I don't want to live on this planet anymore

>Condoms must now be made available to 'all participants' at the Boy Scouts global gathering as girls are permitted to join the organization
>Rules require host of World Scout Jamboree to provide condoms during event
>Condom policy must be communicated to all 'participants, unit leaders, staff'
>The next Jamboree will be held in the mountains of West Virginia in July 2019
>Will be hosted by Boy Scouts, Scouts Canada, Asociación de Scouts de México
loading my Walther

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Other urls found in this thread:


inb4 1 post by this id, I have a job, that precludes me having the time to talk to faggots like you

what is wrong with this?

What's the age limit on joining?

nothing homo, it's fine; go back to sucking dick, nothing to see here


brace yourself
white birthrates are coming

>"starting next week, there will be girls in the Boy Scouts. Here's some fucking condoms guys."
>implying this isn't hilarious and won't get the feminists who pushed for this SEETHING WITH RAGE.
>make a tent, tie a knot, fuck prime teenage pussy in the woods.

That's a very positive way to look at this, user.

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>implying white boys will be allowed
that wouldn't be too inclusive would it be

Free sex for scouting incels and that's a good thing.

Too bad you will still be a kikefaggot.

Scouts have been faggots for decades. Scout leaders are often homosexuals to allow access to little boys.


aaay this nigga got it. Lucky fucking kids getting that pussy early. Wish I got this opportunity growing up.

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>butthurt feminists are now seething

>hands out free condoms
>birthrates are coming

Attached: Cronos devora os seus filhos.jpg (616x800, 187K)

god damnit why couldnt this happen when i was in the scouts

>black rights
>womens rights
>gay rights
>womens rights again
>women who used to be mens rights
>state inforced baby orgy rights
^you are here.
>state enforced gayness

possible answer to low white birthrates?

>Boy Scouts

The who now?

No such thing, they're the genderqueer scouts now or something.

Only adults are mad about mixing the two.

The actual Boy Scouts are ecstatic about getting their dicks wet in a tent

So these are just going to turn into gangbangs huh.

Once they get into it they'll drop the condoms. They feel like shit anyways only time people wear them is when they are legitimately afraid the bitch is dirty.

Damn, all we had were the really feminine boys to pass around when I was in Scouts.

Why did they pretend the brownies dont exist. They are not mixing shit they are just making it impossible to have a space for men.

This could be a positive thing? What are the demographics of boy scouts? I'm imagining its probably still pretty white. Boy scouts doesn't seem like a thing niggers and spics would be interested in. Maybe this will be an oppurtunity for young white males and females to meet

use the condoms!!! those bitches are gonna claim it was rape the morning after so don't leave biological evidence.

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At least they acknowledge that the future of scouting is rape.

>tfw no teenage fuckparty in the woods
why even live

> condoms

Oh do quiet down, Mr OP. (((Scouting))) is now a wonderfully more engaging past time where one can explore how amazingly pneumatic ones fellows can be!

It's adult size condoms since no one makes 11-14 yr old size. Since adding gay leaders child sexual assault is already 400% increased. Let the games begin. It's just pedo scouts now.

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Wonder if those condoms will benefit the kids or the scout leaders more. At any rate this is just another example of SJWs breaking down the organizations our society was built on. In a time when men are becoming more and more femized boy scouts should be a place where manhood is built on, but they've caved just like everyone else has.

Imagine being woken up early for souts, your dad makes you go. Says back in his day he was proud to serve the community., Instead of collecting a canned food drive, you're marching behind a sweaty middle age man in a thong who occasioanlly pisses in the street. You have to march whit his flag or get made fun of for being a bigot. Rebelling against your dad or quitting is now also a hate crime and you want to go to college.

And when they will start complaining about boy scouts being white rapist abusing poor little girl boy scouts?

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Scouting was already being gutted by the time I joined in the mid 90's. Our troop had female leaders, not bad ones but they were hard to relate to compared to our male leader. A lot of other things were being scaled back as well. Not much rifle shooting. We fired BB guns at one camp, but its not the same. Honestly I did more at summer camp then we did in the scouts. Archery, canoeing, camping, cooking, etc. Summer camp was a lot more fun.

Great, now all of that young male sexual energy at these events will be channeled into getting pussy rather than honing their survival and leadership skills. Orgy porgy, ford and fun.

All apart of the plan I guess.

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>Asociación de Scouts de México
>56% meme intensifies


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free porn and wheat-based zogchow
why even leave teh comfort of your room to go "get laid" or "be active'' in the community


>Asociación de Scouts de México




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Fuckin' Czech'd and 100% agreed.

Feminism is a bio weapon

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(((They))) have been planning this for a long time. A reminder (((they))) got control of the scouts back in the 30's.

