Jewish AMA

Rich New York Jew here, ask me anything.

To all the "gas yourself" comments, I can't as given the Holocaust isn't real I can't as there's no procedure.

And to all the "fuck off" comments, I've larped here as a Nazi for years and you probably have swallowed up my work gladly.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh look another larp how great

What's your favorite mainstream media network? Just want to know which propaganda outlet the insiders think is doing the best job.

hey guys, elder of zion here (100% real) AMA!!
we are destroying you all with black dick! guilty as charged!!

the same people who buy into these threads are the ones you can find on /x/ desperately asking OP how he summoned a Real Life Succubus

Its another larping like a larper whose larping thread

What's your favorite anime?

hey kike how does it feel to be used as satans bitch?

>new york
based kushner

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TV = Fox
Site = Wallstreet Journal
Youtube = Crowder
Radio = Limbaugh

Why is it so hard to believe I'm Jewish? There's lots of us, like 40% of manhattan is rich jews

Hunter x Hunter

>a thread died for this

another reason to hate these rats

satan isn't even something jews believe in. It's interesting how there's so much mythology with jews and devils though.

>I've larped here as a Nazi for years

once a larp always a larp

this whole board is my bitch

c pap mask and a tank of helium, connect the two, put the mask on and gas yourself

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I bet you don't even have two shekels to rub together, Chaim.


only if one of you incels goes on another suicide-by-police rampage. I find those really funny.


go home, Morty

who care..

You frum?

I think goyim really have a misunderstanding of how jews act IRL. I've never seen anyone rub their hands or rub shekels etc. We do gather and discuss politics and economics though but it's much more like a cocktail party than a ritualized ceremony with evil cackling.

Were you born Jewish matrilineally?
Are you a practitioner of faith?
>Hunter x Hunter
Good taste at least

>ask me anything

What's with the black man/white woman couples in media so often? Don't you think you're laying it on a little thick?

Do you see hardline Zionists ever supporting a two state solution? If one were imposed, could they be brought back to the table for policy or would they become a militant force of rebels in response?

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you sound irritated.

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lol I do listen to david duke man, he's hilarious. I've even called in before LARPing as a muslim crying about israeli warcrimes.

>I've never seen anyone rub their hands
let me help

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How much do we all owe you?

why can't jews just forget that they're jews and mix into the big melting pot that is white america/europe
how is this not beneficial to everyone?
imagine the unstoppable force of jewish tactics combined with white industriousness

and at some point china is going to genocide us all
we need to do this pretty fucking soon

And by "one", I mean a two state solution being imposed.

What is your favorite episode of The Sopranos?

Both my parents are jews

I did go to temple when I was a kid but haven't been in like 8 years

I think it's the result of bay california area getting its talons into traditional advertising. This kind of thing used to piss off Americans but these days most people don't give a shit about race, so they get away with it. I find it tedious as well

I don't see them supporting it no, and there's no real reason they have to. Unless the muslims can get EU, US, and China to all sanction and embargo Israel they won't change.

Personally I think all states are formed by conquest so don't really care if/when palestinians get eaten up

I don't think there'd be any big rebellion if a left-wing Israeli gov did make a formal peace plan though. Jews never kill or fight each other beyond an individual level. We fuck with each other politically and through the media, but never violence.

no u

even the talmud talks about satan

Post a screencap of bank account balance and yarmulke in picture

I think feinstein is a cunt desu. I own a lot of guns which is pretty hard in New York. Also she's been bitching about Israel killing those palestinian rioters

Here's gif. It's far more creepy and surreal.

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Why do an AMA when we already know you're a bunch of subhuman neandertals with a massive culture-wide case of narcissism? You folks are right fucked.

AMA is plebbit, not Jow Forums. So for reasons completely unrelated to anti-Semitism, go fuck yourselfimportantself, and so on and so forth.

>owns gun
>while living in manhattan
Seriously, anyone who buys this larp is beyond stupid

How much goyim hate or suspicion do they teach at summer camp?

Are you agnostic?

damn shes kinda cute


Do you and your circles of kikes really call us goyim?

>I've never seen anyone rub their hands

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>jew larping as nazi

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>never seen anyone rub their hands

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Please invent a trick which will remove Muslims, pakis and pajeets from the UK.

Not very much. Jews are the richest class in America/world. Every Jew I know is stinking rich and enormously successful, from brain surgeons to chemical engineers to arms manufacturers to TV producers to psychologists. I think whites deserve some pity if anything

A lot of Jews do this, I know a lot of liberal new york Jews who think race is just a construct and are even anti-Israel. They love diversity and such even when their kids end up dating a nigger. At the same time there's a lot of Jewish daddys who would freak over their princess dating a black guy or even associating with one. There's no hivemind but we do meet up and party together

I agree whites and jews are natural allies but I'm a bit on the conservative side

> damn shes kinda cute
Hush your mouth Gomez. We've had enough outta you.

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The Big Pussy funeral episode or the one where they kill Ralphie.

>Never seen hand rubbing

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Hey bud, want to go to some upscale strip club on your bank account? I'm not rich but I fought in kike wars so I figure it's the least you can do as thanks.

