Today is the one year anniversary of this gruesome attack.
Im sure most of us have forgot about this (including me) but id like to see what Jow Forums think/has on this.
Can anyone else believe its already been a whole year???
Today is the one year anniversary of this gruesome attack.
Im sure most of us have forgot about this (including me) but id like to see what Jow Forums think/has on this.
Can anyone else believe its already been a whole year???
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>inb4 reddit spacing
apologies, it looked better when i was typing
Nobody cares about terrorist attacks and school shootings anymore because they happen every other day
that it was forgotten so quickly is amazing and testament to the power of social media/internet monopolies and a culture of shaming anyone who dares step outside the allowed thought protocols.
shit was fake as fuck.
Everyone in Manchester is marking it tonight though
goddamnit how does he keep getting away with this
>muh false flags
Alex Jones pls go
what did he mean by this
Don't look back in anger (at the Muslims)
People who look back in anger should be jailed...
Forgiveness :)
good one dad
>Grande was raised a Roman Catholic but abandoned Catholicism during the pontificate of Benedict XVI, citing opposition to the church's stance on homosexuality, noting that her half-brother Frankie is gay. She has followed Kabbalah teachings since the age of twelve, along with Frankie, believing "the basis lies in the idea that if you're kind to others, good things will happen to you."
That’s just part and parcel of attending a concert
so youre saying jews?
I remember people were car pooling to get home after the attack and that there were muslims already waiting for people to ask for help and some people who got in the car from them went missing. I have no idea if those who went missing turned up eventually or not.
any sauce?
never heard anything about this
how could we forget PART n PARCEL
The people currently ruling your country should be jailed.
>Muslims dindu nuffin
I remember that thread. Yeah girls went missing. I think they caught one of the pakis. One girl was written ifc as a casualty of the bombing but turned out she got into one of these rides and never returned
free taxi rides. pretty sure this girl got V&.
pretty sure that dude didn't really exist. he was a character for the story
>be nigger / sandnigger
>talk about 'muh 50s 60s 70s racism' all the fucking time
>what happened nigger that you so mad still?
>"wypipo, dey call us niggers: 'niggers' / 'pakis' yo!"
>did 'wypipo' bomb your children, gang rape them, mug them, deal drugs to them????
>"nah, you jus bein racist an shiieet"!
Whatever 'white racism' is, white people have paid and then some! white ethno state please!!!
damn RIP
wtf are you on about
why don't the bongs ban bombs? They should make it illegal so nothing like this ever happens again.
You mutts had a school shooting a few days ago.
settle down, muhammed
Little sympathy. Jow Forums does that to you. The primary group who gets used to promote open borders is young girls. If those young girls were open borders #notallmuslims then no sympathy, if they were normal, then terrible crime.
Don't forget, if they want open borders, they want it for the people that didn't ask for it, for you and your families. Just to virtue signal.
Funny thing is i didn't hear about no #notallmuslim shit after this happened, how could they spin a direct attack on them, as muslims being oppressed.
I studied at Manchester uni between 2016-17, I used to park up next to the arena (as I am from Lancashire, so I would drive in and avoid the main city centre). I used to walk to the uni from there and everyday seeing the mass lines of people wonder how long it would be before someone just runs into them and snackbar them.
The odd thing is, I walked past the guys flat everyday, so potentially whilst he was cooking the thing up I was right on his doorstep.
Around all this time I saw some interesting stuff in Mcr centre that made me wonder if something else is coming our way. One being a group of muslim men (some in the traditional garb, others wearing trackies, all smoking weed) and talking in arabic whilst pointing at the Palace theatre.
>"the basis lies in the idea that if you're kind to others,your fans will be exploded.
I could care less about Pakistanis getting killed, honestly.
nice LARP, Ackmed
Don't look back in anger, is all I can say.
that's deep dude
>Funny thing is i didn't hear about no #notallmuslim shit after this happened
Aren't Muslims just lovely?
>i bless you with my nuts and bolts of peace!
It was Trump's fault. If he hadn't been such a cunt to ISIS they would have still been shooting up French concerts instead of bombing ours.
I still an confused how this kid was able to get his hands on explosives on an Island. And managed to get a kill count that high. Fortunately Usually bombings tend to just simply injure people.
because he didn't. only people cooking stuff up was the UK intelligence agencies.
same. about the explosives part..
Might have heard wrong but a brother of one of the victims is setting up a countermarch to protest the far right trying to divide the country lol
kek you cant make this shit up
Nobody better say it had anything to do with Islayum!
