Our rainy little island will face water shortages. Our population density is too high. We have to queue for everything...

Our rainy little island will face water shortages. Our population density is too high. We have to queue for everything, there is traffic everywhere and now we are running out of water. We have to stop immigration. There must be some limit to the number of people who can come here. The UK has had the fastest growing population in Europe for a decade and things aren't slowing down, last year we had the sharpest rise in 70 years. They are putting profits and replacement above everything else.

>The study, the first major report on water resources in England, says that population growth and climate change are the biggest pressures on a system that is already struggling.
>According to the Environment Agency, extraction of groundwater was not at a sustainable level
>The government has already suggested an individual's water use be reduced

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=uk rivers drying up&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab

Start stockpiling water and lots of supplies now.

The only way to solve this is going to be bloody

The only way is to snap your fingers

>They are putting profits and replacement above everything else.

Its all people care about.
Rivers are drying up, people wringing their their hands about it nothing is done.

mfw britbongs ban water

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Good thing you guys are brexiting. If you were smart, you'd shut the channel tunnel, throw away the key, put a long gun wall on the cliffs of dover, and never let anyone in ever again. Only out. I mean, don't get me wrong, you're not smart but, you know, if you were...


The Brexit isn't stopping immigration

You guys are in the same situation. Our countries are some of the most densely populated places on earth. We are not meant to live like this.

>The only way is to snap your fingers

some things need to snap

>The Brexit isn't stopping immigration
I know. It should. It won't. I literally just said that.

Start drinking urine problem solved

importing a million indian engineers will fix this

Store water in plastic foor long time, drink, grow tits.

This is the gods' revenge and wrath for deluding the royal bloodline

>Temporary use ban (TUB)
>Authorised by the Flood and Water Act in 2010, this replaced the 'hosepipe ban' and restricts the use of the local water, banning certain non-essential uses

God knows what they will come up with in the future. They don't care what conditions we live under


Britain's got plenty of water. The infrastructure for transporting it is dire, though. We had hosepipe bans in Herefordshire because most of the supply would be lost through ancient and leaky pipes. Britain's got a decades-long history of alternately nationalizing and privatizing certain industries and utilities as if this would somehow fix them. Really, what happens with each attempt is they throw a pile of money at the newest operator, barf out some absolutely useless and expensive slogans, and then fail to get after the bastards when they line their own pockets rather than make any significant infrastructure investments.

Water loicence.

>over seven million Arizonans live in the middle of the damn desert
>but it's the Brits that run out of water

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Heh. My parents left at the tail end of the Three-Day Week nonsense in the seventies.


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Churchill fucked you real bad, he realised it before he died, but to be fair he really had no choice just like hitler. The great thing about the internet is the truth can get out. You kids have an advantage that my generation never had, you have access to the truth at a young age even if you are poor you can get educated about the truth.

Don't store water, die, die in savage combat over water. I'll go with some tits.

This is why i come to these threads.

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I think you're right about this.
£150 annual licence, it will do fuck all to solve anything, just another excuse to rob people.

Fuck off, boomer.


I don't know that it was Churchill specifically. Britain had a captive colonial market for so long that we didn't learn to compete. When we lost it, the aristocrat approach to running a business, i.e., "we've always done it this way" soon got us left behind. Pile on the disastrous labor movement, and Britain was screwed. In the States, you could at least deal with a union. They might be difficult, but at least there was contract enforcement. So one you had an agreement, they'd mostly stick to it and you could get work done. Not so in Britain. There'd quickly be a new grievance, a new reason why the agreement you'd only just made wasn't suitable.

>rainy little island
>water shortages
>Our population density is too high
you god damned idiot
can't you see the leap of logic you've made

it rains enough in England to give enough water 20 or 30 times over each year.
the problem is NOT overpopulation (a myth to encourage you to die). the problem is DISTRIBUTION of the resources
now i'll drop some facts to back this up:
>UK loses BILLIONS of litres through leaks every year
Our privatised water company system fails to fix these leaks, they work on the correct assumption that billions of liters of rain will fall on the UK which will fill all of their deficits. This means that in a drought, or lack of rain, their inefficiency will limit the amount of water available to customers. UK water should not be privatsed, and I encourage everyone to get their own rainwater harvesting system, cheap, reliable, off-grid.

