so called white supremacist Richard spencer is married to this thing

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Other urls found in this thread:


>this thing
not (((this thing)))

You had one job kike

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Every single memeflag poster is JIDF

Ok thank you for reminding me, OP

>ywn sleep on those massive milkers

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it is almost like he was plant controlled opposition from day one, gaining shitton of fraction and catapulting himself from irrelevancy into "leader of the alt right" moments after hillary made its alt right remark
lol jew

Post them faggot.

Thing?! Her thiccness and milkers are glorious. Also isn't she Persian and not Jewish?

still not white

Pretty hot

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White enough in my book.

She’s more intelligent than he is, I’m betting that she calls the shots in the relationship. Wouldn’t surprise me if she told dicky to organize c-ville too.

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doesnt surprise me.

the hero of white surpemacy her in czech republic married this plastic thing

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nice job richard.

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she's thicc af tho

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She's unironically much better than he is. She makes good observations about actual irl things while Spencer is all
>we ned or ethnostate to preserve or hwite raec
>I'm english bcyz my ancestors came from england

Jesus fucking Christ though milkers. If I was her I'd get a reduction surgery. How do you think it looks when she doesn't have a military grade titanium-reinforced structure for a bra to hold her milkers up?

>being this subhuman
holy shit

Looks hwite to me

he leads a band thats a pretty prophetic, singing about how refugees will kill us, our culture and fuck our women

hes still a retarded fuck that just makes people with iq above room temperature want to distance themselves from any anti-islam and nationalistic viewpoints, as he is the icon of those subjects here

he deserves to burn with the rest of them


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Stop, you're making me salivate at the thought.

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This, she’s literally a Russian spy like Spencer and she is hot as fuck. Milk truk has arrive.

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why do I find her repulsive as fuck? I would totally not fuck her


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Because you’re a literal faggot.

She has power milkers.

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>If I was her I'd get a reduction surgery.
Shut the fuck up nigger, dont even mention such horrible thing

If she cut her hair real short she would look like that chick from American history x

or maybe I don't find non-whites attractive?

theres no way shes full slav
slav grils dont have big tiddies like that


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I would fuck her so good she'd get Quadruplets

>tfw no jewess mummy gf
thats it. im done. its over. goodbye

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Big milkers make a any face over 3 irrelevant.

No, you’re a faggot. I can tell. When somebody does the ‘x isn’t white’ thing my faggot kike sensors go off.

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I can't even tell what their natural shape would be because the bra is what gives them their whole shape when they're this massive.

Does he get to fuck that Amazon or is that not part of the spy deal?

Jews got big bobs from the Slavic ugrainian blood they steal.

She’s his beard, Spencer is literally a faggot.

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no I just find women with slimmer bodies and prefer them to not have oversized boobs

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Spencer has two kids with a third on the way kike shill


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She has epic tits, her face isn't great but her body must be great to sleep with every night. Worth it imo

Quit lying you fag.

No, Kouprinova has children. Spencer is a faggot and is grossed out by women.

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Think she is Georgian and they have a baby. There are photos of her pregnant. I wonder what the child looks like.

>doesn’t want to fuck traps
>gets called faggot
>bizarro world

>Richard Spencer is so gay he's not even a cuckold

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I prefer my women to be more exotic
that women looks like a maid

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You literally said you DO want to fuck traps though. If you think Nina is a trap you’re probably a faggot and 100% Jewish user.

It’s OK, but shouldn’t you be on /lgbt/?

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I’ll call that thing when I need lumber lifted up

Isn't. Was.
>FSB operative

This, the nigger is gay as fuck.

You prefer ladyboys, admit it Jew.

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Spencer had been around long before that alt-right speech though. I first heard of him way back in 2015. And hed been a political activist since 2008 .

That thing is without a doubt a man in makeup

>wanting weak women with 10 year old boy body types
Just admit you’re a faggot already.

>clearly hu-white
>not a jew
Nice try Schlomo
>Every single memeflag poster is JIDF
So please die

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Does she have a penis?

To a trap lover like yourself, everything is ass backwards. Probably the effect of your lifetime of Talmudic brainwashing.

>must be a jew because a like blonde hair blue eyed women who are slim and don't look like a hooker

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big tits are a fetish promoted by the jewish porn industry

white beauty has modestly sized, shapely tits, not udders. the jews want you to fetishize their women because jewishness is determined matrilineally.

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>mutt thinks this creatura is attractive
why am I not surprised

It’s easy to spot the shills when you wear your yellow stars.

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Spencer is jewish controlled opposition.
>Invites mainstream media into his rallies
>Sieg heils for the camera
>Refuses and actively opposes any real political organisation whilst continues to hold his retarded rallies that makes WN looks bad
>Refuses to talk about race and IQ or other facts and instead focuses on gay spiritual bullshit
>Drags WN through the mud to gain media prominence
Spencer is either controlled opposition, a retard, a narcissist or all of the above.

Udders are a subhuman trait?

Big tiddies are hot, get over it.

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dem udders tho.

All the women in my family have big tits and we are all white.

they are not you get over it

I'd bury my dick so deep in her, you'd need the jaws of life to pry me off.

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not what he said retard
he said modestly sized tits looks and suits women better

Almost none of that is true

>D&C style message
>*checks flag*
Checks out, kike.

Haha you’re a fucking retardation. I’m not even the same guy you idiot. This is the only job you can get. You’re not even good at this.

