my wife is controlling me with this stupid chart. I'm done collecting husband points, i want out of this marriage
My wife is controlling me with this stupid chart. I'm done collecting husband points, i want out of this marriage
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B8 thread will hit bump limit
I already do all of that and I don't get rewards
good goy
12 more husband points and you get to lick tyrone's semen out of your wife's vagina
Fake and gay, sage all fields
everyone here has already saw this meme pic
its not even real either
>open and close toilet lid for hours on end
>never have to speak with the harpy again
if the rewards weren't so gay it would be fine. If one day out of the dog house was a round of golf with the boys or w/e it'd be fairly balanced.
sage btw
>favorite beer not favourite beer
lol dude
noticed no sex on there
tell your bitch to clean the fucking kitchen and shut the fuck up
nice repost fag
>force feed kids Ipecac syrup
>Clean up vomit
>Get blow jobs every day
Stay in the marriage. This slut deserves to be cheated on. Just have an affair.
>how to get divorced and lose everything you own
Assert your role as head of household! Your kind d is going to think women run the house.
This is the only thing you should be concerned about.. it is connected to pizzagate, QFagFraudnon and the Elite...
>when it is fully in place we will not have any recourse
It will be too late...
>the elite worship demons and satan
>Elon musk says we are summoning the demons with AI
>CERN mass sacrifice to Shiva
>the elite are worshiping technology
>AI will be their saving grace and god
We must stop THEM before it's too late
We must really consider the following
>social media credit score system
Your a bad goy the AI shuts you out of society, no more privileges which are given to good boys
>AI rulers
The computer says what is most efficient, your X/ and conspiracy is deleted cause AI has zero tolerance for this FAKE NEWS
Nonstop info being taken from you, this thing knows everything about you all your secrets
This is the biggest threat to mankind there is ..
Here is pills of magenta
I think he's already doing that.
the kid must look like Jack Skellington
Poor guy
Austrians always losing the Emumeme warz
Well spotted. SAGE.
The reason why the OP of that image might've felt angry was because he's being controlled in a way that makes him feel conflicted. Marriage is a game to women as they feel entitled to a man that can support them, children, and a firm grip on their husband's collar. So these games have a real risk to them if you simply walk away, that is; no more children, financially dominated, no wife, no house, etc. You don't want to do it but you do because you want a happy marriage and a functional family in a house that you paid for. So there lies the control. Anger arises when one feels misused, mistreated, manipulated, lied to, misunderstood.
Once you're shackled by marriage your desires become weaknesses and can be exploited. You don't want to lick Byron's cum off your wife's gash? Oh I guess you'll die alone user boohoo.
Don't be sexist.
Broads hate that.
Seen that picture before but whether or not you're a shill I will say for all men please just do chores, don't be an unnourishing, alcoholic, lazy piece of shit, like care for your kids, they are your future, keep your house clean, this should be the standard for you all for fuck sake.
>I want out of a relationship with clearly defined rates of exchange between you providing for her and the child and her giving you sexual favors
a thread died for this
>no body
>no physical evidence
>no problem
Nope. I'd point to the door and say get out.
I have never and will never take any shit. Not one bit.
Stop being pussies.
Stand up and tell her if she doesn't like it, get out!
This is some extreme cuckery if true
>1 post by this ID
But it's probably just a shill
This is what I was thinking.
If I could get guaranteed sexual favors and other benefits just from doing menial chores Im doing anyway I'd sign up immediately.
A lot of these aren't worth it
A real man should have no compulsion to drink beer, and should also make enough money that if he wants it, he can afford it.
donating the t-shirts for bathing the kids is actually coercion, not a negotiation
and getting out of the dog house wouldn't actually work it and everyone knows it. If the wife is angry, he can't just go "oh but I packed their lunches six times!"
literally this
>bj category
Sorry little buddy but you're gonna have to take one for the team.
Are you kidding me man? All that shit is simple, and you'd be doing it 100% yourself if you were single.
My god, my wife would be sucking my cock every hour on the hour if she made a chart like this. I'd make her beg me to stop doing chores as I violate her mouth, cum on her face, and clean it up with this chart.
Bitch wants to go toe to toe on simple dad shit? Make her choke on it. My kids would be getting fucking ipecac morning noon and night.
Wht is there so much throw-up in your house?
The faggotry. FPBP
Shit like putting the toilet seat down though? And doing dishes? You should be doing that anyway if you're not a disgusting slob. Getting added benefits is just an added incentive.
How can you make your kids throw up 6 times a day?
Wife asked me to put down toilet seat just once. Since then i piss in the sink. Always.
Just reverse that fucker. And your " chores " are her rewards. For instance, you'll clean up throw up once a week if she gives you 6 BJs, and lets her friend join too.
>Make the kids an ipecac and exlax sandwhich
check pack the kids lunches
>drive them to school as they shit themselves
check vacuum car seats
check clean up throw up
check change blowout diper
>bring the kids home, because they're sick, throw them in the bath
check bathe the faggot offspring
>shove the dishes in with them, and then piss in the tub
check wash dishes
fuck toilet seats, piss outside, or on your kids to assert dominance. Then fuck their mother while maintaining consistent eye contact to show them who is the alpha male.
>stupid chart.
Time to go.
Notice the theme around the rewards? It's all centered you doing her fucking job. Bitch needs to do her job and let you provide for the family.
And the mere fact that she is handing out sexual favors as a reward makes me think she no different than a cheap ass whore.
And if you are the income earner and she's a stay at home Mom then you should just fucking hang yourself.
This chart is demeaning and you fucking know it.
$40 dollars if you want to pay for it.
That's from a professional or, bar bitch after you buy her drinks and get her drunk.
Your wife is a childish bitch, and you're worse for needed a chore chart. Go tell her to grow up, then beat her with a closed fist.
Your wife gives you blowjobs only after you've been a good boy?
You should help with some of these things just because it's healthy for both of you and helps you bond and she should give you BJs, prepare good food, buy you good beer, etc, for the same reasons.
Lol you must have trained your kid to puke on command so you can get bj's.
>the absolute state of Australian men
imagine being such a piece of shit that your wife feels the need to make a childish chart to get you to take care of basic chores and responsibilities. white people deserve to go extinct.
Not getting a blowjob every time is a benefit?
>this fucking chart
White Islam is master race, Muslim women are subservient and wouldn't dare make their husband jump through hoops for sexual gratification
What's being slid??
This is Chad. Anything else is cuckness.
Kek has spoken.
You need to switch bj with the dog-house card.
That would be a good arrangement.
> 1 post by id..
> data mining bait
Tards reply (59)
What the fuck goes on is Missouri?
Just do dishes and vomit. Demand prompt remuneration of beer and blowjobs. Ignore her and all other categories until problem solves itself. In the meantime - beer and blowjobs!
You need to be beat with a closed fist too.
Australia summer fags are back
OP literally just spends all day cleaning vomit now.
>my wife
Op Confirmed for Bolemic
Saged and hidden
Not if he has a “Get Out of the Doghouse Free Card.”
This, sadly.
Drop redpills so that newfags will read them.
Why are people on pol so retarded. STOP RESPONDING TO BAIT
Assert yourself for fucksake.
protip: if a woman ever unironically gives you a sticker chart, immediately go out and buy at least 2 of the following:
1. a motorcycle
2. a hunting rifle, .308 win or larger
3. doctor-prescribed steroids
4. a jungle-asian girlfriend
Honestly Id beat my wife with a bat if she tried this.
Don't see what the problem is. Women do too much of home duties/ child wrangling.