Not even a week and her family is already nigging out
Not even a week and her family is already nigging out
is this the guy whose cop out was saying that Drumpf told him to do it?
In his defense, if i was in london, I'd carry a knife as well
Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci.”
Oi m8 bin that knife
Is carrying a butter knife really that outrageous in Bongland?
Why would you even attempt to carry any kind of weapon in a place where you know you'll be frisked by guards at the entrance? Fucking niggers.
Thanks, Raw Shark.
he doesn't need a license to carry he's related to the bloody queen m8. he wuz sovereigns>
Her nephew is pretty white (by american standards) although he grows weed for a living.
In any case I'd probably be carrying a knife too if I was in London, his fault is getting caught with it.
How could Donald Drumpf have saved those children in Rotherham if he didn't have a license?
Why do Europoor not understand that America has the most strict rules in the world about what qualifies as white? He's a nigger. Now go back to your cuck shed before Ahmed gets home.
t. 56%
I've seen statistics from the US that categorise both arabs and mestizo hispanics under 'White' so don't even try me with this.
You shouldn't get riled up over low-key banter anyway, it's just a bit of fun.
>5’3” 120lbs
How can this guy sexually assault a child? He weighs slightly more than most newborns
its about center of mass. at only 5 ' 3 he is a fat ass if he is 120 lbs. he is going to use those chubby legs and beer belly to his advantage in a grapple
What the fuck percent face is that?
I don't know.
And so it begins.....
Underrated post, and numbers czeched
Niggers commit crimes from birth. A nigger's birth is the theft of millions of white dollars.