Your red pilled trad wife/gf says this, now what?
What does it really mean?
What would you do?
Your red pilled trad wife/gf says this, now what?
What does it really mean?
What would you do?
Other urls found in this thread:
> "I need to find myself"
If she's saying that, she isn't redpilled.
What she said
>"I need to find myself"
What she meant
>"I want to have adulterous sex with big negro men"
your benis too small
"I need to find myself" means she's moving on from beta buck stage to wanting to hop back on the cock carousel. She has already checked out of the relationship, it's basically over. It's recommended that you go on the offensive before she initiates the divorce.
Do you think a "trad red pilled" woman can't get bored of a man?
Honest question.
only reasonable response
>What would you do?
if your married start liquidating and hiding your assets as fast as humanly possible.
unironically this. strike first is the best policy. don't go all mgtow faggot though. know that it was your fault. bear the responsibility for the destruction of your family and own it so that you can correct it and start another family. this means you have a lot of work to do on yourself. prepare to hit bottom, anons.
It means you’re lousy in the sack
See how she likes being kissed with my fist.
It means you start beating her
Kill her immediately
it means you are toast, start looking for a younger model and working on yourself
A real man never has to beat a woman and should never beat a child more than once or twice in their life. The threat should be enough to keep order.
Unironically hit her.
If she loves you she will take it
It means that filly already jumped the fence. Change the locks on all doors cancel joint accounts empty bank accounts. And start over and never look back BECAUSE shes fucking some married Chad at work and your just paying the maintenance on a used ride.
She isn't ready to commit to a relationship and wants to ride the cock carousel for a few more years. She'll come back when she is 30, HIV positive and with an half nigger child.
In my relationship, she's not saying that; I am.
I stop calling her my girlfriend obviously lmao find myself is code for fuck a black guy
Tell her it's out back next to the Iraqi WMDs
It means you don't satisfy her
It means white bois can't compete
Legally execute her on the spot because I wouldn’t invest any real time or emotions into a modern woman unless that was possible
>What would you do?
establish comfort
stall for time
hide your assets
hire a frivorce lawyer
strike first
Take her behind the shed and shoot her between the eyes
Based answers, go blitzkrieg on her asss
maybe with how shit society is evolving it's a good idea to get face tattoos take xanax all day and sag your pants so you can procreate with a used up roast beef whore and live off government neetbux until the collapse
what are ya going to do work to support this shit? our votes don't mean dick anymore
what to do if it's the other way around?
I was looking for this pic
Liquidate all assets into "an unknown amount" of Monero and say I lost the private key.
You know what it means. She's found another penis to ride.
Deuces, now I can go fuck the plethora of better looking women that hit on me constantly uninhibited.
No, it just means she's found a guy of her own race to fuck. There's no need to project your homosexual fantasies into everything.
She wants to fuck other people
Is monero the most secure currently?
>"I feel like I wasted my youth after comparing myself to all my social media friends. Now I want to make up for it and party and be free"
>Let her and then quietly close joint accounts, get a good lawyer on retainer, and file for divorce.
You let her go and move on and when she comes back after riding the dick carousel and gains HPV. You tell her
I hope you found yourself.
And drive off with your younger new trad upgrade that's actually red pilled.
Tell her black bull that he's fired.
Means she'll find herself riding the cock carousel.
It means she wants to fuck other people and not you. Don’t look back lad.
Is this loss?
Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner.
>i need to further evaluate my mating options and have casual relationships while im near my peak
I am sorry to hear that user. It can mean different things, the anons here tend to prepare you for least pleasant things. Talk about it with her more and would she be okay if you need to find yourself..
fucking shad
not even going to acknowledge the aussie weenie
Until the next girl does the same
>What would you do?
Absolutely dropped. I'd make sure the door would hit her on the way out.
"I need to find myself" = You dont know how to fuck me faggot
If she says this it's 100% over. Hell, if my gf said she wanted a break of any kind aside from the "we're fighting so I'll talk to you tomorrow" type, I'm breaking things off immediately.
My gf is actually pretty trad though, so I can't see her saying this.
I wish I could be as optimistic as you
How long has it been since she dropped the line on you Mexibro?
Nah, it just means you don't own her mind yet.
the only logical thing to do at that point is to just go silent as soon as she says that. Stay silent and she will assume youre getting intimacy from some other source. She will assume youre high value and keep in touch. Then she can be your plan B or C bitch if you so desire
>Then she can be your plan B or C bitch if you so desire
Maybe I'm just a beta but I don't care enough about sex to put in the effort courting multiple women at a time. It's hard enough work having one girlfriend
> "I need to find myself"
Reversal of "don't lose yourself!" meaning don't lose one's virginity outside of marriage. The popularity of that phrase (find myself) is indicative of my culture's total defeat in the culture war and is why I always vote for whichever laws and candidates are closest to what Hitler would have wanted.
It's over bro. She's probably already fucking around on you.
>know that it was your fault
This is the cuckiest shit I've ever seen.
It means that jew larvae eggs in her brain have hatched, only lobotomy can help her now, sad! I would dump her and buy a sex doll.