Would things be different for the alt right if nazism and antisemitism weren't apart of our movement?
Would things be different for the alt right if nazism and antisemitism weren't apart of our movement?
Are you saying that you want them to be a part of the alt right or apart from the alt right?
Pretty sure the 14/88 crowd is larping democunts false flagging regardless. Maybe they convince a few suckers, but national socialism is socialism, i.e. leftism.
Smelly dumb alt-right-scum. Capitalist cyber-theocracy is the only way. All hail super mecha death Christ!
>our movement
describe your clan
Love that meymey
I really really like this image. Mind if I save it?
OP go to JimmyRustler.com and educate yourself. Jews are the worldwide menace that must be stopped or we will all be enslaved.
No. Jared Taylor and the American Renaissance isn't anti-semitic and they still haven't took off in a huge way. If we fight for the truth, then we shouldn't compromise aspects of the truth just to appeal to the bluepilled. Pic very much related.
Stop encouraging this faggot. He spams this in every single thread and has for the past week. He's either a paid poster or the most unoriginal shitposter of all time.