Blue Texas is Gay AF

Democrats in Texas have nominated a openly gay latina in the gubernatorial race. She is the former sheriff of Dallas county.
>She's going to get run over by Abbott

Also, 2nd congressional district on GOP side has a former Navy seal, who lost is eye in the war, and wears fucking eye patch.
>the epitome of Texas

There's no way a gay latina wins the Governors spot

Attached: texas gay.png (561x687, 138K)

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They really fucked up with that choice.

>Punished Dan

What kind of degenerate do you have to be to lose to a lesbian spic? What's Andrew's issues?

is that dude literally Snake? Kek.

> white

He's White.

A dyke vs a pirate

Attached: 177472087_783399ec8c_b.jpg (683x1024, 277K)

>American = Deplorable
>Illegal immigrant = Dreamer
>MS-13 = Anything but "animal"
>Lesbian Spic > White guy named Andrew
This is the America we live in. RIP Old Glory.

RRRRRRRRRRRRR......Dan's going to make the scurvy dyke walk the plank

Attached: dxcfvgbhnj.jpg (914x619, 83K)

Attached: vr8ej0snffy01.png (1437x1083, 210K)

They got that from me here on Jow Forums. I've been saying it for about a week or so. Forgot about the NRA = Terrorist line.. but I've been reminded so it'll go back into it.

They added the Hamas line, though.

a literal eyepatch holy shit.

I really hope big boss becomes governor of texas

Will create outer heaven in District 2. New Texas

Thats an enemy democrat boss, get down

is the eye patch real?

>(Dan)hald I will take revenge for my delegates

I bet you a statue of General Lee he's sorry for being white.

Kevin Roberts got played like a damn fiddle.

War has changed

Attached: Cover_Dan-Crenshaw_v2_25.jpg (675x900, 131K)

Second place also looks like a gay latina.

yes, he lost it in Afghanistan from an IED

Yeah there are a lot of faggot leftists in Texas now. My sister (who I don't speak with) is a fucking lib tard with a man hating complex. I fckn hope Snake wins!!!

discord gg/YEtKXZ

add a .

Attached: Pic.jpg (957x1024, 209K)

Everyone in this thread is a fucking retard the gov race is NOT between punished Dan and the latingay woman Jesus Christ learn how to read


Reminder that Texas is turning blue by 2030 and the United States is completely fucked due to retarded conservatives thinking minority subhumans somehow belong here. I fucking hate conservatives as much as I hate liberals at this point.



Probably only won because of Latino voters, who likely make up the majority of the Texas Democratic Party primary electorate.

It's like in Georgia today. The Democrats had a really good, sane intelligent white woman candidate (Stacey Evans) who lost big time to this Stone Mountain-hating, anti-gun raving lunatic named Stacey Abrams. You can't convince me that Abrams didn't win for the sole reason that she was black. Georgia is 30.9% black, and blacks voters almost all participate in the Democratic primary, so that primary's electorate is mostly black.

People act like whites are racists and only vote for white candidates ("Bradley effect"), but in reality that's blacks and Latinos. Look at Alvin Greene in South Carolina in 2010. They will nominate a total clown for no reason other than they share the same race.