I have the opportunity right now to convince my girlfriend to become a national socialist through literature or other mediums. What books, authors, philosophers, youtubers, etc. can I recommend her to make her at least understand our viewpoints? I don't want her to jump STRAIGHT to George Lincoln Rockwell, but something that would ease her into it.
National Socialist Literature
how are people attracted to this thing?
the book they use in public school holocaust class
I was wondering the same thing.
Her body is perfect for breeding is why
You'll never convince a woman of it just be happy with a trad qt who's a little racist
zomg teh gay itt.
Start with the Republic.
No matter what your politics you must understand that women want to be lead. Don't convince her to be a National Socialist show her how one acts. Be a good man and be someone who can be a good future husband and father. If she's asks why you act the way you do find what started you on your journey and have her start there too. If that doesn't work just lead her and she will follow you.
because she is a sweaty piggu, and i would slip her the rodger.
Sweaty girls best girls.
Pretty much Carl Schmitt.
Don't say: read this. Just mention it in an appropriate setting while showing that it had an impact in how you live and think.
God damn the UK is so fucking gay.
Get a license, maybe you can see something other than the error message
Who wants to help me out with a discord server project I'm working on? If you're interested, it entails server management as far as that goes, and I'll fill you in as to what it is as well as dropping you a link.
its good pussy