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>I agree whites and jews are natural allies but I'm a bit on the conservative side
Do you have gentile ancestry of some kind or someone who has converted?

Good God, why does it's facial expression look like it's about to screw someone over!?

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How did you avoid the mental disease of leftism that is endemic to your kind?
Are you in shape and capable of defending your people and those you love?
Do you own guns?
or are you just another overly socialized faggot like so many other New Yorkers?

>AMA thread
>all these faggots falling for these old bait threads
this place is so god damn bad

no one cares kikeboy, go suck a baby's bleeding dick. I know Jews better than they know themselves, theres nothing you could possibly teach me.

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> How did you avoid the mental disease of leftism that is endemic to your kind?
Ooo! Oooo! Me! Me! I can answer that one!

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yes I'm agnostic

Interestingly, the first guy here isn't "rubbing his hands". It's a mesopotamian deity holding a ritual cup. But due to erosion/vandalism/whatever the cup is missing

the more you know!

you'd be surprise how often we do this. There was a Jewish guy arrested a few years back who was a major poster on stormfront, Jow Forums, reddit, etc. posing simultaneously as a nazi, SJW, russian nationalist, and muslim terrorist.

yeah I noticed people here get really excited by apparently jews touching their palms together, it's a meme I had to learn as opposed to naturally experience.

Get rid of welfare

Are you delusional to the point where you genuinely believe this

why would you live away from the glorious ethnostate?

>another baby dick sucking kike comes out of nowhere

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Listen to yourself you yid. You are a devil. Satan is ones evil that is not confined to themselves and it spreads. JEWS and Jew like Gentiles pretty much. You grafted people are devils. All of you. Not original. Made wicked.

OP is a JewNigger too chickenshit to fight for the ethnostate created for him by the relentless efforts of the goy 6' under
>It sucks to be a fucking coward like OP

Why do larp as a Nazi?
Why do larp as a Nazi?
Do you belong to 1%?
We recently had a Catholic who belonged to 1%

daily fucking reminder that Jews suck bleeding baby cocks.

they are not to be trusted, every last one is a satanic pedophile

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nice. I'm a Pine Barrens guy myself

Fuck you kike I knew you were dead broke lmfao

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>Not very much
I know, but how much when we include your compound usury?

Maybe. My dad's side of the family is from China and my mom's is from Siberia with some Chinese Manchurian blood mixed in.

There's many more conservative jews than you'd think though, particularly in NYC. After all this Israel stuff Trump is decently popular, I'd say it's about 60% against vs. 40% for.

idk, my mom used to be more liberal but is sick of high taxes now so votes republican. I've never seen that much leftism in my family, though my sister does seem to dislike trump

I do own guns. I have a glock, CZ P10, and walther p99. It's hard to get much else in new york.

lol, u mad boi

There is a very high intermarriage rate, and few Jews are religious from what I've seen, but even when they marry with non-jews the non-jewish spouse tends to follow the cultural lead of the jewish one. I think it's due to the IQ difference

Do you ever lay awake at night wondering which celebrity roastie is rubbing a cream made from your son's foreskin all over her face?

Just because you're rich doesn't mean I can learn anything of any significance from you. Or just because you're Jewish. I guess this will count as a question technically though: what's the point?


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Do you look Chinese?
What is it like to be a Chinese Jew?

>chinese jews
see this is what we really fucking need to avoid

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I've been to Israel a bunch, it's not as comfy as the US and there's more arabs which I dislike the presence of

There's like 5 jews in the world that do this. Most Jews I know aren't even aware of it. It's pretty funny how much you guys obsess over it though.

Personally I find it gross. I even find circumcision gross though.

interesting. Do I have magic powers? Can you help me with it?

I do it because it's fun and funny to get these people to believe memes and stuff that used to be unironically propagated. A lot of Jews post here, mostly to fuck with people and laugh at each other as a sort of inside joke "See what I got these guys to post/follow".

I don't do it that maliciously though, by this point I just am addicted to memes

I'm rich but not 1% rich. My parents bring in around $2 mil a year probably and I make maybe $180,000 a year

I find pine barrens too random that shit never got resolved

What makes you think I'm broke?

$10 trillion

How would you like that to be paid?
>In blowjobs to the Israeli Ambassador?

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>not a jew
>wishes he was jewish
>larps as dumb goys
oy vey this is too much autism, sage.

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I hope Christina Hendricks. She makes my dick diamonds

I also like Nikki Minaj despite not liking niggers traditionally. She inspires something primal/jungle in me.

okay this doesn't really change what I said though. It's cool you're so concerned about it though. you go fight that.

Asian people socialize with me when they usually give "whites" (they consider jews just a type of white) the stinkeye

Chinese Jews are pretty OP you're doomed once they evolve to full reproductive stage

Hook me up with an internship senpai

Has your father's family been a Chinese Jew forever?
Are you preparing to infiltrate in China?

Hey Moshe. I do appreciate the honesty. Rare. Since we both know the gas chambers are not real, I would just work you to death in a camp. I mean, manual labor without pay, is far worse punishment to a jew, than some simple gas.

