Why can't young people understand that communism can coexist with capitalism. Im a 60yo sociologogy teacher and have seen my fair share of young student. Almost none of them understand what communism really is.
I am a communist. I also invest my money and buy property. But I also believe in communism as the real answer. Don't use Russia as an example as it was clearly not real communism. I know I know we all say that.
Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the matter. I will grade you so be careful. Just joking.
>old enough to be indoctrinated by commies >wonder why people don't agree with indoctrination >no matter I'll force it myself kys
Jordan Lee
1. Rake 2. Kys
Samuel Collins
I can assure you I was not indocrinated so do not make false assumptions. I also am not trying to indocrinate my students. Baby boomers tried to do that and I sure as hell won't be like them.
Because its the best way to ensure financial equality as well as strong communities.
You see communism only see to serve the people and to guarantee proper living condition. A person shouldn't have to starve or pay to get medicine.
Jackson Fisher
>Why can't young people understand that communism can coexist with capitalism.
I’m a communist and this is rediculous. You’re probably LARPing if you think this. What is the first thing that happens when communists gain political power? That’s right goy, the capitalist parasites flee the country to another “host”. They take all the stolen wealth and transfer it to another nation. This is why communism fails. In order to work, you must first either capture all the capitalist offenders and reclaim the funds, or there must be nowhere for the parasite to run.
These economic systems cannot coexist. Capitalism is essentially the concept of a jungle for humans. Acting civilized in a jungle will get you killed. You must first kill the predators if you want to relax.
When your glorious revolution happens I hope you're aware that you intellectual agitators will be the first ones put to the firing squads.
Nathaniel Diaz
Elements of communism are already present in everyday life. I wish to make them even more part of our society. Youre young. You will understand.
Brody Wilson
I disagree, I believe people would have to work and earn a profit to afford luxuries. Luxuries include food, health care, and water. You give to your labor to your employer and your employer gives back. Financial equality will create a weak society dependent on overlords to serve it. Anarcho-objectivism is the logical conclusion from the premise of personal liberties, from these liberties, from this economic freedom, we, as individuals, can erect beautiful cities and convinces for everyday life. This very simple idea should ring true with any rational man.
No. There fundamental things that are non-capatable like a market, owners deciding what price to set for a good, owner deciding what to do with a company’s profit, private property, etc.
Nathaniel Scott
Communism and capitalism can indeed coexist: in the brief period of time between the helicopter and the ground.
Ryder Hughes
I would call this bait except it's a leaf poster so she's probably serious. 1. Show tits. 2. Die in a fire. 3. Reminder to sage all memeflag threads.
Colton Torres
You’re going to die magnificently, you inferior form of life. Why do beta males think they will be safe? LOL. You will be crying in the mud with a boot on your face before you are shot and wiped from existence. Commies will fucking torture you to death. You literally believe commies are the cringy-autist version from your Jow Forums propaganda threads. Lol you unironically believe that jewish controlled opposition is the face of communism and therefore you’ll be safe.
You’re gonna be fucking treated like an ISIS victim and you think it’s funny? I wish you people actually knew what you were fucking up against. You’re up against tough hardened poor people who have nothing to lose... fucking spoiled little larping fat rose-cheeked bitch.
>Why can't young people understand that communism can coexist with capitalism
It's especially mystifying seeing as how every society that has ever existed since the industrial revolution has been a mixture of communism and capitalism (except maybe for the Khmer Rogue which was arguably neither). Pure capitalism and pure communism have never existed.
Eli Bell
Leafs are the gift that keeps on giving. Take this (You) and kindly fuck off.
Because things that are done by the state are ALWAYS things that are done POORLY. The state will ALWAYS halfass anything it's responsible for and as such can only be trusted when quality is unimportant and/or a monopoly is inevitable due to an otherwise insurmountable barrier to entry. And the sheer fact that communism discouages effort. Why bother putting extra effort into your work if the return is the same as someone that puts in minimal effort?
Dylan James
State capitalism and corporatism.
Adam Ortiz
>communism can coexist with capitalism
David Thompson
Young people think communism is just "everyone gets free shit" and don't realise they, being the upper-middle-class, will be purged along with the rest of the undesirables.
Joseph Jones
Distributism and Corporatism are great, that's why Fascism is better,
Kevin Campbell
>communism can coexist with capitalism Watch Oliver Stones Untold History of the United States. We will always be attacked by capitalist pigs.
Luke Sanders
So communism is a great leech. Why can't communism and socialism stand on their own without mass starvation?
Nolan Anderson
T.middle class pussy that pursued a regarded degree and can't do ten pull ups
Leo Taylor
(((Communism))) (((Capitalism)))
Parker Anderson
You should be exiled. Traitor.
William Torres
>Im a 60yo sociologogy teacher
How does it feel to have lead an utterly wasted life?
