Is he right?

Is the rest of Jow Forums turning against Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Doesn't make sense because leftist demon worship is still the dominant culture in every western society, regardless of trump being president.

>caring about people whomst play video games opinions

Some """people""" just aren't interested in reality. I can't blame them given the state of things but they're in for a shock once it hits them.

I can’t imagine why a lefty would use this site. Since people can’t really freely say nigger anywhere else, Jow Forums will always maintain it’s right wing core


Most people on other boards are just trying to stay on topic. This displays Jow Forums's power though. What went down here during the 2016 election has been echoing throughout the internet ever since.

Literally laughed out loud

/tv/ is my home board and I don't see it apart from the usual back to Jow Forums posts. If anything it's gone even further right

Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci.”

Tbh, the rest of Jow Forums never liked Jow Forums.

The whole purpose of this board is to serve as containment for the absolute cancer that Jow Forums seems to draw.

>Since people can’t really freely say nigger anywhere else, Jow Forums will always maintain it’s right wing core

Jow Forums is Jow Forums. Every other board is a reddit rehash.

>Right about anything

That’s because /v/ was dealing with neogaffers at the time. However ever since the sites collapse they’ve seemed to fuck off. However I think most boards just don’t want politics to be the main focus which I could understand. I don’t see how Trump relates to a thread about Halo or Counter Strike.

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>implying this isn't just another version of the donald

Jow Forums and /v/ have the most redditors our of any board.

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But that doesn’t stop them from trying

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/v/ here, he's a complete fucking retard. Anybody who is left-leaning isn't really part of Jow Forums.

You can always tell a shill thread when they post screen caps of their own posts with 0 replies.

>is Jow Forums turning left?
>literally 0 responses or acknowledgement

Real talk, a lot of Jow Forums is apathetic and liked trump/right wing populism for the content it put out, plus you had to be a faggot to not enjoy the ride on election night

I think the interest boards are just tired of the debate entirely

I'll say this, I really doubt the ring wing here ever purged the channer left wing, its more the vocal voices flipped for a while.
I mean the "dissident right" or whatever you call it is a fuckin mess ATM, infighting, doxing, betrayal ect., its all because with trump in office there isn't much anyone can do but throw ideas at the wall for how to further grass root marketing. (which I think, has capped out for now, until some other flashpoint event happens that actually matters)

Left wing voices cropping up again just means the swarm mentally cropped up by all the energy during the election build up died down, also, trump supporting because a lot less edgy with reddit wienies adopting a lot of the old memes people made here in 2016.
Internet atheist neckbeards looking to be contrarian picked up the maga hat pretty fucking fast

Most of Jow Forums follows content creation/stimulation and the "right" is kinda stale atm since not much that matters is happening.

Don't make the mistake lefties think, when they assume they can "win". This is a 100% open platform and its all about moment to moment group consensus.

>clean /co/

That's like cleaning /b/ from nigger porn: why the fuck would you want to be on /b/ to begin with

Nah, because mainstream culture isn't conservative.We're still pretty much the counter culture even with Trump in.

What they don't realize is that /b/ is actually the containment board

>a random screencap of some stupid nigger pretending to know what he's talking about

/v/ and /vg/ are fucking basedboy incarnate.

That's because I shopped them out, it was a /qa/ thread that got 200+ replies

I don't give a fuck what you faggots do. Old fags just grew out the liberal shit like most humans do in their 20s. Be true to yourself in the end

/vg/ is a great board that remains on topic however /v/ these days sucks due to the horrible moderation.

Since the election /mu/ is basically a hub for antifa, we used to refer to rappers as niggers, discuss what artists we found attractive and rare them, “am I a faggot for liking ___ music?”, and it was all part of the culture and lingo and overlooked until now where you get constant “go back to Jow Forums!” And you get replies like “not cool” when posting something with nigger on it

>not supposed to be a place for politics
>Has literally two boards entirely devoted to politics


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>Posting a Jow Forums thread on /qa/

That place is filled with people whining about Jow Forums. What was he expecting?

Good joke


Lol, that board is even more hated then Jow Forums currently is. Literally a board populated by frogposters, redditors LARPing as oldfags and /jp/ migrants.

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let them.
they will learn.

They describe Jow Forums like Jow Forums describes the jews.

Absolutely. I come to this board to shit on you incels. Nothing more nothing less.

/v/ has sucked for years. Haven't been there for a while but it was always /b/ with occasional discussions about video games.

>Every other board is a reddit rehash
Funny I thought /po/ was just the edgier spinoff of the Donald.
Nah that's /trash/ and Jow Forums other than the namefag threads I am pretty sure /b/ is just bots now.

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>the jews describe pol like pol describes the jews

The existence of one popular website on the internet not filled with liberal dogshit is enough to keep them up at night.

You're liberal, you're a joke in itself.

like this?

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/trash/ is actually pretty racist at times, same can go for Jow Forums. I could see them becoming allies of ours.