The argument you present is based entirely on falsehoods to support the 'muh climate change' meme because they have no other political bludgeon anymore.

so when you quote
>population growth and climate change are the biggest pressures
they're really saying yes good goy, there's too many of you vermin around for our water system. we need to KILL you off.
>individual's water use be reduced
no mention of the water companies, or industrial uses of water. water CANNOT be scarce in the UK it's absurd! It falls out of the sky hundreds of litres a day. up, oh it's gone, best go die for the sake of """overpopulation""

>rivers drying up
show me some evidence.


Our infrastructure is appalling yes and it's very obvious we are going to get a very dry summer . but we just had a very wet cold winter with lots of rain and snow which shows we are idiots at managing resources

yeah no shit, the water industry should be run better and leaks should be dealt with, but it wouldn't be an issue if we weren't importing millions of people. Our native population is declining, yet our actual population is growing quickly to the highest and quickest levels ever. We do have overpopulation in England. It is one of the most densely populated places on earth.

>best go die

I never said anything like that. We need to stop immigration to the island which is destroying life here

>minister of health for beligium is that big lady


probably has gills.

yet another british scaremongering news report.
its the same shit constantly on this drab island lads. over and over constantly our media barrages us with some article or another about how we're all going to die/starve etc.

to give some examples of scares that amounted to nothing/were built entirely on lies:
>we're going to run out of fuel/gas during a weeklong cold snap (entirely false, assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/652085/gas-security-of-supply-review.pdf )
>we're all going to die of bird flu
>we're all going to die of swine flu
>10 trillion stories every month about how the NHS is underfunded and is about to collapse at any second for the last 30 years

You are literally surrounded by ocean on all sides

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white people need to come and fix this, so that there is water for people of color.

maybe that's why we are bringing in all the polish plumbers

This is what California does in a drought you dumby

>Do you have a loicence for that glass of water?

Maybe the world actually CAN'T sustain 4 billion niggers and counting, huh?

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good luck with your pipes, there is tremendous wage growth in Poland and people are coming back.

>a desert
>restricting water use due to climate

>an island constantly being bombarded with precipitation
>restricting water because there are too many people because your government is short-sighted
Reaching maximum retard levels.

What is reasonable for California is not reasonable for the fucking rainy isles. Idiot.

They are realising what a mess western countries are in and how important a nice environment and quality of life are too

Tabloids were a mistake

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We're smaller than arizona and have 10 times the population

>We do have overpopulation in England.
>It is one of the most densely populated places on earth
again you keep using ill logic to support your claim
'overpopulation' is a myth, it's all about distribution of resources.
You could fit the whole world's population, at the density of Manhattan, into Texas. And side by side you could fit every human into the island of Manhattan. So it's not really that there's "too many people", it's that the resources, land, water, food, waste collection, infrastructure etc. are distributed badly.
I'm not calling for tyrannical distribution of resources, just acknowledge that overpopulation is a myth.
What you talk about
>destroying life here
is a cultural phenomenon, due to bad integration of communities, clashes of ideology, a failing in the integrity of the social fabric leading to higher crime, litter, lower social cohesion and so on, it's a feedback loop. But acknowledge it's not overopoulation. If we had a system of allocating housing, providing resources and infrastructure, as well as cultural integration, it logically wouldn't matter how many immigrants came.
Now I agree that these problems exist, but it's a multifaceted problem, unmanaged immigration, combined with crumbling infrastructure creates the feeling you have.

The solutions are
>programmes of integration
>infrastructure investment
>focus on resource allocation and reducing wastage
these would go some of the way to helping the problem

but going on the
>muh muslim immigrant
>muh climate change
only divides society, makes you easy to control, and unable to see the deeper systemic solutions.

I mean believe what you want, but try not to dismiss EVIDENCE for the sake of your IDEOLOGY, that's how we get led astray from peace and abundance

then how does Tokyo have enough water for all of its inhabitants?

