see how this spreads through the left, they've been championing Mueller like he's a god and now they have marching orders to turn against him...will the cognitive dissonance finally wake some of them up or will they just go along with it like sheep? jk we know the answer to that already.
Pic related...you were saying?

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>Glassjaw McCrumble

All the people that bought into it entirely, I’m not just referring to the mueller (((investigation))), I’m referring to all the degeneracy, the open borders, dying for Israel, etc. will mass suicide when they find out they’ve been championing for the devil. Tranny suicide rate will be 95% when they find out they were just useful idiots. The other 5% never became tranny’s to make a statement. Niggers will chimp out like never before and won’t be allowed to use muh racism to excuse their actions. All these fat ugly feminist types will never leave their rooms again after they realize they ruined themselves for nothing more than a political statement. It’s early for me still so I’m just rambling

>“People in this country feel like they’re not being listened to by government,” he added. “It’s because they’re not.”
they always listenin mhmm
largest amateur porn stash on earth too

Your guys' system has unironically made me plan to get a gun here in maple land incase things go the way they're going there. It feels like we are at a legitimate tipping point...up till now everyone knew "politicians lie and there's probably some backroom deals" but what's going to be exposed and the trusted people that are going to be exposed is going to be like a shockwave rippling through your country, especially if it goes all the way down into pizzagate territory. It would be like finding out your loving dad was raping all your siblings and friends around you after taking you for ice cream and hugs. The masses aren't mentally prepared for something this big.

Imagine realizing you chopped off your genitals because you fell for Jewish
social engineering of the goy! I'd kill myself too desu.

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You leafs are okay don’t come to burger land tomorrow

>don’t come to burger land
I fear the rake too much

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>Cletus and Billybob
The funny thing is that this is what democrats actually think of Trumps voters.

Digits say so. Also checked.

Btw Washington was the place that voted more overwhelmingly for Hilldawg, 95% or so.

Let me archive that for you, Leaf


>Pic related...you were saying?

Glass jaw.

>Plagiarism is all they got left.
Trump has broken the Democrats. He took them up over his head, and literally snapped their spine a la "Bane Breaking the Bat".

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this is the same shit as Hannity always referring to "the fake news" and "media" like he's not part of it

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Everyone who doesn’t live in a major city is trailer park trash that can’t afford to live in a major city to them. 2016 really helped bring that to light and it’s going to be impossible to win Cletus and Billy Bobs vote now

>“The swamp has never been more foul, or more fetid, than under this president.” - Sleepy-eyed Chuck Schumer
This might be the first time Chucky has ever told the truth

To be fair that's also what the rest of us think of all Americans.
Pic related.
It's incredible that they're taking this route. It's like they're slumlords blaming tenants for the filthy living conditions they created. And I bet it WORKS too.

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As long as they don't recover white working class. The ones they lost and had being staunchly pro-democrat befor Trump take them under the now Progressive-Marxist Democrats.

I'm reading the article and some things are funny.
>We want to speak less about Trump unlike in 2016.
>So we will speak about how corrupt Trump administration is. But this is not about Trump.
>Our new message is mainly economic with a side of fighting corruption
>No, we are not copying Trump program! What a silly idea.

>We want to speak less about Trump unlike in 2016.
I can't wait to see them telling Morning Joe and Mika "guys guys guys can we STOP talking about Trump, GODDDD it's ALL you guys talk about!!" and seeing the confusion on their faces. This is straight out of like the Mean Girls highschool cool kids club playbook. "OMG you still wear THOSE? Those are SO last season UGH, this is what's cool now Becky"
>No, we are not copying Trump program! What a silly idea.
The best part of this will be watching Trump call it out. "I'm doing such a good job that they're copying me!" How can they not see that he's going to turn this around on them and use it to secure 2020? How can they be so dumb?? I'm a LEAF and even I can see this

with those quads anything is possible

impeach the swamp thing

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people talk shit about Trudeau getting knocked out are only talking about a little sparring session where he got bopped a bit, it wasnt even a real fight

Trudeau is undefeated in the ring officially

Nice vomic, I would buy it. Better than Marvel SJWs crap anyway.

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They'll probably steal 'MAGA' next.

>Trudeau is undefeated in the ring officially
He could probably beat Mayweather.
I unironically can't wait for your guys' next election just to see what their slogans will be. I think they're going to manage to top Pokemon go to the polls.

More like MAMA
Make America Mexico Again

Imagine losing SO HARD that you abandon your failed policies and adopt those of your biggest rival.

It would be refreshing if they did, but I know they won't; the most they will do is pay weak lip-service to the ideals and loudly proclaim that it wan, in fact, THEY, THE DEMOCRATS, that were ALWAYS AND FOREVER the last bastion of domestic conservative ideals!

You know it'll happen, I know it'll happen, and in a few short months so will everyone else.

>loudly proclaim that it wan, in fact, THEY, THE DEMOCRATS, that were ALWAYS AND FOREVER the last bastion of domestic conservative ideals!
Is this like how the Dems and Repubs switched sides with the slavery thing? Orwell would be stunned by this whole thing.

>Hillary Clinton committed suicide earlier this evening during a press conference at a community college in a flyover state.
>She was reported to have loudly proclaimed that "Trump had the right idea." to a chorus of angry jazz-hands
>After several moments of shouting, tears, and general heckling; the former first-lady produced a gallon jug of Draino from inside her podium and immediately began to chug it like "the blood of her child victims" quoted late stateswoman Jean Shaheen, shortly before she flung herself into a woodchipper at her palatial Massachusetts home.
>Ms. Clinton quickly drained the jug, throwing it into the audience along with a gout of acidic vomit and a string of curses.
>Collapsing, the former candidate writhed and shrieked some very damning accusations against the State of Israel, top U.S. governmental officials, several judges and celebrities, and the entire U.S. media apparatus before melting into something that didn't scream anymore.
>The liquefied remains were hurriedly scooped into a bucket and transported to her private estate.
>The bucket was found dead of suicide from two sniper rifle shots to the head. The rifle is still at large.

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Point of order?
Can we get a burger flag?

>Trudeau is undefeated in the ring officially
Does he still do title fights?
Can I challenge him?

>Can I challenge him?
Probably. He'll have plenty of free time to train when we boot him out of office next election.

It's deliberate.
Well drawn, good use of contrasting and wavy lines.

your #resistance is pathetic, you larping faggot. you're not resisting anything. you're attempting to actively sabotage a fairly elected presidents term.

if you faggots manage to impeach Trump (which you won't), we'll just do to your candidate what you did to ours. it's a war that'll never end and you pussies started it.

kill yourself

Rock on.

Why do threads die after I post in them?

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because you're a faggot and nobody will ever love you, retard
