Attached: blaire-white-transgender-trump-supporter-1515617526.png (733x526, 621K)
Thoughts on transgender conservative Blaire White?
Blake Taylor
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Henry Rodriguez
there's nothing conservative about these mental cases other than conserving their dick between their ass cheeks.
Alexander Reed
Blaire White (born September 14, 1993) is an American political YouTuber and conservative political commentator.[1] She is best known for her YouTube videos in which she expresses her anti-feminist views and advocates for men's rights, as well as criticizes Black Lives Matter, Islam, social justice warriors, fat acceptance, and other topics.[1][2][3] She has been described by some sources as alt-right,[4][5] although she denies being a part of the alt-right movement.[6]
Bentley Rodriguez
how feminine is your girlfriend's penis and how often do you dominate her?
Jonathan Kelly
The absolute state of the right wing in clown world
Angel Rogers
this dude fell for the jew "imma girl nao teehee" meme. incredibly degenerate. gets the gas/rope.
Brandon Campbell
no why that's a dude.
Ryan Barnes
Julian Lewis
Just a man with boobs that got his dick chopped off.
William Jackson
Gender =!= sex
Adrian Green
Off yourself, freak.
Chase Johnson
stop jerking off to traps. its gay and so are you. repent now before you start fucking them.
Sebastian Williams
post benis
Dominic Richardson
The word conservative lost all of it's fucking meaning.
Owen Bailey
>you're gay, jerking off to traps is gay, but stop jerking off to them
>you start fucking them.
Would you rather fuck a red pilled alt-right trans women or a blue pilled liberal cis girl?
Oliver Walker
remember kalindra-chan? she's escorting on in atlanta
Owen Martin
Christopher Martinez
if you're mentally ill i guess not
Parker Diaz
It's just 21st century conservatism. I hope you realize caitlyn jenner is a pro-Trump conservative Republican.
Jack Hall
>mentally ill
*gender dysphoria
Adam Russell
I feel bad for you, dude. Sucks to have such a debilitating mental illness.
Daniel Ward
Would fugg boipucci / 10
Charles Peterson
Got to be careful with these folks imo. Being "alt right" and "conservative" on YouTube is all the rage. It's controversial, goes against "the man", is clearly a counter culture now, and if the content is well produced is quick to get in with the whole Rubin/Shapiro/Crowder/Infowars loop. Candice Owens is a good example of this, I feel. She goes from that Social Autopsy thing to suddenly being "red pilled". I always question the intent of these folks overall, but I'll give them a listen now and then.
Aiden Myers
lib girl would be more fun that's for sure.
Connor Long
>dick or pussy?
sorry dude im not a faggot so its straight liberal pussy for me. whats with the attraction to trannies?
Charles Baker
*body dysphoria
yes, it's a mental illness
Kayden Hernandez
all trannies are mentally ill so I don’t care what he’s got to say
Lincoln Brown
>Caring what a Tranny thinks
Samuel Perez
That was one of the biggest redpills for me; starting as a normie, red-state conservative. The Conservative movement in America has conserved exactly nothing they set out to. We are and have been losing ground on all fronts for my entire life. The only win we had was Trump's election and that happened in spite of the ""conservative"" movement, not because of it. Every social issue I care about is being destroyed and these boomer faggots have the audacity to tell me that everything's fine, we just need to hiel Ronald Reagan some more and vote for Mitt Romney and John McCain and suck up another "principled defeat" and surely, surely the hordes of immigrants, illegal or otherwise that the left is importing will eventually start to vote conservative. I'm tired of losing everything. It's time for a different approach.
Brandon Roberts
It can be cured with a reassignment surgery.
Wyatt Thompson
the actual woman you fucking sodomite
John Watson
I want to put my dick her brown rose.
Adam Watson
>caring about e-celebs
Cameron Reed
>The Conservative movement in America has conserved exactly nothing they set out to.
Except you are confusing reactionaryism with conservatism.