>'overpopulation' is a myth, it's all about distribution of resources.
>You could fit the whole world's population, at the density of Manhattan, into Texas. And side by side you could fit every human into the island of Manhattan. So it's not really that there's "too many people", it's that the resources, land, water, food, waste collection, infrastructure etc. are distributed badly.
>people are identical to plants and never move

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Clearly the solution is to import more niggers and pakis lads. Open borders will fix this

They're stuck with this ponzi scheme of an economic model that demands exponential growth and investment or it all falls over. This model is killing us, driving us mad and consuming the planet.

Stockpile ammo too, people may to take your supplies by force.

I shit you not but they actually reason that importing immigrants that are going to be completely useless in the workforce and a net burden to society still benefit the economy as a whole in growth terms as even they need services,"police". They don't give a fuck if the original inhabitants have to pay more taxes and inflation takes a hit, it's still growth and more people means more consumption.

The south east would be the worst off in a drought.

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>mfw they start shitting in the rivers.
>now there is less useable water

Oi bruv, you got a loicense for that water?


google.com/search?q=uk rivers drying up&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab

Oi mate do you have a loicense for that water mate?

You could fit them in there but they'd have the living standards of rodents. Not to mention the amount of farmland you need to produce the food to feed these people. Industrial agriculture has already decayed 30% of the world's arable land and neither we nor nature can replenish the soil fast enough to cope with the booming brown population. There's a very real possibility that WW3 will be fought over food and water.

> Land degradation stretches to about 30 % of the total global land area.6

> The problem persists, with a reported loss rate of about 10 million hectares per year.


> The world has lost a third of its arable land due to erosion or pollution in the past 40 years, with potentially disastrous consequences as global demand for food soars, scientists have warned.

> New research has calculated that nearly 33% of the world’s adequate or high-quality food-producing land has been lost at a rate that far outstrips the pace of natural processes to replace diminished soil.


Overpopulation isn't a meme you dipshit, not unless you want to go back to the living standards of a 12 century peasant and live in something resembling a Judge Dredd megacity. The meme is that it's a white people problem when white birth rates naturally stabilised at sustainable levels. This isn't even considering the problems like flooding and other natural consequences we cause by deforestation required to cultivate new farmland and build new houses.

>programmes of integration

Such as? The natives don't want them and they don't want to be around us. That's why everyone naturally self segregates. You're not changing that without some truly beyond the pale Orwellian nightmare even for the UK.

> only divides society

Society was divided when it decided to become "multicultural." Division was the point.

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>implying Jow Forums isn't full of traps anyways

Hyperbole. Shame on you OP for falling for it.

nonsense, bigot. we have to at least try. even if it kills us.

the state of that link
so you agree that it's water companies, not immigrants?

I agree that you need land for agriculture, however,
>what is mycoprotein?
>what is test tube steak?
there are technological advancements to help this. I agree though that soil is fucked and desperately needs help / replenishment.
fortunately all that extra CO2 in the air helps plants grow better which increases biomass. so far from being a problem; excessive CO2 actually helps us!

>There's a very real possibility that WW3 will be fought over food and water.
nice meme. stop reading the daily mail.

> living standards of a 12 century peasant and live in something resembling a Judge Dredd megacity
god you're pessimistic. but yeah I don't believe in overpopulation. it's a myth. show me an instance of overpopulation where it WASNT a case of misattribution of resources. should be easy if i'm wrong.

>white birth rates naturally stabilised at sustainable levels
condoms, the pill, falling sperm count, feminism...

>deforestation required to cultivate new farmland and build new houses
again I agree that this is a problem, it would be much better to use old houses, plan new developments better etc. I think we agree about a lot of things, you just seem to want to insert immigration into your argument

>everyone naturally self segregates
the jamaicans integrated well
it's not as you think it is. multiculturalism was a bad thing, encouraging enclaves and separate cultures, over integration. hence why polish and pakistani communities haven't really integrated like previous waves of immigrants. but that was engineered.
anyway, i'm not fighting the pro-immigration point
my point is that immigration is not causing our rivers to dry up, nor is climate change a problem.

>some truly beyond the pale Orwellian nightmare

Thank god. All the polish people in my city are absolute fucking parasites. Literally worse than Indians.

It literally rains 24/7 there. How bad is your overpopulation problem?

>so you agree that it's water companies, not immigrants?

Its demand.
immigrants are a part of that demand, so is industry.