/v/ is usually redpilled, however the problem is that moderators sack every thread that’s usually on topic with the board.

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I have been on this shit site for over a decade and nothing brought this shit hole down more than the introduction of this board.

But again these are the replies that sustain me. I demand more.

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The hate Jow Forums has for Jow Forums is self inflicted, nu/pol/ is fucking disgusting
>reddit threads
>reddit lingo
>e-celeb generals every day
>people defending israel
>fucking pewdiepie discussions
Jow Forums deserves to get bullied by the rest of Jow Forums for not stopping any of this

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/V says nigger more than /pol
GG forever redpilled /V
Just fuck off already

Jow Forums was probably the best board on the site before the election drove in tons of redditors. Now if you even joke in the slightest, you’re automatically called a shill by some angry boomer. I would unironically filter the word “shill” if I was a mod.

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>is he right?
>what do you guys think?
Same old CTR shills using the same old CTR scripts. Recognize proprietary shill phrases.
>when you really think about it, you gradually realize that everybody else is against you, so I guess the smart thing to do is to join us -- I mean them
>but there is that one guy on that other board who calls everything he doesn't like "Jow Forums"
Yeah. That's because -- gonna blow your mind here -- CTR is on other boards. And you know who else is on other boards is us and people who think like us.

no /v/ has just been shit since gamergate
every user that didn't literally ingest cock on a daily basis moved to Jow Forums, or moved to that other chan for awhile before coming back to Jow Forums

nu/pol/ is like that tumor that refuses to shrink no matter how hard you medicate It. It’s the cancer that’s killing this board and it needs to be dealt with.

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More leftist shilling than there’s ever been, easy to mistake for actual change in opinion.

This. There are two 4chans, Jow Forums and everything else. I see far leftist anti-racist posts on /trv/ often, /fa/ has a bunch of niggers, etc. At least some boards are okay, but it's all the worst. This website is the worst.

t. 04

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>I come to shit on you incels, nothing more.
>I've been here for over a decade
LOL fucking retard, walked yourself into a dead end in two posts. Remarkable.

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and nu/pol/ is so cancer, it's just a trap.

Just look at this shit People just scream shill without addressing anyone's legitimate points
This place needs a heavy fucking purge

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Nobody hates Jow Forums, they hate being exposed to nigger culture and face the truth that they're being niggered in everything they hold dear. It's not our fault every single form of entertainment has been fucking ruined. Go on /tv/, it's "guess who got blackwashed - the board". Is it our fault? No. That's like blaming us for niggers existing.

>Jow Forums turning against Jow Forums
>literally was owned by an SJW

No, it's just being massively invaded by the enemy. sageinallfields

Frogposting should be part of the first purge. Frogposting ruined Jow Forums. wogan is literal reddit cancer garbage shit. Everyone here has an IQ of like 110 now lol, if that.

I understand /fa/ but surprised about /trv/. That board just used to be about fucking whores around the world. Now it's a leftist hellhole?

/fa/ sometimes has threads about Nazi uniforms. They’re pretty comfy

I think filtering the word “shill” and “shilling” would be a start. It worked with basedboy. I don’t see how it can’t work for that. The fact there are boomers on the site who label any criticism of trump as “shilling” proves that hugboxing exists on both sides of the political spectrum.

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I can tell you what happened: they stopped underestimating Jow Forums in late 2016 because of Trump, came here and started shilling liberalism in hope it works and they avoid a second term. After all, this place has much better discussions than what I see on resetera and reddit anyway, so they would much rather be here to enforce their cancer than stay there.

It's either shilling or worse, you're an actual liberal, so you should get ip range banned.

I used to get banned trying to shame the niggers and their lovers. I just don't go there now and I travel a lot. Yeah, it's filled with trash. This entire website is filled with trash. Jow Forums has some handsome guys, and I mean "Some" like 100 or so. There are 10000s of short brown or ugly people there, too.

/out/ and some other boards are fine, too. I can relax there, but there will be the odd leftist in a thread, commie or whatever.

Helper did nothing wrong, the "kek cult" bullshit is the cancer
Wojak has been overused to hell and back too
Sure there are things that I agree have to be discussed, I am not saying media hasn't been corrupted by leftist bullshit but calling everyone shills and everything corrupted is not productive

Did you know that you can phone post these days? Its rad. I typically post here right before bed or on my commute.

"Why won't Stacy stop dating black men" the post

wotan wojack, whatever the fuck that retard face is, I just consider it avatarfagging when a person has no argument and it's ugly as fuck, and the imageboard should have beautiful pictures and not hideous fucking retard drawings because some low IQ faggot can't figure out a rebuttal.

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"As a white man I unironically masturbated to Blacked" the post

Seriously consider suicide.

I hope Jow Forums leaks everywhere to the point where people will say, hey thanks and fk you at the same time.