Colton Smith
I'd fuck her boipussy while jerking her girl dick.
Brandon Allen
Aaron Davis
Well, sometimes shit goes wrong in somebody's head and this is what happens. Either you gas them or hope they turn out like that.
Lucas Wood
A faggot, throw him into the oven.
Blake Wood
I'm really considering converting to radical Islam. The West is such a fucking cesspool of degeneracy.
Jaxon Sanchez
>conservative tranny
maybe in his fucked up head but not reality
Carter Harris
Conservatism is just liberalism going the speed limit
John Reed
Please explain
Easton Brooks
if you got to ask this, you might have contracted the gay
Mason Collins
American conservatism was an attempt to create a sort of Burkian conservatism within the US--one that focused on morality as a base for policy. However, it was infiltrated by Trotskyist entryists who used the religious backbone of the US to open it to Israel and immigration for profit, which they justified through saying that capitalism is a liberty-based goal, and totally within God's intention.
Jayden Gonzalez
>Please explain
Conservatism isn't aganist change, it just wants gradual slow change. Using your logic we should be back in caves as hunter gathers.
Hunter Young
Well let's see... 666 hand sign, LGBT, AKA: a movement driven by the (((SOS)))/Satanists to continue the assault on humanity and more specifically humanity as the one true God Almighty intended when He created us. So, without knowing a single thing outside of what is included in the title of this thread & included picture is that I would suspect this guy was sexually abused from day 1 of his life and is now being used as a pawn to try and continue to get "conservatives" to accept trans freaks which is also why they have allowed the new Roseanne show to exist is because they desperately want to get enough people on the political right to accept the concept of children being "sexual" and having the ability to consent to being fucked by adults, especially adult men being able to fuck boys as that boy's life will be ruined and there is a extremely improved chance that he will in turn ruin dozens of other boy's lives and it is all as evil as evil gets.
Joshua Cox
That depends upon the type of conservatism. Unfortunately, in the US you only have that one. Any party which creates policy based only on how things were, instead of why they should be, will be slowly sliced away.
Dylan Cook
>Would you rather fuck a red pilled alt-right trans women or a blue pilled liberal cis girl?
blue pilled liberal cis girls look like men with pussies, this is an inverse Trap, kinda fires the almonds!
Wyatt Brooks
I would certainly agree that the Conservative movement has been thoroughly infiltrated by Israel worship on an inane level, even by non-Jow Forums standards. I would not say that capitalism is un-Christian though, however is undoubtedly has led to a hedonist, materialist, consumerist mindset in America which has cheapened the values we once held dear, Liberty, Patriotism, and the like.
My logic is that the self-described Conservatives in America had drawn lines in the sand on a number of social and economic issues and on every last one the left has prevailed. Not once did I even begin to suggest anything as ridiculous as what you have implied.
Connor Lewis
>whats with the attraction to trannies?
sadly, men are outperforming women on the attractiveness front! there's some genuinely beautiful traps, I can't tell the difference (until you see their dick and realise it's a fella)!
Camden Hernandez
>would you rather fuck a red pilled alt-right [mentally ill man] or a blue pilled liberal cis girl
>would you rather fuck a ... man or a ... girl?
user, if you have to ask, I don't know what to tell you
Benjamin Sanchez
I didn't say it was necessarily un-Christian, but that they justified their revolutionary goals through capitalism. It's actually quite clever, and I commend them on their success. Although I, of course, hope they all die.
Juan Kelly
Daniel Bennett
>beauty is physical
Bentley Morris
>men are outperforming women on the attractiveness front! there's some genuinely beautiful traps,
This is the final red pill. Natural women was a mistake.
Sebastian Ortiz
Millions of men today can't get girlfriends. God forbid they just want to find girlfriends from men.
Ethan Fisher
would fuck until she couldn't walk
otherwise don't care
Jose Fisher
>he thinks Trump is a win
Trump is embodying everything the left has accused the right of being, and he's obsessed with his image so his policies are all cosmetic just like his motivations. He's basically going to piss off the left, and achieve nothing particularly tangible.