Carson Parker
>Young people ... will be purged along with the rest of the undesirables.
By whom? If you have a class with the power to kill those of a different class then you don't have a classless society and therefore don't have communism.
Andrew Hill
>communism can coexist with capitalism Communism is the overcoming of capitalist social relations of production, you fucking idiot.
Xavier Ward
>I am a communist. I also invest my money and buy property.
Believe me. I am a huge hypocrite.
Kevin Ross
Why cant edgy faggots commie kids not understand that they dont come off even half as smart and grown up as the pretend to be and only as pretentious tryhards the second you faggots start vomitting pseudointellecutal bullshit about muh communisms is so DEEP.
Easton Ross
Im male. I have to go for now but I will be back once I am home. I will answer all other question after my commute.
Easton Sullivan
>I disagree because if a kiked isn't profiting off everything I buy and everything I work for
He's right you know. A community should server the people who are part of and contribute to it, not exist for kiked profits.
Andrew Cruz
I’m not claiming that real communism hasn’t been tried, it has it was corrupted by totalitarianism. Obviously it CAN work depending on how it’s implemented.
I am the number one person who thinks university communism isn’t real communism. If you have never had a real job you can’t be a communist. Communism is built on the concept of work. Real communists are living and integrated into capitalism and understands it’s flaws. I have a degree in Financial Accounting and work in finance now, and it’s what turned me into a communist. All my professors, all my clasmates, hated the idea of communism, but their shilling of capitalism made me ill.
Like every gen x I take solace in the fact I can do things differently than baby boomers.
Jace Cooper
If you hate the Jew, don't work for 'em. It ain't that hard. Voluntary segregation will keep the Jews within their own communities anyway.
Cooper Butler
Oh, so that's what we're doing here. Not acknowledging that one of the absolute core principles of Communism is violent revolution, as stated by Marx himself? The upper-middle-class young people with college degrees will be some of the first killed to have their wealth redistributed, because for all their complaining most of them are far better off than the true poor.
I personally think some form of "communism" is inevitable. Automation means that people won't have any way to work or earn for themselves outside of a tiny elite. The two paths from there are:
>With robots and computers doing all the work, the masses can now sort of just laze around in hedonistic pleasure forever. Nobody ever starves or works again.
>The few elite who control all the machines and wealth simply let everyone else die or kill them off intentionally so they can live on their perfect future Earth with a tiny, manageable population of 1,000 to 10,000 people
Ryder Clark
Oh sweet summer child how naive you are. Jews literally print the money it doesn't matter where you work somewhere a jew is getting a percentage.
Lucas Johnson
There are no real communists in the world anymore, they're gone forever as the jew has completely corrupted the once pretty based communists. i.ylilauta.org/35/285de26e.mp4
Connor Scott
>The few elite who control all the machines and wealth simply let everyone else die or kill them off intentionally so they can live on their perfect future Earth with a tiny, manageable population of 1,000 to 10,000 people
I am literally okay with this. I would rather have a small chance of being born In such a world than being born into this hellscape
Xavier James
I agree! Under anarcho-objectivism... or pure objectivism at that, all currencies will be gold, silver, or crypto. No fiat from Jews! It is as simple as that, my friend. No federal reserve, no red shield banks, none of those Jewish services!
how are you supposed to break the box if the hammer is inside of it.
Kayden Richardson
>unironically supporting cucktalism in the 21st century >believing that you need to pull your bootstraps in the golden age of automation and AI progress
The continuous, inexorable mechanization of the working process will drive more and more people out of the working process: this entails that profit is bound to fall too, as the amount of living labor realized in the commodities produces tends to shrink accordingly. So the bourgeois class will have a harder time too, that's what everyone here fails to see. The only ways out of this are: 1 - Generalized destruction of capital value: house and land prices will plummet either after yet another dent crisis, or because capital values will be literally destroyed in case of a war 2 - Communist revolution, which will bring about a society where the productive process isn't driven by the need for profit of a particular class, rendering money utterly useless, the workplace is democratized and the people will have complete control on the economic sphere
Asher Parker
Sssh, or they'll figure out the whole thing is wired up to 3-phase.
Elijah Green
Shove it right back up your ass leaf fag we don't need any more pedos
Are you having reading comprehension? We agree you stupid faggot.
Ryan Powell
Fun fact: Karl Marx didn't invent Communism. It existed as an idea long before he and Engels co-wrote the Communist Manifesto. Marx was right in his criticism of the inherent flaws of capitalism, but he was wrong that "dictatorship of the proletariat" was the best way to go about achieving communism.
And even if violent revolution were a core principle of Communism (it isn't), that violence should only be directed against the class who own the means of production. The people who control big businesses, not the middle classes.
