Why are black so good with combos

Did they learn this from street fighter jesus

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Getting beat by their mom's boyfriend (a new one every few months)


The guy landed how many punches and didn't even drop the dude.

cause the white boys are gym faggots and the negro learned to duke it out on the street.

While the white guys were giving each other fellatio because of impressive "gains" the black dude had to learn to knock a nigga down

They snap and their spiritual energy takes over

That is what's know as a pillow puncher. Also combos didn't win that fight. Sucker punching did.

dude was K.O after punch #2...his knees buckled. The extra punches were to guarantee that white boy would suffer brain damage

>wild haymakers
You're a fucking retard.

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>dude be a good goyim and be civilized
you get run over, be a barbarian, mexican doing mayan rituals to their rivals did nothing wrong

Here's some whites dancing to the Shakey shakey

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precisely, blacks still have the benefit of tribal warfare whilst europeans have let that concept go for the benefit of "civic decency"

Had the Germans kept their tribal instinct they would not be under the rule of the bitch you now call a leader.
The Germans were superior only because they were tribal yet ingenious.

Damn.. that guy defo have brain damage now fucking hell

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From behind as usual. Fucking monkeys

They were sucker punched by two dindus, you idiot

Fucking whiteys letting their guard down around animals.

They will always gang up on you. They are allies. If you are fighting one, they are all against you. No matter what...

let us be honest....do you relax around blacks?
That was their fatal mistake. Street fights have no rules

that was my point.
White imbeciles relaxed around the blacks...you can't do that in a street fight scenario

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We wuz KANGZ of sucker punchin.

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This. If niggers gang up on you, gang up on them too

>Abortion, a black retrospective

Where did you get that pic? I want to make a poster out of that shit

sad but true

>good combos
>cannot even ko the chad
>other guy is down because of a sucker punch while trying to talk
nigs gonna nigs

This, Brazilian bro...

I never relax around blacks and my friends are always watching my back if I am in public
White guys trying to calm down an animal...how cute. Punch the cunt out and his friend too

The issue is whites pretending niggers aren't animals. Whites should look out for niggers the same way people look out for rats.

That guy hits like a pussy.
Mr. Marshmallow hands.

That wasn't a good combo, he was just throwing wild lefts and rights against a guy who was already dazed and unable to fight back. Anyone can do that.

>nigs gonna nig

And? Why act superior when they are taking the piss in our Nations? We are pathetic atm and too many Whites on here for too long act above it when you it's the Whites who are cucks and you on a shitty keyboard.

Humble yourself.

I am a third generation Jap living in Brazil. When I go out with my Jap wife I don't let my guard down.
I will stab a negro in the neck if he even disrespects my wife. Let that fucker smell fear on your ass and his baboon friends will join in....take down the silverback and you can be sure they will all back the fuck down.

Pavement gorillas follow the rules of the jungle, they don't have the balls to take on their "leader"..take him down and they will back the fuck off, try to "reason" with them and you are done

no such thing as a fair fight m80, if you agree to step outside you accept whatever happens

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>walk on egg shells / try remain level headed around animals, so you aren't labeled a racist nazi and have your career prospects ruined
>niggers are free to be niggers
It's almost like there is nothing a white dude can do, but cuck.

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Blacks are wild people, and whites need to start demonstrating some situational awareness.

Sounds good, how many niggers did you bash lately?

The germans with the savage instinct died in the past two World Wars, that ancestry is almost erased or soon to be, don’t you think (((they))) know what they are doing? Officially since 1945

They ask people if they'd like to try a combo at work almost every day.

DAILY reminder:

If a nigger approaches you to your face and you don't swing first:

It's YOUR fault you get sucker punched.

>yet another manlet demolishing a lanklet video

will lanklets ever learn..?

sure, but maybe they still have something left in their ovos...

you forgot to put your meme flag in the OP, britcuck

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you don't need to swing first, you secure your car keys between your fingers, wait for him to throw a haymaker then you puncture his throat.

You want self defense, not a liberal court case you are going to lose.
In Brazil you have to go to the after a confrontation. I make sure I have a bruise on my body to prove it was self defense.

>Thinking blacks main Street fighter

Real niggas play MvsC

Shut the fuck up and take your retarded ass country with you.

>Implying you think you are white and not mongrol slum monkey's.

Ok then... Tell your self that Mongrol negro race doesn't exist in Brazil

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If they gang up on me I will just empty my pistol into them. I carry a spare mag too just in case. Pistols are the true nigger repellant.


What a bitch, this isn't even a fight.

why are niggers so good causing shit in public places and at sucker punching?

White guys fooled into acting civilized towards apes. Apes go into violent rage. Nothing to see here. Slide thread.

Isn't this video like 5 years old? Why are you faggots spamming it on Jow Forums all of the sudden? Fuck off.

tell Jow Forums...where did the negro touch you after he knocked you the fuck out?

Jesus bongs are so pathetic.

>niggers will let you mount them, if you ask them nice enough

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In the future, we'll probably have them caged for zoo exhibits.

