Which timeline are we living in?
Which timeline are we living in?
haha fuck you all
Stormy "Refrigerator" Daniels is still having her 15 minutes?
This should win over middle America.
We're living in hell. Once you accept that demons rule over us then you'll stop being surprised when shit like this happens
No, no one gives a shit. But you can bet (((they))) and hollywood pedos are trying to falsely manufacture interest.
Make sure you fap an extra load on Stormy Daniels day
Double if we get a habbening
q predicted this
This, the West Hollywood city council is clearly in tune with what resonates among blue collar workers in the rust belt who turned out in record numbers for Trump a couple years ago. They don't care about the economy or jobs or anything like that. No siree, all they care about are the presidents affairs with dried up old porn stars.
Lets see how it plays out for midterms.