Mortimer Loeb Schiff became the 5th president of the boy scouts in 1931. Yes this is the same family of (((Kuhn and Loeb))). His father was (((Jacob Schiff))) who funded (((Leon Trotsky))) aka (((Leon Davidovich))) and the (((Bolshevik Revolution))). (((They))) have been planning to push degeneracy, gay, and tranny shit on the kids for forever.

>pic related the satanic fuck

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pure satanism, or frankism and sabbatean fuckery i should say. Taint everything until nothing pure remain.

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Did Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts ever do any crossover activists?

>Asociacion de Scouts de Mexico
Swiggity swoo
Comin' for dat girl scout puss


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This is going to ruin so many lives. I can already see 20 or 30 years down the line the boys who become famous or successful will suddenly be accused of sexual assault from their time on the boy scouts. This is opening up so many ways to screw men over even more.


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I don't know about the US but they used to do it quite a lot over here when I was a Scout.

Mostly sporting events and camping trips really.

Are they still known as BSA or is it the SA now? They already have the brown shirts...
Could be the SJWSA I guess.

The Sex Scouts! The SS!

>There's actually an after school organization dedicated to helping your child lose their virginity to a peer.
I fail to see the problem.
Fact: helping your son become the chad is the best way to ensure your family's long life and prosperity.

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>how do you do my fellow whites

You're assuming they are for the scouts?

they are giving boys onions everywhere, they are making the fricking boys gay do you understand that...take women rigths away to prevent more of this and save the west

>Once they get into it they'll drop the condoms.
no they fucking wont. If you know kids these days you'll know how scared they are of having children and the disdane they have for them.
The point in the condoms is to prevent the white birth rates going up you melt.

Kill yourself normalfaggot.

onions???? damn you s o y

>Lets get all these teenagers together so they fuck and give them condoms so they can embrace their hedonism with no consequences.

A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. Not this shit.



Where were the girls when I was in boy scouts? Fucking jelly

Ah shit they patched it.

Spotted the filthy nigger

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These are for children

Post Walther.
Please be ppk or P38

>Your kid can be happy, healthy, well-socialized, hitting adulthood with a killer bod and the social connections he needs to survive and thrive.
>Or he can have the same thing wrong with him that's wrong with us.
This isn't a gift, you know.

>Average hormonal boy
>Holy shit girls are gonna be camping with us, fuck YES.

>Retarded pol faggot

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All of my teenage camping experiences with girls involved me cumming in or on at least one.
It's probably a good idea.
If teenagers use condoms? Nobody gave a shit when I was a teen since we thought aids was faggot/related only. I definitely would not have used them. But maybe it's different now?

Are you a jealous incel that has never gone outside his house or something? At any event that requires people to stay overnight there are free condoms. It has been like that for at least two decades. I can confirm that in seminars and chess tournament there are; and I know people who have been in the Olympics and major sports leagues, and there are plenty of condoms there too. How sheltered are you that this disturbs you? Strangers having sex isn't something abnormal that only very few people do.

Children having unprotected sex before marriage is not a good thing, you retard. The earlier you start having multiple sexual partners, the worse your problems are later in life.

You do realise this is talking about children and teens right?

Oh sorry, I forgot that people don't engage in sexual activities until they're 30 and own an house and a stable job. Silly me.

Onions scouts

Everything is a gang bang already leaf



Would you fuck a girl assigned to you by some communist jew?

Wtf why can't I say S O Y? It changes to onions

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New here?

Not 13 year olds normally

Nah, otherwise I would've spelled it S o yboy, not knowing autocorrect would change it to basedboy

>land of the idiots and everything retarded
>where people lose virginity at 11 years old in average
>hurr durr g-guise, m-murrica is l-like super normal I'm telling you
top kek. this at least means that you're an incel who didn't get any

For some reason "s o y" is censored on here. No idea why

You can use goy instead of onions.

I'm an old faggot. Since 2017

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>someone is arguing against degeneracy!
>I better use the classic "you must be a total loser!" deflection!
>can't have anyone questioning our materialistic corporate narrative.

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I've had degenerate sex with other guys if that counts

>girls join boy scouts
>instantly turned into an orgy club

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Nothing. It's by far the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancies and STDs. Abstinence doesn't fucking work.

I learned all my bad habits in Scouts.
It was a den of vice and debauchery.
Lucky fuckers will now have steamy sex orgies in the woods.

No, it's fucking stupid. Boys will find their way to girls when the time comes, but why force it? Boys need some space and time for their bonding, it has always been so, at least until the 20th century.

>At any event that requires people to stay overnight there are free condoms
No wonder Muricans are so degenerate. Free condoms are state-sanctioned degeneracy. It's like "we know you fuck around and we're OK with it".

You're a fucking degenerate Paco.