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>Invites mainstream media into his rallies
Yeah under the assumption that any news coverage is better than none. Lots of people had done this in the last year or two and its been a mistake.
>Sieg heils for the camera
Literally never did. People in the crowd did.
>Refuses and actively opposes any real political organisation whilst continues to hold his retarded rallies that makes WN looks bad
Almost all his stuff for the last two years has been focused on real world activism and organisation.
>Refuses to talk about race and IQ or other facts and instead focuses on gay spiritual bullshit
Hes talked about it before, he just thinks saying "niggers are dumb and jews are sneaky" isnt as effective way to wake up white people than to appeal to our own sense of histoty and the impact we have left on this world. "X hasnt called out the jews hard enough for me therefore hes a jew" is fucking retarded and why we are never going to get anywhere. Stop being fucking spergs jesus christ.
>Drags WN through the mud to gain media prominence
Look yeah hes a narcissist sure but I think his heart is in the right place.

Actually I’m self employed and loving it. Memeflaggers are well known to all be shills. Now show your real flag.

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Ring finger longer than her index penis
Trap confirmation
He’s probably an FTM

Another trap.
>self employed
>still stupid

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She seems jewish

Wonder if “he” would let me give those nipples a whiz?

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wtf i hate richard spencer now

That thing is also his handler for Russian intelligence.

He's a total Russian asset. That's the only explanation for his behavior.

I dunno, i just prefer light skin with dark hair. I'm not even a tits guy, legs are my favourite female feature but Nina's milkers are something else.

why are kikes so disgusting?

My ring finger is shorter than my middle finger. That isn't a confirmed giveaway you closet crusader.

I never understood what Spencer is for anyway. Kouprianova is pretty transparent as a pro-Kremlin enthusiast and seems pretty genuine about it, but wtf is Spencer about. It's >muh whitemutt nashanolisum except cringe which seems to be why the American MSM picked him to be a "leader" of a "movement" they want to discredit. Is it just incompetence from Spencer?

Must watch:


Some so-called men of the ANTIFA terrorist group and a bulldyke-y terrorist woman assault Faith Goldy. It is awful.

And it is all caught on camera.

Very hard to watch without feeling a fuckton of hate towards the ANTIFA terrorists.

Attached: ANTIFA Assaulted Faith Goldy.png (1654x879, 857K)

>Yeah under the assumption that any news coverage is better than none. Lots of people had done this in the last year or two and its been a mistake.
And he's completely wrong on this. Bad coverage is worse than no coverage. Having mainstream media chasing after you and successfully convincing white america that you're a Nazi is a bad thing regardless how you look at it. Keeping a low profile initially and making sure confrontations with media are done on YOUR TERMS is very important, necessary in fact. Because you cannot convince people to your side if they think you're a genocidal nazi. It's not going to happen.
>Literally never did. People in the crowd did.
A hail victory is close enough to count as one optics-wise.
>Almost all his stuff for the last two years has been focused on real world activism and organisation.
Nonono. He wants to have rallies. He has refused any real political organisation, like actually creating an official movement, with a worked out manifesto, general plan of action and structure for funding, candidates, ideology and meetings etc. It's all just rallies and shitposting, nothing serious that actually puts them into a position of achieving anything, ever. And this is important, because you need those things if you want to enact change, and those things are difficult and take a very long time to build up. And he's not even willing to entertain or discuss the idea. Alt-hype, even though he's much smaller than Spencer is already talking about these things, working out a name, goals etc.

>mfw I read that as jews of life

>Hes talked about it before, he just thinks saying "niggers are dumb and jews are sneaky" isnt as effective way to wake up white people than to appeal to our own sense of histoty and the impact we have left on this world.
Because his spirtual bullshit is dumb and no one is buying it. He actually has to give people a reason to support him, something that relates to them and their lives. Actually talking about and arguing why your ideas are needed and how your ideas will help people and make things better is how you gain support.
>Look yeah hes a narcissist sure but I think his heart is in the right place.
Maybe he does but what I'm seeing him and his retarded ideas making white nationalism look bad. I can't even use the label alt right without being associated with retard, I have to fucking call my self a free soil advocate or some gay shit like that now.

You should start a blue eyed white people club with your own set of standards. As long as Spencer and his wife stick up for whites in general, they are doing more than anybody has in 50 years.

You want a more exclusive movement, make it. Nobody is going to make one for you.

Imagine being Richard Spencer in the Alt-Right scene & having to go home after another day of doing nothing & being all like “damn, Nina Kouprianova, you fuckin’ fine, all sexy with your curvaceous body & horrific pig-like monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my White Nationalist character & the real me.” when all he really wants to do is fuck another 17 year old twink from his rally. Like seriously imagine having to be Richard & not only sit in that chair while Nina Kouprianova flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks & blotchy skin, & just sit there, call after call, hour after hour, while she barks in that dog language to Kremlin. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on Twitter tells her she’s TOTALLY GOT IT & DAMN, NINA LOOKS *STUNNING*!! because they’re not the ones who have to sit there & watch her hippoish fucking moon face contort into types of smug smirks you didn’t even know existed before that day. You’ve been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of submissive fuccbois wearing red hats & later alleged BBCs for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Montana. You’ve never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, & now you swear you can taste the sweat that’s breaking out on her rotund stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid in roubles to sit there & revel in her “statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)” beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with cinnabuns in the previous months. And then Putin calls for another march, & you know you could kill every single person in this movement before the police could put you down, but you sit there & endure, because you’re fucking Rick. You’re not going to lose your future Nazi career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face & bear it.

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Spencer is a retard and should retire but dood she's not ugly.

Post your gf OP or STFU

Start taking notes on Cop and National Guard placement during these assaults. This is either a setup or there will be a day when the Anti Whites will get tough without their State Enforcers around to save them. It will be like the retarded kid climbing the tree to see what the power line feels like. Antifa is only brave with State Enforcers to back them up.

>dickless virgins making fun of Chad Spencer

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Tis true.