Is it legal to kill her in self defense? There are thousands of men who have killed themselves because their x wives took everything from then, so i would argue that a divorce settlement theft by the woman is an attack on the mans life and it is literally self defense for the man to kill her before she can steal everything from him. Try to fault my reasoning. You cant.
If my ex wife tries to steal my house, my money, and my children in a divorce settlement
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Partyvan coming for you
I would kill her before i killed myself.
The best thing to do long term is to live a great life and on the side do everything to fuck her life over. Pay a friend to start a relationship with her & waste her time just to leave her in a year or so. Maybe have him beat her once or twice nothing to land him in jail but enough to get the message through. Keep doing this until she hits the wall.
Prenups dont do shit anymore so when you get married you have to think of the long con. Especially if things look like they're getting bad, you liquidate assets like vehicles and stash the money away, or transfer ownership to family members. Has to be before she files papers tho. Fighting over house and kids is different though, but the advice I will give on that is snatch up your kids and demand 50/50 custody before proceedings start, then the court has to prove why that wont continue to work in the future. You have to play "fair" but until a judgement is made there is no law saying you cant have your children a minimum 50% of the time before a judgement is made.
Good luck. You get what you pay for with divorce lawyers...
Also document the fuck out of everything unsavory she does. Even after the divorce in case you're dragged back again for child support adjustments/custody battles in the future.
You gotta learn to live without "stuff" - you do not need all that shit. She is freeing you from worshiping commercialism. Men don't need pottery barn couches, suck it up buttercup.
Man fuck his ex-wife. I remember him from being young, he was an excellent actor. He seemed very happy
He is fucking destroyed now because of this woman, and he keeps paying her alimony that I don't even know if he can afford anymore
I’m married and I’ve repeatedly told my wife is she tries to leave I’ll kill her, and if she cheats on me I’ll cut her clit off. We have a loving healthy relationship, you just have to have clear expectations. Women will respect you more for having a spine
If a woman JUSTs you, and I mean really JUSTs you, as in nothing left to live for other than slaving away to pay your child support and live off tv dinners, then returning the favor is definitely in order.
Yeah it is really sad when someone has a net worth of $20 million and has to learn to live without having caviar and champagne with every meal. How is he ever going to manage?
Divorce settlements violate the NAP, launch the cruise missiles
For what though? So his ex-wife can live with caviar and champagne?
Fuck you
Oh fuck off reddit commie faggot.
What ever you say, Leo.
>my house
>my money
>my children
Oh look, another kid who doesn't understand that marriage is a merger of assets.
She doesn't get your money during the divorce. She gets it at the WEDDING.
Divorce isn't the act of the state taking your money. Divorce is the act of the state forcing you to surrender the half of your money you already gave her.
A divorce settlement isn't a reward bestowed upon a wife for being faithful. She could literally fuck her lawyer on the table in the courtroom and it wouldn't have any effect upon the fact that you already gave her half of your net worth ON THE DAY YOU GOT MARRIED.
I am so sick and tired of listening to divorced men crying about "she took my money." She didn't. You GAVE it to her in exchange for her affection, cause you're a fucking moron .
Nice worthless post, user
I don’t get that reference
Getting a prenup makes voids the "merger"
However, any money you make after that is indeed collective assets and is shared post-divorce
>Getting a prenup makes voids the "merger"
No it doesn't.
I actually believe you. This is how relationships should be.
Explain to me what a prenup does
Legal? No. Ethical? You can make the argument.
Then why do you never see men getting half of the woman's assets?
t. Virgin with 500 liberal female friends who love him but havent given him a single kiss.
Honestly user, you sound like a pedophile with your girl-power victimisation shit.
Please stay away from my kids you pervert.
The lawyers are to blame.
It deludes men into believing the money they made prior to getting married is theirs. In reality, there is no universal prenump that is acknowledged by all 50 states. There is always a clause in a prenump that will not be recognized by a set of states that will toss it out. All a woman needs to do to void a prenump is move to a state that won't recognize it's validity and file for divorce in that state. Tiger Woods had a prenump. His wife moved to New York and filed for divorce in that state because the prenump, while meeting Florida standards, wouldn't meet New York standards. She got $100 million dollars.
