Why white people keep calling the cops on black Americans
I study policing.
White people call cops to remove black people because it often works.
Why white people keep calling the cops on black Americans
I study policing.
White people call cops to remove black people because it often works.
Because they engage in criminal behavior.
*nigger behavior
if calling the cops on them actually physically removes them forever then i'd put cops on speed dial
No matter how many laws are passed, we will always despise the blacks.
Basic common sense really when you look at the statistics.
Why do white people react to black violence? It's 2018 people.
Too beta to resolve their own problems and need the state to. And then you guys have the gall to call out white women for using the state to make up for their deficiencies.
>blasting shitty nigger music at 3am
>Shit senpai why u call da popo on me, nigga. Yous racis.
Yeah, I kinda want the guy stealing my TV to be removed
They can bitch and create all the powerpoints they want, we're still gonna hate niggers
>Law abiding citizens keep calling the cops on criminals
how horrific
If I have to choose between removing nigs myself and risking jail time for it, or calling a cop to do it for me with no risk, I will pick the latter every time. These days no matter how justified the removal your life will be ruined by Jewish media for defending yourself against nigs
>be a man in the 1950's
>coming home from work from my high paying unionized job with pension and benefits
>drive my 8.000lb 8mpg 18' long car with huge fins on the back
>glance out the window and see a negro walking down the street
>stop at the corner bar and call the cops, watch as they beat him into a coma while sipping a Gimlet
>stop by the hardware store on the way home and buy several guns with no background check
>greeted by my submissive and dutiful wife with a kiss
>greeted by my obedient and well educated kids with a hug
>greeted by my Golden Retriever carrying my slippers
>sit own to a dinner of all-American grown products that is already on table
>after dinner the kids do their homework and the wife does the dishes
>pour myself a Canadian Club on the rocks and recline in my La-Z-Boy
>watch the nightly news and see America bombing Communists in some backward shithole
>smile as I remember all the Nips I killed on Guadalcanal
>plan our family vacation trip to the Poconos
>time for bed
>fuck my wife in the missionary position with no concern for her pleasure
>drift off to dream of the greatness of America
Where did it all go so wrong lads?
However you gotta justify it
I had no idea being a lousy fuck was considered based
Unlike you monkey people, white humans actually have jobs and lose money by chimping out. Prison isn't a family reunion for whites.
>same pajeet who's been shitposting slidethreads all day
really irritates your bowels, huh
Implying he's sliding any actual discussion
Why can't black people stop committing crimes? Why can't Indians stop shitting in the streets?
>>be a man in the 2050's
>Sign into work today
>Shit they want me to use the webcam they will know I'm not actually black
>Only white wife the state would provide me with is retarded and barren (but at least white)
>Claims she can help using makeup
>Sign into work trusting my wife did a good job
>Get fired for wearing black face
>Get sent to jail
>Wife gets redistributed to some oil Sheikh who shits on her, literally
Such is life for a white man.
>sit own to a dinner of all-American grown products that is already on table
Kek and checked
>it works
Need to start doing it more.
This it's abuse of power and a waste of taxes.
Just like wellfare.
can't into pasta
>Why white people keep calling the cops on black Americans
I mean, sagepup
>White ppl stahp callin the cahps!
Maybe because they steal everything thats not nailed down and shoot their way out of every stupid situation
Because black people are often breaking laws.
>two black guys loitering in a starbucks
>get asked not to loiter
>continue loitering
>get cops called on them
>massive outcry
>black people charcoal grilling where you are not allowed to charcoal grill
>get asked to stop
>continue charcoal grilling
>get cops called on them
>massive outcry
maybe they should stop doing things that aren't legal
13% of the population, 50% of the prison population. No connection at all.
Fraternizing with white women isn't illegal anymore.
Let's clarify which black people we're talking about. It isn't the elderly black grandma and grandpa who go to church on Sunday. These are grown black men who behave like children, loitering and being places they have no business being because they got nothing to do. They likely already have criminal records which is why the cops are interested in them in the first place.
They get the cops called on them because they react to everything you say to them with aggression. How else is a person supposed to ask them to leave their property or whatever else they're doing? The only other recourse we have is to shoot them.
>Hello, 911? I'm a white people. Could you kindly come remove these niggers from my purview?
Now we have the "Burn the coal, pay the toll" system.
Imagine this dindu comes into the coffee shop your family has owned for 3 generations. You have survived the riots, inflation, skyrocketing taxes. She asks for hot sauce and fried chicken. You tell her this is a coffee shop. She screams at you for being racist. Makes local commie news. Jew comes in the next day. Suing you for discrimination. Dindu takes your business and turns it into liquor and fried waffle store. Fast forward 10 years. You're in a new town but visiting old neighborhood. Nogs everywhere trash blowing around etc. Return to new home crying. Next day a nigger is moving into your neighbors house. Every house on the street is up for sale or rent and property prices have plummeted.
Nogs are a plague.
>crime happens
>people call police
>policing expert conducts study
>fails to grasp why people call police
That reporter's name is being cataloged. When whites retake power from jewish lobby groups in America these people will be targeted financially and with litigation to destroy their lives and that of their families. 20-50 year range, so she should still be alive.
because we can't legally kill them
Do these niggers know without cops it would be Somalia tier in their hoods?
the future (((they))) want
Nigger removal service. Niggers think they’re tough and need to play games with the cops, which usually ends up with the nigger getting removed either temporarily or permanently.