>Automation means that people won't have any way to work or earn for themselves outside of a tiny elite
I agree with this.
Cooper Bell
>unironically supporting a system that leads to famine, slavery, execution of dissidents and genocide. Yeah thanks. I'll be over here enjoying my pizza and living past 30 but you do you, senpai.
Jackson Kelly
I studied sociology in university, and there are way too many of you in the field. There is almost no room for right-wing views in sociology. I am left wing too, and I do believe communism as the next phase is a natural progression and will benefit humanity. However, communism and capitalism can BY DEFINITION not coexist. That is socialism. Socialism leaves room for capitalism, communism does not. The marxist-leninist view of communism aims to violently overthrow and murder the capitalist class in order to only have a working class remaining. This has lead to horrible atrocities that are essily overlooked by sociologists because communism seems so nice as a utopia. And it could be, but you naive faggots think that we are ready for that now, or that we were in the 20th century. We need capitalism for now, we can only achieve communism when the means of production advance to the point where supply/demand isn't a valid determinant for value anymore. I am baffled that you are a sociology teacher and don't know the difference between communism and socialism.
Ryan Reed
Go to bed, Jhon Xavier. Your job creator doesn't want you to be late for work tomorrow. Also don't forget to pull more free overtime.
It's more likely the class that owns the means of production will strike first to stop any sort of revolution, which... they already have, funnily enough. Why do you think they mass-import foreigners into European countries? Because Sven isn't going to trust Abdul when it comes down to the nitty gritty of beheading the rich and taking their stuff. Global Brazil followed by total collapse and destruction is the inevitable future of the human race, no idea why people keep fighting it.
Connor White
the labor theory of value is retarded and false.
there you go.
Ian Hughes
Yeah, life expectancy is not too long if you live in a depressed scandinavian hellhole, full of Ahmeds and alcoholics. Has the summer started there yet?
it's clear you are all well off financially and naive, or immoral kikes. You always talk about everything being consensual like you aren't basically forced to make certain decisions. >don't have the money to move >kike is the only one offering jobs in your area and as such offers a pittance as the pay >Take the job as it's the only way you don't starve to death. That's completely fine though because it was mutually agreed upon.
How are you supposed to go about removing these entities? and distributing gold/silver/crypto to the population?
What if we could switch the majority of business ownership into cooperatives would that be satisfying to you? What are the flaws with it?
Easton Richardson
As if they cared.
Nicholas Flores
>Im a 60yo sociologogy teacher
Stopped reading
You’re a worthless bugman who needs to hang
Kayden Hall
> life expectancy is not too long if you live in a depressed scandinavian hellhole I think you may want to read those rankings again, helicopter-bait.
Alexander Bell
>Why can't young people understand that communism can coexist with capitalism? >Why can't people understand that free markets and command economies can co-exist? >Why can't young people understand that 0 = 1? Young people can't understand it because it can't happen you blithering retard
>communism and capitalism can BY DEFINITION not coexist
That’s exactly what I said and he said “you’ll understand when you get older”. This really is a bait thread... and I’m saging now.
Lucas Jenkins
I know (see what Marx wrote concerning the so-called reserve army of industrial labor). But they're resorting to such horrible schemes because they're fucking desperate, because it's harder and harder for them to raise their rate of profit consistently. Such pathetic sleight of hand may suffice in the short term, but it won't stop the inner long-term tendencies of capitalism leading towards its definitive failure, as immigrants will sooner or later require better wages, better working conditions, etc. Capitalism is doomed, and the specter of communism is still here.
Mason Sanders
>it was clearly not real communism.
kek fucking kill yourself my man.
Landon Green
If you are that concerned about the homeless advertise your place as a free place to stay for them to sleep, hang out, and eat.
>let's lock tools that can be used to break glass inside glass so we could use them to break glass in case of emergency. Liberal logic baffles me sometimes.
The entire theory goes out the window the minute you start talking about automation.
If every single company owner started using robots instead of people, creating companies of 1 employee (the company owners themselves), communists would find themselves in a situation where workers aren't being "abused" by the company owners, seeing as they are not even employed.
This would also mean that every worker alive would no longer be needed, creating massive unemployment, with homelessness and starvation as a result (from the fact that these workers are unemployed and therefore have no income).
And there you go: a perfect example of a situation (which may come in the near future) where company owners ARE NOT "abusing" workers, and yet workers are starving.
In economic terms, this means that the work value of the robots is superior to the work value of the workers, simply because robots don't need to be paid, don't need to rest and don't need to sleep, which is not true of a worker.
For all these reports of high Jewish IQ, Marx and Engels might be the most retarded economists the world has ever seen. No wonder communism collapses (after mass starvation) every time it is tried.
