Second special counsel


New special counsel to investigate Hillary and Muller all over fox news now Young Turks already putting out propaganda

Is this a happening?

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Other urls found in this thread:

They have all the corrupt judges, prosecutors, senators, journalists, etc they need to get away scot free.

Will there be trials?

Probably not.

The corrupt apparatus that let Hillary walk and Obama spy is still in place. Changing a few people at the top isn't going to do anything.

Could this literally be bigger than Watergate?

Was Q legit?

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Literally Nazi propaganda

Call me when CNN runs it

They are trying to spin it as Trump obstructing justice in the Muller investigation.

They laid out so much:
Tarmac meeting
Uranium one
Muller probe
Email scandal
Spies in trumps party
Glow in the dark nigger dossier and bias
Something is going to stick this is huge I cant wait to see how it goes

After so many months of muller's b.s., this will ramp up Trumps base tremendously. Everyone has been waiting for this.

watch the OP vid then, it's the actual source.

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>call me when cnn runs it
everybody quick run to the airport!

What are the names of your gerbils?

tfw nobody ever checks em

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>checking his own digits

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im not checking them im lamenting that nobody else does. i feel so left out

Bump for happening

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Mueller must be closing in on trump. He's scared, the kikes he services won't save his ass.
Trump is finished, I regret voting for the traitor.

Seriously we can't let this guy get his hands on the nuclear codes.


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Kek is here

Attached: no_we_cant.png (204x291, 69K)

I like to pinch my foreskin shut before blowing a load so that ball batter doesn’t go spraying everywhere.

Also, can I be i the screencap if there is a real happening this time?


Attached: Atomic Kek.jpg (250x236, 7K)

Attached: Holy Checkem.jpg (425x263, 44K)


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