When I got out of prison, I went up in the mountains and I looked around and I sat down and I seen the water all polluted. I seen the trees being cut down. I seen this concrete maze that man has made and it’s like I had come from another place that’s not the same place that you guys— that that world lives in. And I thought, ‘Whose responsible for this? Whose job is this to make sure that we got air here to breathe?' Because we’re gonna run out of air here. This whole planet’s gonna run out of air. And I look at the water and I look at the way they’re misusing the resources and the water, and how they use tons and tons and tons of paper. You got 200 million people shoveling paper all day long. You think, something has to be done here, you know, to reach a balance to where we can have life on this planet.

High population is putting all services and resources to breaking point you massive faggot

Absolutely, it doesn't matter to the people lending the money if they are lending it to productive people or the government to give to wasters, they get interest (money for nothing) either way.

This. We're heading towards extinction because of fanatical devotion to ponzi scheme economics. I hope we're at least some alien race's reality TV show because it's got to be entertaining to watch from the outside.

> god you're pessimistic. but yeah I don't believe in overpopulation. it's a myth.

Visit India and ask them about it. More people is more demand on finite resources and finite space. This isn't difficult. We do not have limitless resources, we do not have limitless space. House prices, cost of living, cost of public services, cost of everything you can imagine is increased with every new body added to the equation. It's hugely exasperated when these new bodies are not economically productive, which our brown friends are, by the averages, not.

> WASNT a case of misattribution of resources

What does this mean? Is your idea of good attribution full communism where someone organises a country like a fucking RTS game and we're all just drones living in box units operating at optimal efficiency regardless of our personal wants and desires? Maybe we could accommodate a lot more people like that, but I'd rather not have these people and live a life of liberty with natural beauty to enjoy and a comfortable standard of living.

> nice meme. stop reading the daily mail.

> Losing arable land at a rate of 10 million hectares per year
> Africa alone projected to add 1.3 billion over the next 30 years
> Global pop projected to add 2.2 billion over same period

It's just maths.

> the jamaicans integrated well

12% of London's population in 2010. Responsible for 52% of recorded crime. If that's what we call successful integration, why in blue fuck do we want it?


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-surrounded by oceans.
Have fun dying, niggers.

Sorry user that reply was not meant for you.

Meant for

Such an easy fix: put an immediate ban on new immigration. Of course they won't. But the solution is so simple is laughable.

>ban water
Queuing up to buy my water licence now, I may take to drinking acid, the corner shops are selling it by the pallet load.

and you blame the state of the population, i blame the state of the resources and services

my problem has solutions, your problem causes divisions

Obvious solution is to develop the technology to turn people into robots then turn them off "temporarily as an emergency measure". That might be a blessing mind you... imagine a robot body provided by the NHS... yikes.

In reality you are not wrong, without being right. It’s a civil engineering matter and the British just don't have the stomach for great works anymore. However, why should they change their island into Coruscant or Trantor lite?

cut down the trees, build even more houses for yet more people.

concrete over the ancient meadows, immigrants need that land, they're just looking for a better life after all.

forget/ignore that the English people may like their homeland just as it is.

Press S to spit on the capital insanity of modernity

How can you be running out of water, you're literally surrounded by it.

>Rainy island nation runs dry
nibba, iz you dumb?

the most difficult part is going to be explaining to all the non britons that they were lied to and that they cant stay
the enemedia will show "families torn apart" and play to the emotions of the gullible
the globalists are going for broke and both parties are in their pocket

Same kikebro. Can you jewishaccident londanistan like you do palestine? Please think of the cheeky wanklets, they re heavilly endangered.


It's almost like resources are limited, but you leftists wankers want to import more "people".

Especially ridiculous considering Africa is larger than China, India, the United States and most of Europe combined. It has the most arable land in the world, it's abundant in natural resources, and yet they all need to move to our island which is five times smaller than South Africa alone, with 10 million more people already, just because they can't cobble a functioning civilization together. Somehow it's our responsibility to sacrifice and "allocate resources" to accommodate limitless breeders migrating from a literal garden of eden to escape their own ineptitude.

don't be a water, bin that importer!

