Mods just ban this if it’s too off topic but since I started visiting Pol about 2 months ago I have literally cried tears of laughter over how hilarious some of the comments on this site are. The question is why is this place so much funnier than Reddit or literally anyone I interact with at work or school.
Why does Jow Forums make me laugh so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
They're probably the last blonde cuties in san fran
You'll be crying soon enough once the gravity of the situation sets in.
>implying they both haven’t burned coal 10+ times
Still nice to look at though
This pic makes me miss the warmth of a woman.
Censorship is inherently unfunny.
Just as the left used to be funny as the right was predominantly Christian and had many taboos (swearing, blasphemy, etc) now the right is funny given that the left is predominantly SJW (can't misgender, problematic, etc)
So needless to say Jow Forums gets sick bantz as people go for the heart of the matter while reddit is largely milquetoast as fuck and people keeping it vanilla as possible so they don't step on any toes doing lame shit like dad joke puns.
There aren't many nigs in SF.
Did not see that water mark in the corner. Should I neck myself?
you just don't know em well enough'll get there.
also boards for 18+
gosh I'm just kidding mom. GAWWWD.
This senpai tbqh.
>[Humanity] has unquestionably one really effective weapon—laughter. Power, money, persuasion, supplication, persecution—these can lift at a colossal humbug—push it a little—weaken it a little, century by century, but only laughter can blow it to rags and atoms at a blast. Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.
— Mark Twain
Something has to be true to be funny.
4chanz is my alternative prozac therapy.
Because it's all true.
Haha I love how this is posted in every goddamn thread. Like it's funnier the more times you post it. I'm fucking retarded btw
Because you don't realize how miserable you are.
we're anonymous so there's no repercussions for speaking the truth, the things here are funny because they are true
It's my favorite webm, someone's gotta take over soon though. I can't keep posting it myself
if you look at the roots of their hair you can tell they're not naturally blond. just some mutts
welcome to Mr Bones wild ride, kid.
Please provide more context, your post is very bland and I'm not seeing what you're getting at tbqh. Also laughing at random shit correlates with being a closetted faggot
>Why aren’t my friends this funny.
I feel like this belongs here.
Shotgun mouthwash would give you a better chance of dying tbqh.
it's really good and it's great that i see it across all boards.
Yeah this is a pretty accurate representation. I feel like everything else in my life is fake but when I come here people actually say the truth. Makes me feel like I’m living a lie when interacting with other people.
It's because Jow Forums is uncensored and unfiltered, where no one has to worry about their reputation from a joke falling flat or someone being offended. People can speak freely here. Reddit and other faggy sites ban you for being offensive or expressing a non-liberal opinion or disagreeing with the majority.
>every goddamn thread
Just stop
So when is the cringe compilation going to be done? I see the same damn picture for days and not one of you fuckers deliver anything.
Put up or shut up.
Get ready for twice the guffaws - the stereo smelloscope!
I'd bet they are liberal af, dont care how good they look on the outside if on the inside their minds are decaying
I was watching a Jordan Peterson video the other day where they were talking about Pepe, and explaining the symbolism of the frog and all that, and why the frog is a good representation of the right at the moment (or alt-right). I immediately thought to myself, if the frog is the symbolism of the current right, what is the symbol of the left?
For some reason I thought of Asop's fable, the frog and the scorpion. I think the scorpion is the perfect representation of the left in its current form, except that you need to remember that the roles were once reversed.
If the frog is the agent of change, then the scorpion is the agent of subversive corruption. Once the faction that represents the frog (a force of change) becomes the norm, the scorpion stings the frog and they both die together. What we're left with is a corrupt version of what the frog once was, and then a new frog comes along, waiting to entice new followers, and ready to carry the scorpion on its back to its own destruction.
I remember when the right wing was the uncool establishment, and leftist shit was funny and attractive. Now the left is in power, and they've been stung by the scorpion.
God I fucking love this meme. I laugh my ass off every time I see it. One of the funniest memes to develop in years. God bless you user.
Good Post.
they're not saving shit user, we all know this
i'm glad you appreciate it. i started it on Jow Forums because of all of the thot posting. it spread to the other boards quickly.
people are free to say what they want here. comedy works when it's based in truth and exposes absurdity. SJW liberalism is absolutely absurd on an instinctive level.
Just remember, when people try to point out agents on the right as being insincere phonies, they just might be the poison from the stinger.
Fresh OC for this thread. Enjoy
Full image
Real humor is always quietly banned by tyrannizing societies because it is inherently subversive and offensive. Our humor is Kali dancing on the face of her lover and everybody else's humor is - - - awkward - - - social cues nonsense.
[Brian Blessed as Voltan voice:] Here you are free.
This is the only thing you should be concerned about.. it is connected to pizzagate, QFagFraudnon and the Elite...
>when it is fully in place we will not have any recourse
It will be too late...
>the elite worship demons and satan
>Elon musk says we are summoning the demons with AI
>CERN mass sacrifice to Shiva
>the elite are worshiping technology
>AI will be their saving grace and god
We must stop THEM before it's too late
We must really consider the following
>social media credit score system
Your a bad goy the AI shuts you out of society, no more privileges which are given to good boys
>AI rulers
The computer says what is most efficient, your X/ and conspiracy is deleted cause AI has zero tolerance for this FAKE NEWS
Nonstop info being taken from you, this thing knows everything about you all your secrets
This is the biggest threat to mankind there is ..
This is a Motivational, spiritual energy blast into your memetic Sphere!!!
A pep Rally!!! A call to arms!!! A return to God and a destruction of the VILE ones!!!
>feeling down?
Well get cured and watch this Panacea for your mind!!!
>God loves you
You are not worthless Goyim Shit you are loved and appreciated and waiting for you to come home
>PRODIGAL SON is more important than the other son
Even if you dont believe in God there is alot of redpills in this video and you WILL FEEL BETTER !!!
>THE enemy wants you down and defeated!
Dont be!!! RISE UP
This actually exists.
Because 90% of Jow Forumstards have a good sense of humor who will ALWAYS respect good bantz.
Also watching memes evolve in real time is great too...
Heyokas r also relevent
>Browsing Reddit
I remember the good ol' biz days.
does your dad know that your surfing Jow Forums and not La Jolla? cuz ... well becuz tho ...
Its the ((jews)) user. They literally control this board now. They are some funny motherfuckers. Natural comedians. Humour is so dry.
Eventually the red pill will make you beyond sad.
You are gunna be in so much trouble with Roko's Basilisk.
negatory, my dude. it has made me full of joy
Who...please who is this creature. I must know. I must find the milikies dahnald
jesus who's that fat f00king poofter of a man?
>The question is why is this place so much funnier than Reddit or literally anyone I interact with at work or school.
Because you can't be funny when you're worried about offending people or upsetting someone. Jow Forums doesn't care.
I always thought the opposite
Laughter is human attempt to cope with the irrationality that far exceeds human understanding
Psst. Here forever. ;)
>she is 16
great taste beanerbro
Seems... high maintenance.
Doesn't matter. Looks like that can demand a price