What to do pol

So basically, Jalisco has started to become another narc state shithole... now we have 2 new cartels fighting the same plaza, CNJG (Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion) and CNP ( Cartel Nueva Plaza)

do we need a dictator?

pic related

Attached: 2018-05-22 21_59_29-¿Qué fue lo que pasó en Guadalajara_ _ Noticias con Yuriria Sierra - YouTube. (833x423, 526K)

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yes, you do need a strong leader that wields great power in order to restore peace through efficient removal of problems. Democracy is a meme

You need a second amendment so you little goblins can make your own guns, fight back, and not get into trouble for doing so

so those stupid sicarios burnt a public transportation bus, where a baby was burnt to death and his mother sufferred serious injuries


Attached: 2018-05-22 22_08_04-Atentado contra exfiscal Luis Carlos Nájera causó balacera en Jalisco - YouTub (649x376, 235K)

Not even memeing, why don't you just commit mass murder against these fags

you need a rain of holy, cleansing fire that will purge all life from everything south of our border

Attached: 1520315979803.png (1000x1000, 345K)

here is one of the criminals that was captured... I hope they torture him


Attached: 2018-05-22 22_11_10-Enfrentamiento en Guadalajara por ataque al ex fiscal de Jalisco - YouTube.png (269x422, 190K)

What happened in the op video? Were all those incidents they talked about coordinated to take place at the same time? Or was it just a map of recent violence? Can I get a more in depth rundown por favor

>You need a second amendment so you little goblins can make your own guns, fight back, and not get into trouble for doing so
They have article 10, but amended it to shit.
Article 10 of the 1857 Mexican Constitution guaranteed that "every man has the right to keep and to carry arms for his security and legitimate defense." But 60 years later in 1917, lawmakers amended it following Mexico's bloody revolution.

Why don't they have a civil war? Let's meme it.