why are niggers overwhelmingly white at birth?
Why are niggers overwhelmingly white at birth?
They usually aren't?
because its black and white photo
All humans are pale/white at birth. It's the same reason everyone is born with blue or mostly blue eyes. Once you're exposes to sunlight your body produces more melanin and everything darkens.
>Tfw slav
Feels bad to be the nigger of Evrope
i thought meds are the niggers of europe?
>Tfw when no blue eyes,but shitty brown ones
Frickin heck
But I'm Romanian,I'm the niggerest slav of the slavs
Mark of Cain, after the baby's soul acclimates to its bloodline the nigger gene activates
are you retarded?
romanians are not slavic
Oh by the way,polski bracie,what's my hair colour?Light brown or blonde?
How so?We even have Slava in our language,it'a SlavÄ
blue eyes, blonde
especially linguistically you are very different
Because they haven't stole anything for 9 months.
We Wuz Slavz N Slavaaaaaaaa
Ayo we be removin' kebab since da Mediuevum,we wuz da true kebab removers.
We be fighting them ruskiez when them wuz at our ghates,they stelin Basarabia but one day we'll be taking it again.
Ayo,we wuz them sonz of Dacianz,Burebista fucked every european wimman.
And no,I don't have neither blue eyes or blonde hair,I'm a nigger,stop.
Jebana kurwa
what is your problem?
Close. We're all born pure. We darken as we sin. And it's heritable.
For the same reason a lot of kids are born with light color hair and eyes and then later go brown. White innocence of birth is lost and is replaced by the progressive ugliness of sin.
I'm bored,are southern poles good poles?
There is a nice Polish co-worker,she is probably 1.70,platinum blonde hair,blue eyes, turned up nose (like mine),high cheek bones and pretty roundish face with a quite strong jaw,I know she is from Krakow,she doesn't look Jewish though,are polish diaspora absolute trash or not?
Ah another user said it. Glad to see Jow Forums has some wisdom.
I have light brown hair and eyes with fair skin,but I'm still a piece of shit.
What kind of perkele are you on?
mostly yes
like every diaspora
The second you cross into Ireland, you and your ancestors become Germanic. Pol Paint bucket logic.
joe please
functional people are talking, go away
>but I'm still a piece of shit
Green eyed Ukrainian with dirty blonde hair here, am I white?
>Asking random strangers if you are white or not
ib4 "le burger"
inb4 "le reddit spacing"
inb4 "whatever Jermal"
>muh hair and eye color
Almost everyone from the general European region is white. That's why they are tossing so many africans and other sandniggers and call them Germans/Brits, while at the same time shilling everywhere with ''you're not white'' threads.
They don't like unity.
Wakey wakey.
im sorry, im afraid you are not
We were rich enough to leave early though.
He means fucking gypsies. they dont know what they are
ure very lucky
i was in ukraine last year, holy shit