Anchor Babies

when/why did we start calling anchor babies dreamers?

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>no tenemos miedo
sorry I dont speak poverty

Anchor babies and DREAMers are mutually exclusive groups by definition.

Please put a little more research into your slide thread next time.

Thanks, management

But anchor babies can't be dreamers because they're citizens. OP is retarded or a shill.

This is the sort of crap that brings Jow Forums a bad name, dredging up a tired old technical point to deny people their rights.

Look at it this way: if we allow everyone who lives in America to pursue the American Dream, we just might make America great again. The only people I know who actually still believe in the American Dream are the mexicans in my trailer park who work godawful hours in the hopes that their children will get good educations and have better jobs than cleaning houses, construction, and landscaping.


Boomer detected

>Boomer detected

What part of that comment implied that I was born before 1964, or whenever?

When they started "dreamin" they were Americans.

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So you where born 1964? Hi late boomer.

Those are native Americans

>muh technicalities
they are called laws and they dont get magically revoked because of your feelings

>illegal immigration is great just listen to my anecdotal evidence
so weak it might as well be bait

no u

"The american dream" was a jewish ad agency slogan designed to shape society into allowing the flood of dirty immigrants into the "melting pot" which would serve the jews up their dream of an easily controllable dumbed down single brown race

>So you where born 1964?

What part of that comment implied that I was born in 1964?

You mean 'indians".

Yeah, I know that.

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>a jewish ad agency slogan

Whether that's true or not, the American Dream used to be a real thing, and still is for the people from shithole countries who come here and work like slaves in the hope that their kids will have a better future. That's what the Dream was for many immigrants over the years, and still is.


She should be

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When the obama administration started doing it and 'we' found it hilariously retarded.

Why they do it? It's emotional blackmail/brainwashing. The same reason newspapers/bulletins will show mothers with young crying children to represent a migrant stream consisting for 95% of fighting age males.

Anchor babies arent citizens.
Birthright citizenship DOES NOT exist shlomo

>muh optics

Good enough optics now, faggot?

Eat shit kike

I have dream that the country isn't overrun my endless foreign hordes.

Dreamers were brought here underage,
Anchor babies were born here.

One is illegal, the other is a us citizen

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Read the constitution delusional troll.

Anyone born on us soil is a us citizen. Get over it

>used to be
no. the goal outlined was attainable by anyone for a period from 1948-1985 but it was never the promise of the american dream. this was the period used to condition 2 generations into being pure wagecucks or tax dollar atms for all the shitheads, including illegal immigrants, who refuse to participate and contribute to the "dream". it was always about pacifying the populace with tv shows and bigger tvs to watch them on while destabilizing true time tested societal glues like family and religion and civic duty.
now wanna talk about the next phase of the "dream" uh i mean destabilization, the 20 years of "everyone can own a home and 2 cars" lending/debt cycle?

>muh exceptionalism
plenty of immigranta try to flood the first world in hope of a better life, not just here. So I dunno why because it's "america" they should be getting a free immigrationcheck pass solely based on historic memes. My ancestors certainly werent just welcomed in like that so kys with the revisionism.

Secondly most parents typically want better for their children whether they are lower, working, middle or upper class. So you can get fucked once again with your shitty truisms about muh based foreign workers.

You first.

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Change the narrative just start calling them anchor babies again.

>Italians look like natives

Really makes me think

That's why he's crying for the indians.

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Obama coined the term, if I recall correctly.

I think it's easy to figure out why.

Your shitty "fuck the laws because my feelings.. and also fuck your feelings" attitude.

I feel you should kill yourself. That means, by your logic, if you don't you are a bad person.

>not just here. So I dunno why because it's "america"

The "american" part is a reference to the fact that in many countries there is a more rigid class system, whereas IN THEORY in america anyone (bill clinton, obama, nixon, truman) can come from ordinary beginnings and become anything if they are smart and play by the rules.

It's largely bullshit, but the class systems in other countries are oftentimes more rigid than the american.

>"fuck the laws because my feelings.. and also fuck your feelings"

that's what "boomer" means to you?

you're insane.

those t-shirts aren't an attack on the very true stereotype that all native american indians are alcoholic niggers.
they're a self-depreciating joke to be worn by people who plan on drinking a copious amount which uses the difference between names in the native and english cultures as the basis of its humor.
the former being chosen by a senior after the personality of a tribe member has been established, the latter chosen at birth by the parents.

The joke is that the wearer of the shirt is a useless alcoholic.
not that all prairie-niggers are alcoholics.
which they are.

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These anchor babies are the result of US prosperity and the ius soli policy which makes hordes of useless immigrants flock come illegally as the cheat for citizenships. If a baby of US parents born outside US is US citizen, why don't US change the citizenship based on ius sanguinis? As some entity at US wants to exploit this.....