Further more, the majority of prenumps get tossed out on the grounds of emotional coercion. The state will not recognize a contract signed under duress and all a wife has to do is say that her husband threatened to break up with her if she refused to sign it, making the contract void in the eyes of the state because it was signed under threat of emotional trauma.
>protip: 50% includes your 401k
It's not legal, but it should be, and you'd be a legend for doing it.
He loves to party.
I would love to ask a divorced man how it feels to know that their kids are being fathered by a stranger who's only around to bone their mother. The literal chad cuck and the virgin divorcee. You can't make this shit up.
less likely to work now that you've posted premeditation online
Yes, those women are completely innocent angels, boyim.
>arguing that litigation is assault
You're not wrong, but good luck trying to make a court buy that.
You literally have no brain you fucking loser
I'm not dumb enough to get married in the first place.
Girls and women are innocent user, dont you know that?
Its the irish puritan ideal.
In europe, the whole idea that femininity and youth represent innocence is a joke. The germans (for example) are simply to intelligent to fall for the whole idea that you become guilty on your 18th birthday.
I know 40 year old racist boys who are more innocent than 10 year old liberal girls. World isnt flat.
Why did you married her in the first place. Enjoy your choice.
Touche’ user. Neither am i.
>Try to fault my reasoning. You cant.
>self defense requires imminent credible threat to your persona to apply
>a suicide is only a suicide in court if: the actor kills himself or the actor attempts to kill himself in credible manner but fails
so you'd have to be either dead or seriously attempting to kill yourself in the exact moment you killed your wife to safe your life
and your wife would have to be a credible inminent threat to your life at that exact moment you were trying to kill yourself for the self defense scenario to work
Honestly i get the feeling you think youre smarter than you are spic boy. No wonder your country is defaulting.
Im talking about the concept of an attack on a mans home/house/kids is something that could lead him to suicide. If the law xant connect those dots than morality sure can.
I would like to sent you an invitation to the concept that some humans walking on this earth actually do deserve to die.
If hell exists thats a bonus.
Stealing stuff that you havent earned, stuff that you dont deserve, is not a ticket to heaven in any way.
First of all, stop living in the United States in your problem is solved.
Second, what are her arguments of her getting everything?
Right? Only incels say this kind of cuckoo crazy shit
Its the way america works. The law is EXTREMELY biased in the favor of females. The root of the problem is pussy whipped cucked bitches who made laws so that their pussy whipping wives would have sex with them.
Ah, thirst, the eternal vice of 80% of mankind.
>>pay a friend to have a relationship with her
What's it like to be 14 and have no responsibilities, I've forgotten...
He was never an excellent actor.
He was a male model who got thrust into some blockbuster because he was pretty.
If you've ever seen him give an interview, it's quite clear that he's not very bright.
>There are thousands of men who have killed themselves because their x wives took everything from then,
All you can do is make sure you don't fall for the 'cunt' trap.
it is not legal but it is the chad thing to do
only beta soiboys let others destroy their lives and get away with it
if every time a woman divorced a man he would butcher her divorce would not exist anymore
Whats ur point. He made a decent post
Prenup is worthless here, just makes people feel good until things go badly.
Mummy was my favourite movie for a while. Didn't he have a shot at Rachel Weisz instead of that harpy?
So youre saying he didnt deserve his money in the first place? Thats a pretty weak argument user. Just makes you pook jealous.
You would go to jail, but at least you would come out with your assets intact
And with your dignity
The nose knows
>divorce would not exist anymore
it would, but there'd be no alimony, nor going out with things you've not participated to buying
Go back to preddit you worthless newfag
>Everyone who criticizes women is an incel
Oh ffs not this shit again.
>>decent post
Hi, I see that you are underage or retarded too, friend.
it may not be legal but it is just and without sin in the eyes of Dog
>the bitch had it coming your honor
flawless victory
Like: literally one in a million.
I'd argue the same is valid for those who helped in that existencislly theatening assault on you :
The enemy lawyer, the judge ( if complicit with the enemy ), etc ...
It's better too throw acid or mentally break her and facially destory her face beyond repair that's better punishment
It is not legal. Just marry a good woman, not a whore and this will neve happen.
Incel is faggoty preddit speak. You must be so new that it hurts if you don't know that.
Try going back there instead of ruining this board with your fucking gayness
You really think money is much of a comfort when everything you loved and treasured gets taken away from you by a treasonous whore? Ever heard the phrase money can't buy you happiness?
