
Attached: unuhnh.png (576x194, 20K)

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>Kanye didn't actually use echoes
Way to be a fag, OP.

idk why faggots like OP have to make fake tweets when he already has been naming them for a long time.

Attached: 1515610077551.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

Someone tweet Patrick Little to this guy.

Attached: 1526679253614.jpg (4128x3096, 2.62M)

> Kanye having a tragic accidentâ„¢ in 3, 2, ...

Attached: turbo kike.png (903x695, 70K)

Kanye is channeling the spirit of Michael Jackson for revenge.


Attached: 4L_Fv5kRtP6.jpg (620x531, 147K)

michael jackson was a pedophile and deserved to die.

Black people waking up to the Jew is a big move, lets make it happen

Michael Jackson was a damaged human being who never got to have a childhood. He saw what the (((pedos))) were doing to the kids and knew he couldn't stop it completely, so he did the next best thing he could do -- he built Neverland Ranch as a Sanctuary for them to escape from it.

Someone watched The Century of The Self and is now woke af.

but seriously Kayne is secretly 14/88, hes going to join our surprise multiracial nazi 4th riech to blow up all the fucking degenerates

Attached: 1525965369108.jpg (650x778, 288K)

I wouldnt be surprised if he tweets about the greatest story never told.

You're dad was a pedophile too

Okay I appreciate what he's doing but none of it matters if he doesn't actually say Jew. And he can't sugarcoat it by saying "zionists" or "globalist jews" because all that does is make normies give the Jews the benefit of the doubt with the #NotAll bullshit and kikes will just pretend to be "the good ones" every time

He's named the Jew before.

This post reeks of CIA

and then rape them

Amen. He dead. I killed him. I being he and he being we and we being us and us being the body of Christ. Poetic justice.I want to believe but his soul was lost from the beginning. I don't know if he truly ever found salvation. Sadly. There is no redemption once you have souled out to the undustry put on by big Lucifer and the ebonic degradation of english brough on by niggers to stupify suburbia back into slavery to the kikes who control the middle class paychecks and taxes while managing the super wealthy generational family of old euro dynasty that form the real world basis for the fictionary illuminati portrayed by hippie artists who infest modern culture with pagan symbolism and satanic subliminals shaped from corrupted conscience of perverted cartoonists and kiddie shows. Your elmo dont tickle the kid american idol or your rule 34 elsagate threads.


he never harmed anyone. Jewish lies pushed on him because he was an outspoken philanthropist who named (((them))) too much. most celebrities end up sacrificed anyways as part of their Kabbalistic rituals.

> namedropping Bernays
Amazing. Right out of Libido Dominandi


Really got my hopes up
