What was Jow Forums like on the night Donald Trump won the election to become leader of the free world...

What was Jow Forums like on the night Donald Trump won the election to become leader of the free world? How did people from different countries react?

I've been drinking too much and now can't remember that night.

Attached: trump dove.jpg (600x550, 97K)

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I was happy because Trump hates Muslims. I hope he nukes the Iran and middle east.

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I wouldn't know, after Rachel Maddow started crying I keked so hard I ripped a hole in my side and died.

T. I'm a ghost

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what about pakistan?

I was also drinking too much that night, My wife was no happy I ordered 10 Maga hats.

My friends didn't believe I was right. I live in Canada and leafs are fags, it was unimaginable for the vast majority of the country.

My friends invited me to watch the poling that night and were smug with satisfaction thinking I was wrong. I was so delightedby thier cold dead eyes and thier silence, they didn't want to get emotional or show disappointment in front of me.

The best part is libtards here say Americans are majority retard, and I can glibely point out Hillary got popular vote.

The left will never recover from this.

I was posting on Jow Forums while drinking a shit ton at my local BWWs. One of the best days of my life.

I've been drinking too much and I can. It was all ogre around 8:30 so I go down to the beer store to get a few and when I come back the NYT polls are shifting from 95% against to a reluctant xx% for. The media's shame, rage and misery begins to kick in. Jow Forums explodes with joy, I'm up till 4am.

Be sure to come on Jow Forums when they take him out. It'll be even bigger.