Why does Russia not hand over Sakhalin island to Japan?

Russia is a fucking shithole, Japan should have Sakhalin island! In fact Russia should be annexed by Japan but only if the native Russians can be genocided! I love Japan!

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Why would they? What would they have to gain from giving away land?

I agree.

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Nice b8 faggot

the nips are actually lucky they were a-bombed when they were or stalin and his jews would have taken half of nippon and made it into another north korea.


Sakhalin is rightful russian clay. It only seems like it should be part of japland because its an island.

More leik why doesnt Japan kick their asses again and take it?

How many people even live there?

Seriously even looking at a map it looks like it should be Jap land! plus Japs were there first! Kurill island and Sakhalin must be given to Japan! Russia is a shithole and doesn't use the land well anyways! Also give back ALL OF Karelia to Finland! Russia is a fake country full of retards...just look at google maps and see the difference from japan and russia it's literally day and night.

no retard...all land that was once part of the japanese empire is rightful japanese clay

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Japan has the real paris, fuck france! France is rightful Japanese clay as well! World Japanese domination! literally the shittiest city in Japan is still better then anywhere in Russia or the west.

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Japanese discovered Hokkaido in '600s, they have never even explored their backyard in their history. Sakhalin is rightful Russian

If we went by that logic, a third of the world would belong to the UK.

japan cannot declare war, though if theyre attacked first they could

sounds good to me

The UK belongs to the third world now.

Hokkaido is Russian clay. All nipps are deccendants of our buryats, so the are Russians in denial. quora.com/Why-do-Buryat-Russians-look-Japanese

You'd just ruin that too.

I find pretty hilarious that right after WWII USSR find gigantic natural gas deposits under Sakhalin, and now Russia is monopolist on Japanese gas market.

more than a third mate

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>Russia is a fucking shithole, Japan should have Sakhalin island! In fact Russia should be annexed by Japan but only if the native Russians can be genocided! I love Japan

Because Japan has enough surplus, jobless drunks.

Sure Sapporo capital of Hokkaido is famous for Ramen Noodles soooo Russian

If land would go to the nation that deserves it the most german would own all of europe. Not a single other country doing shit on this continent. Same with the burgers and the rest of america.

So you have crayons So what.

yeah but Japan is the best country in the world, and the uk is a muslim african shithole full of cucks

Now the UK belongs to the third world

Why does Japan not hand over Hokkaido?

Ha. Danzig is rightful polish clay

1- Japan was there first, but only used it as a fishing outpost
2- it gets too cold for vacations or anything really useful
3- the island sucks, almost inhospitable depending on the location and time of year
4- russia has been there for 200 years now and milked almost all of the resources
5- who cares

Saikhalin is rightful Nippon clay.
Hokkaido has the Ainu. The Ainu are primal Japs and thus rightful Nippon possessions


the hairy native people who were genocided? Ring a bell? Morons

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I hate cancerous nu/pol/

Russia is run by kikes. Holocaust denial is illegal in Jewtin's slave camp. Why would these jewish thieves have any right to Karafuto?

They weren't genocided. They were just subject to mass Japanese migration, who in turn, brought along their own culture, had more children than the Ainu, and even bred with the local, etc, and ah... Ohhhhhhh

Europe, I have bad news for you.


Don't forget the Kurils

because it would set a precedent for russia to start giving back other people's clay. next germany is going to want koenigsberg back, etc.
plus, it's comfy under russian rule. If japanese still had it, it would be overpopulated like the rest of japan.

The culture that involved forcing Ainu people to put their face in the mud to show respect to Japanese? They could be killed instantly for not bowing in such a manner. Why are you defending the removal of the Ainu? Are you japanese? Give me a break.

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If only Jow Forums wasn't as brainwashed as to believe all "muh based russia" propaganda and see the country for the jewish bastion of absurdity it is, we'd be going somewhere.

look at a map. its so far north that shits just frozen tundra in the winter

Kill yourself

>hand over Sakhalin island to Japan?
No, they lost it in war. If the Japs want it back they have to fight for it. If they're as based as you say then begging and pleading for scraps from Russia is beneath them.

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yeah, nothing to see here, move along!

The Dakotas are frozen tundras in winter, too. It's called a season. There are many resources on the 30k sq mi island that make winter not an important factor in deciding whether or not to keep an island. It's on the same latitude as Maine and Washington.

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The war was faked by the jews, you bluepilled retard


aka it's a fraud

Give back Ukraine and we'll give Japan back it's shit island

Russia was the reason Japan surrendered in WWII
... not the nuke


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

you;re a fucking nigger. Conquest is a rightful way of gaining territory.

Russia? Nigger, Japan was nuked by America because they were about to invade Russia

So the turks deserve asia minor? Numbers mean more than strategy?

Conquest through legal methods is smart military strategy now, welcome to the 21st century.

The retardation of this board is without measure

the ruskies took it from the japs and so its rightfully theirs. Old jap empires and borders mean nothing.