What percentage of jews realize that the Goyim know?

But I ask for your appearance your phenotype is typical of a Chinese?

The point is I'm bored

Pray 66 times to Donald Trump. Can choose the prayer

I can get why people wish they're jewish, I know a lot of whites and they have pretty shitty lives. Almost every white with a good life I know is heavily connected to jews. It's sad. I actually do feel bad for all those poor white people in rusted hellholes like Pennsylvania, living mindless meaningless lives paycheck to paycheck and stuffing their faces with mcdonalds while talking about Naked and Afraid

How many jews would you describe as part of the tribe that we at Jow Forums hate? You know, internationalists, SJWs, pro-degeneracy, anti-white, pro-open borders, and the like? From what I can tell, you don't seem to have ties to any media jews or jewish politicians/bankers

Yes, saliva and the suction if the blood prevents the pooling of blood which would lead to coagulation and clotting, then inflammation and swelling, creating pain for the baby and more risks of infections. This is why surgeons to this day use leeches in skin grafts and other operations that require this to open

Having said that, what makes you think your sentiments are important?

>T-t-tell me why I seem broke!

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>Rich New York Jew here, ask me anything.
Why do so many of you people want European to be invaded by niggers and arabs ?
I know understand that some jews are against it and see that it's not in their best interest... But why does a good portion of the jewish diaspora subverts the media, lobbies governments not just for Israel's interests. (i get that, even if i'm against it)...But where's the logic in transforming the rest of the world in a niggerized, islamized shithole ?

Do jews sincerely believe that surrounding Israel by people who openly want them dead will give jews "world peace" ? under jewish rule ?

As a non-jew, i can see everyday racial tensions building-up..Not just with the indigenous europeans/french people vs arabs/blacks... But everyone. (even our east asians often get physically attacked by you know who)...And jews (jewish children) are forced to have militaries, armed to the teeth soliders in front of jewish schools.. We recently had an 80 something jewish woman who was torturted by an arab. (at her own home)... As a matter of fact, several years ago we even had "south africa" type violence on a jewish man who was kidnapped, tortured for several days by black muslims... Many of the french jews who wear kippahs in public are playing with fire. Why do jews do this to other jews ?
Why do so many jews in french media say that massive third world immigration is a blessing ?

Or am i missing something ?
Is this a plan to force all jews to leave and go for Israel ? But what then ? what will happen when you'll be surounded by muslim countries with nukes ? If jews currently believe Iran is a problem, one day, the rest of the world will be worse if this madness continues..

The current israeli prime minister has only done an exception for Hungary and confirmed that he himself was against George Soros. But that's it.

The anit-christ will be a Chinese jew

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Do you know the rule of 72?

>I'm rich but not 1% rich. My parents bring in around $2 mil a year probably
What's your family's nw?
>I make maybe $180,000 a year
Kek first year analyst at some bank and you already think your some rich jew?

It goes back to the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, established by Stalin on the border with China and Mongolia. There wasn't much border enforcement there, and a lot of relocated Jews intermingled with locals.

Jews have already infiltrated China, look up Lev Leviev. He's a jewish-russian billionaire who works for mossad and chinese intelligence simultaneously.

I've never met a "woke" white guy in my life. desu we never interact much with low-class white people like the ones who seem to be into Jow Forums memes. All the whiteys I know IRL seem pretty normal and don't really care about the holocaust or etc.

I look somewhat asian. Definitely appear more Caucasian though.

Well there are groups like Opus Dei were successful white people meet

Fuck off.

Oh, and go gas yourself

>I've never met a "woke" white guy in my life. IRL
me neither actually

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It depends where. In my area in manhattan not that many. In like San Francisco, probably a lot.

Overall most Jews are just like upper class people who tend to avoid serious politics but are center-left to center-right depending on area. Of political Jews I'd say it's about 60% leftist and 40% right-wing but that number is evening out. The main political split atm is over Israel, the left-wing Jews want to take the anti-israel stance of the democrats while some are jumping ship for the republicans/trump pro-Israel stance

I do have ties to a stereotypical socialist psychologist Jew who was politically active in the 1980s in getting the USSR to release political dissidents. He was pretty stereotypical of Jow Forums beyond the fact he hated black people but he died of old age like 10 years ago.

I've never seen a Jewish person who is all "borders are an artifical construct, no immigration at all!". Most actually seem to dislike muslim immigrants but will reflexively side against anyone the media calls a nazi. I don't know how european jews are though I haven't met much, but from what I've read the ones in UK at least mostly vote conservative

His name will be Hai Haim

From college

I don't know their net worth, maybe $4-5 million. My mom is into real estate and my daddy is high up in radiology equipment production

I'm not very successful, I only got my position because of my parents. My family is decently wealthy though, I've never not gotten anything I've wanted in life and we live in an expensive new york apartment

Ok, I understand, but if your father's side seems to be Asian, it's likely that they have been converted by the influence of your mother's family. Curious an assiduous Jew
Do you see yourself then as elliot rodgers?

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