Do you hate poor people?

Do you hate poor people?

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No. But some of them are assholes.

not usually, but there is a high chance that they are fucking degenerates

The working poor I like. I don't like moochers or deadbeats. I'm expected to work so get off your ass and work as well.

No because I'm not a capitalist jewish cocks sucker.

Not automatically
Especially in an economic depression.

No I don't hate poor people. They would give their shirts off their back. Problem is the shirt never fits, is filled with stains and has the perma homeless smell about it. So I prefer to wear my own. Isn't freedom of choice wonderful.

I don't hate myself, why would I?

I hate people who inconvenience me.

A lot of poor people have bad hygiene, so I hate them. I also hate people who are noisy/rude in public, again, poor people are over-represented. I also hate NEETs and deadbeats.

There is nothing more disgusting and annoying than smelling someone's sweat at a city centre/mall/whatever. It doesn't matter that you've showered and shaved, and that you wear a clean suit and an overcoat all worth upwards of $3000, and that YOU smell like $200 cologne. No, it doesn't matter, when some dipshit whose entire net worth is less than your fucking car decides it's okay to look and smell as if they were homeless.
>but I have a physical job
Yeah, well, deodorants work for 24 hours, you degenerate piece of shit.

>tl;dr I hate most poor/working class people

povvos are scum, filled with rage and spite against anyone who is even slightly richer than them.

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No but 99% of the time it's their own fault they're poor. This is coming from a person from a poor background. My mother who grew up middle-class ended up poor through her own shitty actions. She went out partying and doing drugs and drinking instead of working for her future. In contrast my father who grew up poor ended up wealthy because he went to University and got a high paying job. In a modern capitalist society the poor are mostly poor through their own shitty actions.

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Generally yes.

I can't get rid of my bad smell whatever I try and I'm very self conscious about it every day

The only good poor is the one that is working to stop being one and understands why people are poor.

Yes, but if you gave them money i would still hate them.

No I don't care for Europe

Same here. Grew up poor and the community i was in was poor and everybody in it had several opportunities to escape. This is why i don't believe leftists bullshit coming from middle class or upper class cunts who say none of it is their fault, a large percentage of it is their fault with a small amount getting there from bad luck.

I never hated the working class, but deadbeats and EBT users need to fuck off and die

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>you must search your own self interest
>poor people should obey everything that is told to them
Ancapism is so contradictory

You should go see a doctor. There's probably something wrong with your health. E.g. hormonal imbalance can cause bad body odor.

>deadbeats and EBT
that is....