If you asked a bunch of married men with kids if they would give up their kids, wife and careers for 20million the majority of them would tell you hell no.
>is it legal to kill her in self defense.
Sadly no, you are allowed to defebd yourself against anyone but the state, and because she went through the legal system technically the state is the one stealing all your shit
here, at least, if you kill someone you're supposed to get an heirloom from, the heirloom is canceled, and passed to the other heirs
>kill your wife
>you thus don't inherit her share
>her boomer parents do
>they sell the house for cheap as fuck while you're in jail
>they also get you share, as a compensation for their loss
>they waste it on shit, giggles and cruise vacations
well, except if you don't get caught...
You should have just not left shit stains in your drawers and washed your stank-ass balls better.
Enjoy your TV dinner.
Haha yeah say that in court as your defense and see how well it goes for you.
This is a really good post
Those days are long gone...
Its funny how rumors exist that swiss are the smartest people on earth,
...and then you see posts like this...
Which totally prove the rumors to be true.
Cheers, my alpine friend. :)
>Is it legal to kill her in self defense?
NO, but is she's done anything illegal, it is legal to use your remaining assets to have her arrested and ruin her life.
After all she ruined yours with lies. Return the favor.
Wife's dad is a porn freak? Get electronic evidence and give it to her mother. Mom's an alcoholic? Tip off the bobbies next time she's driving drunk. Unreported income while receiving benefits? Report it. Wife is an illegal alien? ICE. You get the idea.
And you don't let up until she comes back and apologizes of her own free will.
Nah. Thanks for playing thi, professor.
>Divirce settlement decides half your shit is her property
>Try to justify murder as pre-emptive self defense
>Against you killing yourself
>To the courts that ruled that it was her shit in the first place
wew lad
nice comeback, smooth af
maybe you can downvotes my comment
>Is it legal to kill her in self defense?
No, but I wouldnt have a problem stabbing her to death and slitting her throat if that happened.
I like your style
only fags and losers believe there's such a thing as a low-blow
any conflict should be considered a free for all
You should really be paying attention to your teacher instead of larping on this board, child.
depends on law in your country/state fucko
a prenup can be either upheld or rejected
many bitches spend years racking up legal fees just to get a prenup thrown out so they can make max $hekels. look up elon musk's first wife, that's exactly what she did and she's basically a millionaire now, never has to work ever again.
add Russell Crowe to your memorybank of rich, successful men who got REKT in divorce.
he fell for the "marriage, family and children" meme and thought she would uphold her end of the bargain.
also, OP is copypasting. i'm pretty sure this is a slide thread.
>one in a million
I was gonna say 1 in a 1000, but i think your estimation of 1 in a million is closer to reality.
Women are literally scene as being as innocent as a child in the us court and legal system.
For example, what do you think john bobbits punishment would be if he sawed laurana bobbits vagina off?
We are a completely pussy-whipped country.
Monero put all your money there memorize your key tell the judge you forgot it. Done cant prosicute for incompetence
It's on you. This is why you shouldn't marry these whores but you did so i wouldn't blame you. It's better than yourself. Acid attacks seem to get the message across better.
>I like your style
>only fags and losers believe there's such a thing as a low-blow
>any conflict should be considered a free for all
The lowest blow of all is when a woman who claims before God, men, and your family to "Love you forever", then breaks that vow for the sake of her own selfish feelings and steals your money to boot. Women like that are criminal and should be treated as such.
The lowest plane of Hell is reserved for traitors.
The better option is to be a martyr, an hero and disperse a detailed account of everything she did to ruin your relationship with your children and to damage your finances.
Damn. The point remains tho. Shouldnt killing a thief be legal, no matter who the thief is?
Whats wrong with tv dinners you pompous cuck?
If you wanna kill your ex then you never loved her anyways which means you're a shitty person
This is why a man should always use the unbreakable prenup of "i'll murder you with a hammer if you get greedy" /thread
No one else wants to give you credit but i will. Good info user
I unironically told my wife if she ever cheated on me i would torture her to death. All women are whores but i know she knows im crazy enough to mean it so the fear will outweigh the whoredom
>If you wanna kill your ex then you never loved her anyways
just as stupid as
>if you kill your ennemy, they win
you're a faggot, toothpaste