Conquest IS a rightful means of gaining territory
You might not like chinks and slavs living on clay that used to be japanese, you might not like Germany being reduced to what it is now as I don't, but if you want it to change it has to change through conquest
China isn't going to give itself to Japan, just like Poland isn't going to give itself to Germany

>friend of the jew
doctor's plot

You're probably some stupid fucking circumcised jew slave who thinks Hitler was some epic strategist and not a horrible actor. And you're talking down to me? Look down and know your place.

The jews took it from japan and nothing is theirs, how bluepilled are you?


Even Stalin came to hate them at the end of all things. But don't for second believe the Soviet Union wasn't a thoroughly jewish entity.

His right hand man was Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich who was a jew and his wife was a jew, he married two jews before her. Joseph Stalin's real name is Yakov Vissarionovich Djugashvili, the surname translates as "Son of Jew" in georgian

how in god's name are you on Jow Forums and stupid enough to think the soviet union wasn't a jewish false flag? you fucking cutslaves suck

Based Chad not being conquered by the bongs

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Nuke Japan again when they get aggressive, fucking weeb clock set back to 00

Your intellectually wrong.

Conquest is rightful, but the system in which only certain people are allowed to have wars of conquest is a scam. Japan can't retake Sakhalin even though it obviously could. Japan could run the most elaborate psychological operations and have Russian people fucking dancing on the streets for a fake robot idol while they wage war against the country's leaders. Oh, but muh nukes, as if russians are smarter than japanese people. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. The world's a big show, and only certain actors are allowed to do certain things, in case you haven't noticed. First day here?

eloquent, simple, funny.

Because they're still sore about Alaska.

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Actually I'm just a bit over your head right now, and you're living in 1764

>next germany is going to want koenigsberg back, etc.
It was offered to them right after the cold war, and they declined.

If the nips think its their island then they're welcome to send their police over to try and enforce japanese law.

that's because jews were in charge of germany hahaha holy bluepilled

Russian australia is under firm control


Why is leftypol so bluepilled about jewish involvment in the soviet union?


>muh nukes
>russians are smarter than japs
When did I say that?
>The world's a big show, and only certain actors are allowed to do certain things
When did I state otherwise?
>you said something i disagree with, you must be new

jews have created a world system in which only they're allowed to carry out military actions or else they genocide everyone else. That's not possible. Of course they could take over the island, they're japanese. They built battleships in the 19th century.

At that time, they were. Of course they still are.

I'm suggesting jewish conquest is carried out through blackmail and pleasure, which I think should be illegal. Therefore, I live in a different world than you.

Why isn't Lithuania split between Russia and Poland?

What a useless map.

Obviously pleasure is the greatest thing, not saying the emotion should be illegal, lel, but the manipulation of pleasure by jews through drugged food and water that pacifies a population.


Oh wait, am I on a forum where jews poisoning wells is considered a tactical military stratagem?

give me a break

the normie opinion is that stalin is just as bad as hitler. you don't think there's a (((reason))) why?

Its hilarious to do google street view in Japan then do it in Sakhalin.

because he was another faction of the jewish elite the current world order has distanced itself from? Not everything is black and white, genius. Sometimes both are evil. The DHS and CIA are warring right now, and I certainly don't pick sides because they're both fucking deranged.

>Wife Dies
>Prick for the rest of his life

Why doesn't russia and others hand over rightful Finnish clay

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>i love japan

I mean, really. Do you know how much money was invested in the Soviet project? The people and time? The idea that someone would just accidentally hand it over to a non-elite jew (or one of their agents) is just a laugh riot. Let me guess, the post-Ottoman states were all given to real muslims, too? Africa back to the Africans? hahahaha, these places are run by actors while the financiers and industrialists laugh their way to the bank, as they've been doing with great pleasure for at the very least, an entire century now.

Stalin was far worse but even (((they))) can't fully white wash Stalin or the Soviets though professor noseberg does try. Notice how its much more socially acceptable to openly display commie paraphernalia today when even just 10-15 years ago that shit was in the same taboo tier as Nazi stuff.

>when the weaboo dose hits hard
Okay non country remember what you said when the big muscle Ivan tears down your door and makes you his little bitch.

by that logic hitler must've been a jewish agent too

No shit, retard.


Let me guess, you already have a response to the 100 pages of evidence I just posted


when did you invade us exactly bong? I can't recall.

>hitler was a jewish meth addict who was sexually perverse and also a gay prostitute and he was programmed by western intelligence agencies
Jews get out

They didn't 'invade' most of the countries listed, it's an utterly useless map. Half the countries on that modern world map didn't exist before the second world war anyway and for the others, it basically seems to count "having had unfriendly relations with" as invading.

6 million

Huh? Gay prostitute? meth addict? No those are jewish misdirection. I don't want you to believe me. I don't want stupid people on my side. I want you to stay in Hitler's camp and make his followers look fucking brain dead so that I win arguments easier. so continue screeching autistically, I'll have some fun here, you're dealing with someone who gets off on mockery, so let's have at it!