And everybody every where is going to suffer for that.
Isaiah Walker
He still has a penis, biologically male internal processes, and produces male pheromones.
Joshua Wright
It's a guy though.
Ian Bell
Henry Campbell
Sebastian Howard
Are you going to tell all those male virgin shooters who go out and kill people because women reject them thought their lives?
Austin Gomez
this is so disgusting
Cameron Cook
>fucking a guy
>christcuck flag
nothing surprising here
Noah Bennett
If it doesnt speak about the jq then it is controlled opposition
John Rivera
Not that shocking, bible endorses transgenderism (eunuchs)
Bentley Stewart
Wait,hold up
Sargon and pjw are fucking fags?
Anthony Hill
Trump could literally sit on his hands for 8 years and he'd still be the best president I've ever had. And you talk like pissing off the left is a bad thing - the eternal leaf strikes again.
Aiden Sanders
lol - you prefer men over women, that's hilarious.
Landon Torres
PJW 100%. Basedgoy is just 0% testosterone.
Blake Ramirez
PJW fucked the tranny in OP
Carter Turner
Jaxon Myers
It is mentally ill and needs to be medicated so that it's delusions will not persist
Jayden Jones
Yeah, a mental illness. How could anybody genuinely believe someone who believes they're supposed to be the opposite gender is not mentally ill?
Xavier Sanders
Ahh don't take it too personally. His mother sucked a boatload of dicks before finally someone was lucky enough to stick one in her cunt and her pregnant. Sometimes when I have something important to share on here I use a meme flag because while trying to see things from a perspective different from mine, I myself realize how much validity is robbed from anything of value just by leaving the leaf flag on thanks to dicks like that.
James Nguyen
Jayden Fisher
Yeah..? The fact that there are people who apparantly 'dont know' after so long, is the scariest part..
Aaron Wright
Except it is. Because the social construct is based completely on the biological construct.
Hunter Murphy
Well, Satan's degenerate stooge, God Almighty did LITERALLY forbid the utterly disgusting act of faggotry.
So, maybe, think more about how you became so perverse and beyond disgusting as opposed to trying to blame beyond disgusting behavior on the fact you lack the testicular fortitude and/or discipline to attract an actual female.
Honestly, with the mindset you are displaying you could be Brad Pitt from the 90's and Lena Dunham wouldn't finger your butthoe if you fell asleep next to her they way she did her toddler sister.
You are so weak-minded I bet homos call you out for acting like a fag.
Oliver Sanders
>being gay is justified if your political opinions match
Elijah Moore
I'll need to see her benis before I make any judgements
Benjamin White
find the nearest pair of scissors and slice your balls off. society and "the social construct" is based on the nuclear family, period. anything other than heterosexual unions are an abomination to society because tjey cannot and will not produce offspring or sustain a civilization on their own.
Elijah Nelson
Mental illness is not something to be celebrated.
And "she" looks like shit as a mutilated woman. "She" looks off physically, like a Cubist painting come to life.
Asher Kelly
I don't think about celebrities at all, e-celebs doubly so.
Ryan Bennett
>Pjw fucked blaire
John Ortiz
Camden Lewis
Looked more feminine before the "feminine features" surgery.
Jordan Ramirez
>doesn't actually conserve anything
Nathaniel Adams
Sebastian Evans
Faggots are not conservative by default.
Mason Thompson
I'd fuck him
Asher Perry
Come on Jow Forums you know you want to.
Austin Nelson
Plastic tits and average face. Pass.
Chase Martin
There is no such thing. There are only sick boys in girls clothes. Deal with it.
Lucas Perez
conversion to radical islam is a death sentence and will send you straight to hell
Julian Nelson
Guess which one still has a dick
Logan Cruz
Austin Perez
Brayden Flores
if i didn't know it was a trap, I'd hit on that! but it's male! when did the world get so fucked up!