The thing is, the mob mentality has grown so badly that anybody who gives the slightest bit of criticism towards Trump is automatically a shill. It’s no better then SJWs calling people racist for disliking forced diversity. That’s why it needs to be filtered. Redditors have torn this board apart, we honestly need a merger with /mlp/ and /trash/ to happen again to filter out the newfags.

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This doesn't worked this way. Being a Trump support isn't the same as being a Obama supporter. It isn't acceptable culturally in America, saying your a Trump support in America will get your psychically attacked. In other words normies hate Trump supporters and Jow Forums hates normies.

How the fuck does politics relate to stuff like a video game board? I go to other boards to talk about topics I like not pizzagate-tier bullshit.

What's to turn against? Do you get up in arms when any random irl retard mouths off? Probably not because it isn't worth the effort. The amount content on Jow Forums with any substance at all is negligible. Holocaust threads aside, of course.

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Jow Forums literally has politically in its fucking name its our board goddamnit. There's very very few places on the internet like Jow Forums where you can have an honest conversation about jews in one thread and then move on to some other shit in a split second. I dont invade reddit because I think reddit is a scum pit worthy of its own hole but oooohhhhh noooo were not allowed our own site just like how whites aren't allowed to have their own countries anymore. To be fair though Jow Forums is already shitting up the entirety of reality with just one place

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No people usually just say on the other boards as a meme.

The lack of self awareness in this post is remarkable.

This, I don’t see how trump relates to threads that are completely unrelated to politics.

Nah. It's just the left lashing out in panic. Their death throes will herald a new age of reason.

hahaha I just go off on people. If I spot a redditfag who says something retarded and then tries to play big man on campus with me, I'll try my best to make them cry. I just don't want to hear garbage opinions, and you hear them often here. Ancient alien stuff? That's what reddit people believe, if you actually think aliens aren't a government psyop to cover up the UFO project then you need to get a lobotomy.

Aliens might exist in general, obviously I can't disprove that, but fucking here we have on this board day after day some "crazy theories" thread where everyone is jerking off to graham hancock and david icke and all these kike actor retards who go on joe rogan and suck his midget spic dick. lovely.

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/v/ has always been cucked
It is run by leftist mods that ban anyone they disagree with. Remember that hiroshimoot even had to step in during that neogaf shit to stop /v/'s mods from banning people over it.

/v/'s current moderators are holdovers from neo-gaf, the sites just being infiltrated by leftists because they think its some power center of the right. Not realizing that shitposting doesn't make you a conservative.

That's like asking, is canada turning against the world? Who cares. Jow Forums and Jow Forums make up more than half of traffic.

Trump arguments don't exist all over Jow Forums. Do you know what arguments go to other boards?

>national soccer teams from white countries full of niggers and shitskins
>World War 1 featuring hordes of nigger troops in bloody white countries or berber lesbian soldiers or SJW fat writers ruining yet another rpg
>Lara Croft made obese to upset straight white players
>blackwashed characters, Lando was a casanova so we'll make him literally hard gay
>Deadpool makes lame antirepublican "jokes"

This kinda thing. Trump is only featured here, and there's not like there's any other serious candidate in any party to stand against him.

/v/tards are usually Jow Forums-tier but can’t talk about it because they’ll get banned. I even got banned from /v/ for just posting this image.

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What's the most normie board here? /wsg/? even that board in with Jow Forums mostly.

If you’re talking about Reddit migrants, then it’s a tie between this board and /v/. We have the most newfags who originate from Reddit.

>caring what anyone on Jow Forums thinks

How new are you?

I was banned twice from /v twice for claiming lesbian sex is what heterosexuals call "foreplay". I said the said thing in /u and I wasn't banned. That tells you how terribly emasculated /v mods are.

Mods are global. All the mods are SJW cucks.

>Is the rest of Jow Forums turning against Jow Forums?

I don't think this is likely. Jow Forums is *the* stereotypical hangout for the geeky, white male nerd/incel/aspie types of the Internet. These white males are der ewige jude to the Left: they're the group that the SJWs hate above all others. It's unlikely that these white males are going to en masse embrace their existential enemies.

I agree with your point but don’t use one slash when discribing boards, it’s not laid out like a url link is. It’s suppose to be “/insert board here/“ not “/insert board here”

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They'll be pol teir as long as sjws keep screwing their games

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When was the last time you actually knew the touch of a woman italy? You've got this major chip on your shoulder.

Do you need a shoulder to cry on bud?

But the nintendo thread is pinned to the top. Ebin.

Have a (you)

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Nah its just the antifa discord squad.

I use an american keyboard so I flip layout on the fly, whichever suits me the best I'll use.

Prostitutes don't count, right? That rules out your mother.

/v/ is as anti-Nintendo as you can get, most of the threads praising them are bait.

The discord screenshots are usually fake, it’s actually just the mods removing all posts that would be redeemed as “racist” not to mention actual newfags.

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/v/ is anti-everything because nobody is so fucking stupid to actually play modern videogames. It's like roleplay, maybe 1% actually bothers with games and only when they're the hottest shit.