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>Visit India and ask them about it
ive been there, they're doing fine, they just need infrastructure to develop to lift them out of poverty

>cost of everything you can imagine is increased with every new body added to the equation
technology reduces this cost, are you ignoring all advances in technology since the population was half a billion?

>not economically productive, which our brown friends are ... not
who makes your clothes, phone, plastics, website code etc.? brown people
what do you produce??

>your idea of good attribution full communism
I explicitly said it wasn't. I believe the solution is much more in tune with your
>liberty with natural beauty

> Losing arable land at a rate... Africa alone projected to add...
necessity is the mother of invention and no trend lasts forever. come on man, use some logic, you're being facetious

>blacks commit crime
> 54 per cent of street crimes where police catch their suspect
who runs the corrupt water companies? who sells of forest to developers? blacks? no. do these white collar criminals get caught and prosecuted? no.
i'll take your point that jamaicans haven't integrated fully, if you take mine that the biggest villain is not immigration

envision a green and pleasant future. we can achieve it.

> just as it is
i don't, it's fucked up, being polluted & paved already
we want policies that roll back urban sprawl, make use of the empty buildings and brownfields
return land to the commons and protect it

a poem for you two:

>The law locks up the man or woman
>Who steals the goose from off the common
>But leaves the greater villain loose
>Who steals the common from off the goose


where do you live?
we are living on top of eachother. How dense a population do we have to have. You can only pack people together so much. Overpopulation is not a myth, there are too many people here.

In your fantasy world, how many is too much for England and too much for London?
There has to be some figure where we say okay that's enough

We have this here too. I agree with it. Why should fucktards be watering their lawns and washing their cars when we are in a drought

South East

>on top of eachother
don't live in a high rise. apparently some people like it.

>How dense a population do we have to have
you can't control this

>Overpopulation is not a myth, there are too many people here
that's your opinion, overpopulation is an adjective describing too many people for too few resources.
however we are on the brink of technological abundance, 3d printing food from waste. there really is nothing to worry about in that regard.

>how many is too much for England and too much for London?
it's not really a question of how many, it's a question of how. isn't it? if there was zero crime, full integration to your percieved "british values", economic advancement etc. then you'd have no problem. therefore the numbers don't matter its the quality or method of their growth which worries you. therefore the problems are of resource distribution, and culture. not numbers of immigrants. as much as this is deep burnt into the british psyche

>In your fantasy world
I'll meet you in your utopia. I'll bring mine

will never happen

>certain non-essential uses
1984 meets BNW: the country

I'm guessing collecting rainwater in England is illegal? It rains all the time there right.

>overpopulation is an adjective describing too many people for too few resources
There are other criterias too, not only resources, Achmed.

California has plenty of certain type of milk in reserves.

it's bad, it's very overcrowded, we live in some of the smallest homes and things are projected to get worse

>According to figures released by theOffice for National Statistics(ONS), there are an average of 413 people per sqkm in England.

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You won't be able to survive as a culture without the immigrants.

Looks like you have to import water from other countries.
Oh, right. Have fun paying 10 euros a bottle!

>however we are on the brink of technological abundance

So you're depending on sci-fi tier technology to solve problems which are going to crush us in under 30 years? Bit of a gamble considering we have countless examples of scarcity causing wars in human history. When people get hungry, they get violent. When people get violent, that's when they get really tribal and this whole multicultural tinderbox we're building meets the match.

> you can't control this

Yes we can.

> if there was zero crime, full integration to your percieved "british values", economic advancement etc. then you'd have no problem.

Yes, if none of the problems immigrants brought existed then people wouldn't have a problem with it. Bit of a redundant point. You may as well be saying we could all drink acid if it didn't melt our flesh. I still wouldn't want the population to continue increasing at these rates even if it was all white British. We can observe a measurable impact on quality and cost of living, it's simple supply and demand 101 economics.

> will never happen

So all 7.5 billion people could move here and you'd be fine with it?

Give up your daughter, bin that water. Anyone ready for hosepipe ban 2.0

Brexit means more Pakis to rape their children.

I like how a little island thought they could take millions of refugees and then fire the white males form waterworks industry. Apparently they thought Cape Town was a good example to follow.

That face when London is a desert wasteland by 2050.

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