I mean, sure, you working for the Jew will only help you at that point. Providing you a wage for your respectable work? Sounds fine. But if you're against this to the point you entirely resist working for a Jew is, well, you're pretty much holding yourself back. Also, that is an unrealistic strawman.
They won't be able to profit, they will stop existing. That, or more creatively, by educating the masses to understand that the banks are stealing their money... and, well, beheading the elites? Sounds achievable.
That's a bit extreme don't you think. I'm back guys. Seems like a few of you really cannot grasp the nature of communism. Take France for example. It currently has a lot of communism element and it is working very well. In canada we also have that.
You need to think of communism as For the people by the people. Say you need a plumber. The plumber could repair your sink and in exchange you give him food. That is a for of communism. We could have communities ran this way. People helping each other. Farmer can make enough food for everyone.
Landon Smith
>teacher >makes simple grammatical errors >obsessed with communism
It all makes sense.
Ian Johnson
I already did that more than once. I encourage others to do so.
Jaxson Nelson
I don't know if you did that on purpose or not, but it's mine now.
Did you do it in high crime areas? Try that in the bad areas of chicago or in cleveland.
Dylan Bennett
Question for actual communists, larpers need not apply. Alot of what OP is saying is technically correct Vietnam has shown that you can have a fusion of central planning while entering a global free market. Alot of anti-communists conflate Marxism and communism making a point that it is inherently godless or will absolutely butcher millions if ever implemented which is just dishonest at best. All communism is, is just the economy being manipulated directly by the state, and the state being formed by various representatives of each labor sector. It's possible to fit in any social policy since communism is inherently a economic policy.
With this in mind why are pro-communists in favor of the loss of personal freedom? While communism is an economic not social structure, what is the appeal of having a, yes, bourgeoisie ruling class control your career directly? Obviously as soon as the humble worker is put into a place of power he is no longer of the working class. You fear giant corporate influence controlling the working class but you pretend have a centrally controlled ruling class will eliminate the pigs as you would call them. So again, whats the point of being forced to manage your money by a collective, at best the tyranny of the majority at worst a permanent modern feudal society? And yes I realize the irony that communism was designed to overthrow a feudal society much like how ancapistan would be a totalitarian nightmare the deep state could only ever dream of.
I should have known there is no way a 60 year old sociology teacher is posting here.
Josiah Robinson
>I already did that more than once. I encourage others to do so. And there you go. That's the problem Let me repeat that: > I encourage others to do so. This right here is the reason people hate liberals, muslims and communists. They "encourage" others to follow their world view. Liberals "encourage" diversity Muslims "encourage" conversion to Islam Communists "encourage" that others give away their wealth
I am not forcing anyone to do anything. I am simply encouraging others to open their minds to other options. I am starting to think a lot of you did not go to college. I would have failed more than half of the people who answered me.
Jaxon Evans
youre off to a flying start over here
Mason Cox
Do you have something against 60yo or is it the sociology master degree that is a problem for you?
Connor Reyes
There's that smug holier-than-thou attitude the left loves to hold on to again.
>communist >not forcing I've never seen or met you in my life, but I bet $100 that your job is somehow related to liberal arts education (for high school or university)
Daniel Nguyen
Communism is anti-thetical to meritocracy because there's no point being good at anything if everyone is going to receive the same moldy government bread from the breadlines. that's why incompetent, unpleasant people are all communists. in a capitalist society, these people would all starve to death.
No, wait, in captalist societies they would actually have free food, it's in captalists system that they would starve - together with everyone else but the kikes.
Shit is so backwards it makes ancap look logical, which is saying a lot since even pure anarchism is more logical.
You are a retard and if you are actually a sociology teacher you should quit. Maybe you can be a plumber working in exchange for peanut butter jelly sandwiches. Where did you get your degree?
Evan Morris
I am willing to bet 100$ that you cannot properly read young man. If you could you would know the answer.
David Jackson
How is barter and trading services and goods not capitalist in nature? You're still trading one thing of value for another thing of equal value.
Joshua Long
>i only work 9 months out of the year >heres why i should be spending your paycheck apparently robbery was never properly implemented might be the dumbest argument ever. yes, im sure there will be a lot of plumbers when you could just do nothing effectively (like brainwash people as a teacher), and expect to make the same amount of payment but in food. >hey you deserve more food in fact, right? because you helped so many become REAL intellectuals who will now dismiss their own economic freedom nobody will pick up a wrench if your paying with leftovers. try asking if your dentist accepts payment in oreo next time you have a cavity. better yet ask if anyone in your class if they would be willing to hold any job if there is no incentive to work and no chance to better your situation in life, while "the party" gets mansions and servants and security. that's some kind of fairness. >lets get rid of money >then everything is free >nobody has to work anymore what commie boomers actually think
John Long
No you're not, you're a troll trying to trigger both right-wingers and communists who actually understand Marxism.