I’d call the cops if I saw a nigger but I did the white flight thing a long time ago, no niggers here.
Ever been on a windy beach with someone charcoal grilling? Fuckin hot ashes blowing everywhere.
you mean too smart to let a chimp get a chance to cry raycist at them for asking them to stop loitering
is the vox article asking us to just keep posting Webm's as evidence?
Because they commit the most crime, and thankfully blacks don't respect the police and always make their situation worse.
Author of the article:
>half nigger
>half Jew
>100% anti-American
Never hesitate. Always call the police. Better safe than sorry.
>Too beta to resolve their own problems and need the state to.
Said the Democrat
They're really stupid to use their real names. If they think we're not cataloging them they're sorely mistaken.
The American nigger is a truly disgusting beast. Some of them can barely speak English, and that is the only language they know. They are easily agitated and become violent at the drop of a pin.
Holy fuck! What a clusterfuck of subhuman shit genetics!
>forcing the cop to take the heat
yep, thanks for proving my point
"Why are whites buying guns at alarming rates?"
>Prison isn't a family reunion for whites
Yeah and how many niggers did you lynch today? STFU pussy.
>why do white people call the cops on black people
>because it works
Damn, never read a vox article that succinct before.
Here's the thing Apu:
The day cops STOP removing niggers fron areas they are not supposed to be in, is the day I start shoiting them and the nigger cops who come to protect them.
>the truth is your tax dollars go to fund police to protect niggers from the justice of the white man. I repeat, the entire purpose of the police is to protect minorities from the native white population.
God I hate niggers so fucking much. Literal cancer. Demons from Hell are preferable.
Becuse i hate niggers they stank
This is why the only purpose the police have is to protect niggers. Otherwise we could just shoot them.
it's sad that Whitey makes Blacks remain in the West, instead of allowing them to return to the chocolate continent where everything is terrific, mud-huts are mortgage free, the tribe sings Kumbayah while dancing 'round the fire in their Sunday grass skirts; and there are ZERO rayyciss's
so a it's a Jiggajew.
The second sentence answers the title's question. Is this the whole article?
That's actually rational not justification, you stupid fucking nigger
We tried that abe fucked up not forcing them out
vigilantism is frowned upon, otherwise niggers would be shot even more often
sage and ignore bait
Does your community have text-a-tip? If so, add this number to your phone book and report every minor violation committed by a person of color that you see. Don't confront them, don't say anything, and don't stick around. It's anonymous and it will increase the quality of life of your community.
>police is raciss
>that doesn't stop black crime
>the system is raciss
>that doesn't stop black crime
>white people finna need ta stop calling cops on us
>will have no effect on black crime
What will they try next? I'm guessing not take responsibility
if everything is racist, why just don't we set up extermination camps and get rid of them? It'll be raysis, but just like everything else so nobody will care.
Hahaha it works because Black people are usually either too indignant or too stupid to follow simple instructions. The rights they always scream and writhe about would protect them if they simply didn't nog out. I've had many interactions with police and I always speak calmly and follow instructions. They have yet to overstep what I know is their legal purview, probably because everyone has a camera on them all the time now
baltimore county police officer dying was a result of why whites call the cops on blacks. right now in our timeline is why we call the cops
White people care. It's the burden of our minds that are the best at building civilisation and creating, we also have the highest capacity for sympathy and empathy
Holy shit what is this magic? Is this a real thing? Does it work for ICE too?
niggers dont have to follow everyday rules of life like white people. I learned this shit in the 4th grade when everyone HAD to accomplish certain tasks to be able to go on the end of the year field trip.. unless you were a nigger, if you were a nigger you could get away with not doing shit all year and then still be able to go on the field trip, oh they also didnt have to pay cause their niggers
Holy shit rekt
>be negroid
>hoot and holler, sell drugs, and fight in a public space
>wonder why white people call the cops on you
niggers never learn, do they? all they have to do is stop screeching and blasting jungle jives in public places and they will not have the police coming down on them. Also, why do niggers randomly have dance parties all the fucking time? Nigs will dance literally anywhere
holy shit QUADS AND THE TRUTH !!!! YES , those were my school days too, I had forgotten that shit while I was conquering life.
This is what heaven will be like. Thanks you filthy hippy boomers
Your trips mean we quit calling the cops and open fire.
boomer retards unironically had all that as kids and then protested against it in the 60's, why can't we put them in camps for what they did?
>whites consider blacks subhuman
>arabs consider blacks subhuman
>chinks consider blacks subhuman
>spics consider blacks subhuman
The only people who are pushing niggers on everyone are the Jews, imagine that:
This. White people are pussies who rely on the state for everything. They don't know what life is like without being coddled by society from cradle to grave.
does she exploit herself for shekels?
When she masterbates, is she the slave or the slave owner?
Belated kek
i'm not sure what state that is, but when you equate a poor white person with the rest of the whites , you have made a mistake.
any poor race in America is especially ignorant . You can't halfway function worrying about bills or your daughter getting pregnant before she finishes school. being dumb is terrible man for whoever it is.
all we want is for everyone to work, enjoy life and your own families. you dont have to be poor, there are so many jobs and opportunity in America that the people who took those opportunities all really loathe you who didn't.
same reason as when we call about the dirty spics. they are criminals and less than animals
Blacks are up to no good 90%+ of the time when loitering.
I don't call the cops ever. No situation improves if you call the police.
I will shoot a nigger the moment they give me a reason to though. I really with a nigger would.