Islayum to Mi! to Mi! is Thee-Most-Feminist_religione in the Wurld
-World's greatest Hero and feminist Abdel Magied
Yeah a School shooting by a deranged idiot who had a connection to the people he killed and he killed them for several more or less understandable reasons.
muhammad blew up a bunch of 12 year olds at a concert for kids...
I mean to even put them on the same level shows how delusional and cucked you are.
ha ha goeie, lul.
Is it me or do they never show pics of the uggos that got killed?
>all those underage girls who were kidnapped by those “generous” Muslim taxi cab drivers offering free rides, never to be seen again, ignored completey by mainstream media
Modern civilization is maddening
Have they bothered to find that paki burka woman who was caught on CCTV handing the backpack with the pressure cooker and nails over to the arab yet?
She was smiling from ear to ear and looking right at CCTV. I remember minimal coverage of it at the time and there was no police followup.
I'm glad Purple Aki didn't get injured though. He's a treasure.
fuck off
that didnt happen did it?
id fucking hunt them down
It did actually. But only 3-4 of 'em are missing to this day.
Get your shit together again England.
Are you sure dude?
Why arent parents looking for them??
Is there a source on that?
Positive. I have mates who are on the forces and they're aware of it.
Other than stuff I hear on the down-low no, no official source.
To be honest though, with the mass rape of our girls, they could admit on live tv that it's happened and nobody would bat an eyelid unfortunately.
A year ago today I was working less than a mile from the arena.
I remember the ambulances rushing by although I didn't hear any explosion.
And about half an hour later I had two teenagers come in and ask which way the nearest bnb was..
They responded to me well and we did what anyone in those circumstances would do.
...which is great because I'm a Muslim with beard n all.
Terrorism does not represent us although the Muslim world has issue with a lot of things at present.
"terrorism doesnt represent us althought the muslime world has issue with a lot of things at present"
>Delusional Cultist is worried about Cultists
Buddy your religion is the equivalent of Nazism only Hitler never raped an 8 year old.
>get bent
Nah, that turned out to be BS (though understandable - muslims are notorious for pretending to be taxis to pick up drunk girls near the Printworks). People on here didn't understand that the people being described as missing were people who were in the morgue but not identified yet.
the hospital pictures are the best. they are all creepy.
No surprise, but-
>go to any bbc article about the bombing
>ctrl+f muslim
>no results
>ctrl+f islam
>no results
Lol you can make of it what you want but in the end, it always just ends up as the understanding you have on the inside.
The area is multicultural working class.. white, black, Brown, yellow, English speaking and non English speaking..
Believe me when I say your deluding yourself.
It's a hard place to live with all the coming back.
It's not impossible to sneak that stuff in, and he had connections to jihadis in Libya (his parents were Islamist exiles)
You’re a wizard, Ali
RIP Proof :(
Just have to add that I have co-workers that joined the army and I was seriously thinking about it but for the killing..
It's a cop out for sure but i have had Brown kids that you would think bad off, turn up in raf ponchos to give the game away.
It really isn't what you think it be like.
TFW its easier to sneak in chemical explosives in than a plastic pellet gun
post more
next time think about going to some slut brainwashing
yeah I forgot about it, I have to keep up with all the names of places that had mass shootings here in the states, I can't be arsed to keep up with all the ones in the UK too
i doubt the 8 year old girl knew anything about the jewish brainwashing
Fake shit
Well it's her parents fault for letting her in such degenerate place full of whores and loud music which is unhealthy for children, now they will suffer.
Everyone was killed by a bomb but the fucking room and floor have no damage. Retard freemasons.
Slag off
a bunch of them have the exposed striped socks. I dunno what is up with that. this girl looks like she just being kept drugged
there was phone camera footage from inside that room and it just showed a bunch of people milling around. No agency or tension what so ever. All staged for the camera
Is she wearing a parachute? Kid just hops on a vacant bed for a photo op. Giant hands for a young girl.
Press S to spit on the crisis actors.
Why did so many Muslims respond to the attack by immediately going to a victim narrative about how the attack would negatively effect Muslims?
I literally heard Muslims whining about potential "Islamophobia" before any had even materialised and while the bodies were still warm.
It was genuinely repulsive, rage inducing.
Is there any other group of people that would whine about mean words and insults aimed at their group when someone in their group had just massacred dozens of children?
Good they deserve it, fuck those weak europeans the faster they submit the better.
Those are probably the euro version of acti tread, they’re socks that they give you in hospitals so you don’t slip on the tile
So dumb