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You ever see a nigger with his his fists clinched and you don't try to lay him out first, it's your fault when the monkey knocks ya ass out.

wait... wut

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When normies relax around blacks they don't realize a fight is going to happen no matter what and allow them the opening strike usually in groups.

Like we see here red shirt and ginger were trying to defuse the situation until a first black in a white sweater attacked them both striking ginger in the back of the head and ran to the back of the group. Red shirt begins to chase white sweater and blue jacket now attacks him.

This is the power of wakanda

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The nigger died lol, imagine how much the taxpayers saved! Thank God!

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sure...Brazil is a melting pot, much like the USA.
The difference is that we allowed the "axis of evil" to immigrate to this country after WW2.

My Jap Grand-pa decided to move to Brazil and was part of the vibrant Sao Paulo Jap community. As my family is wealthy, I was set up to marry another Jap from a wealthy family.

Not all Brazilians live like pigs, only the mutts do, much like in the USA

why do blacks do this.. the sucker punch thing i mean not the over all niger shit they do.

than again it white boys fault for relaxing around a coon

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Is that double bandicam? :D

I'm so confused I don't even know where to begin

I am a Jap in Brazil, I made a science out of it which I teach my kids.

Always expect the negro to hurt you, it is his instinct, he will telegraph his move, block it but let it hit so you have a bruise...let the witnesses clearly see you were hit first then wreck his fucking ass.

niggers always sucker punch. hands up, don't poop nigger

Hey are you part of like a gang from reddit that have been posting all these black on white fights for the past few days on /b/ and Jow Forums I see you've been getting new videos. Are you getting paid by open society or do you really have to put this much effort in teasing these guys?

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old school nigger hate thread shit right here

Thats true...
I tried to be civilized in school but after all here are the wild balkans and it didnt work out for me...

god he be great to bring to a parry!

lmao, don't take the niggers and memeflags seriously on here at all, almost all of them are shills or annoying god complexed jews

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Kek. Any idea what happened to the chad?

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I like pragmatic people, and I like you nip. I've gotten in plenty situations before but I never actively fought back. Yet I find myself hoping it will happen again soon so I can at least unleash for once

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You're teaching your kids how to get their heads bounced off the pavement and become a vegetable. Don't wait for someone you know is aggressive to throw a punch.

"Strike first, strike hard, no mercy"- Sensei John Kreese.

>We wuz KANGZ of sucker punchin.
Lol. There are actually pyramids in other parts of Africa but they aren't the ones your thinking of.

>While the white guys were giving each other fellatio
says the country with the highest homosexuality rate

Here's your wife with me I will fuck her endlessly and brutally rape her and cut her head off and mail it back too you

Feels good man

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This. They're used to it.

Where's that video from? I need to find out more about birdman.

t. White basement dweller

Waaa he learned it on the street like nigger fighting is anything impressive he was just swinging go back to skinning people alive porra

Found sauce

Black guy left himself wide open. Most people are just such bad fighters that the first one to hit another in the head wins it. If white guy kept his hands up probs could have put him down with a straight

How the fuck are y'all atracted to girls which look like boys before they get hit by puberty. Im more attracted to "black goddess" anyway I hate the race

Fucking kek

>Implying pol onions cuck knows how to fight

Hello small pee pee """man"""" this will be your when she finds you beta af in 4 yrs

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No idea memeflag

If my retort redpills one normie, I am glad.

Let them come at me, I will shut them the fuck down as they have no true opinion or conviction


Whiteboi used the N word, got knocked the fuck out. He forgot he wasn't on Jow Forums or something lmao. Whiteboy got a reality check.

if they want conflict you are the sane person, you will not always be able to talk them into reason, watch their body language and always expect an attack. If you read them correct you will know their first move, block said attack but always make your response a step above normal, hit the throat, rip off their balls...do what you must to protect yourself.

Proof comes when you show how you blocked the incoming attack. A victim always had marks, an attacker does not besides a broken skull or ruptured nut sack

the 2nd nigger hit him with a plate
>good at fighting

T.boer here's a boer child brutally killed it's now a common place in SA hurry up with your genocide already I can't wait!!!!!:D

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Best option when fighting blacks is to hit first and don't fucking stop until they're out. No need to head stomp like them but don't give them the opportunity to sucker punch, they all do it.

Good advice bro. Here, have my favourite NatJap photo

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>Good at combos
>Swinging wildly like a chimp
Any trained fighter would wreck his shit.

Why do Americans consider Lincoln one of the greatest presidents in history?.
He unleashed an insufferable nigger plague upon the white population of which you will never be free of.
If it was not for those Niggers the US would not be the welfare state it is today.
The generous welfare system is what has drawn 12.5 million shitskins to illegally enter the country contributing towards all the crime and violence niggers have already caused.

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Lmao now he's a veggie this what I think when Jow Forums fights no pol tard would never say nigger to a bunch of random black guys they would turn into a veggie like vid related

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