If we ban guns, kids will just find another way to kill each other

>if we ban guns, kids will just find another way to kill each other
This kid shows up to a school shooting thus equipped. What's the highest body count he can expect to achieve?

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Pretty high if he is launching grenades out of it

fuck guys im so sick of that stupid hot cheeto puff in the office, can we finally get rid of him before he does some real damage? hes basically a ERROR_STRING_ATTACK_NOT_FOUND anyways...

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at GetChanAuth(ChanHook.java:10)
at ImageHandler.renameImage(ImageHandler.java:324)
at ImageHandler.main(ImageHandler.java:455)
at InsultHandler.main(InsultHandler.java:43)


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It's very easy to get out of the range of a single grenade's blast radius. After that he would just get rushed by the other students.

Guns are cheating though

If a faggot loner brings a knife, odds are he would be too weak to overcome another student or a teacher, so his score would be -1

I love guns and all, but when they are in the hands of weak, effeminate men, it's cheating nature. Normally an ostracized member of a society would be cast off, either unable to sustain itself without the resources of it's society, or die/ kill themselves. Instead weaker specimen can just get a gun, and kill a bunch of people without as much effort with any other weapon. Rifles and handguns definitely do require some strength to shoot, but even a stray shot can be lethal.

Lol no. An rdx pipe bomb will kill in a 400 foot radius easy.

Lol you sure you can reliably stop a knife attack?
A knife can kill pretty fast.

is there even a point in making a "pipe bomb" from RDX? Surely its better to just pack shrapnel around the charge since its already a high explosive.

If i remember correctly, didn't some Chinese guy stab like 50 people on a train?

True, nails are nice. It's just that using a pipe bomb that's scored around high explosives produces a nice blast.
You can of course increase the power with shrapnel like ball bearings or nails.

If that kid shows up with homemade napalm or anthrax his kill count would be insane

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> Truck of peace
> Bombs

Two guys did pic related with some fertilizer and diesel, killing 168 people and injuring almost 700. What's to stop some kid from walking an ammonium nitrate bomb into a school and leaving it in his locker? Guns are heavily regulated in the UK so terrorists use vehicles and bombs to mass murder. The overall murder rate however was completely unaffected by the firearms controls, the stabbing rate just exploded. I don't think an example exists of firearms bans lowering the murder rate.

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What kid is ever going to get access to rdx?

Anyone with white fuming nitric acid and hexamine tablets.
So any 16 year old with internet access.
Also pic related I have actually seen kids make.

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If the motherfucker looks anything like this fat faggot, I am fully confident in my ability to overpower them. Maybe not completely unharmed, because I'm just a dude who lifts and I don't have any kind of combat training. But I believe I would come out on top in that situation

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>You beat him up
>Smugly you stand up
>Wonder why the bleeding didn't stop
>Oops in his panicked flailing he nicked an artery

Implying it will ever be hard to get a gun in America even if they're banned (i.e. Chicago)

It's a hell of a lot more difficult though. With a gun any brainlet can kill a bunch of students. Bomb making requires time, planning and an iq in the double digits which already eliminates 90% of would be spree killers.

Not really.
The truth is bombs are turd simple.
It's alot easier to use a bomb than a gun.

>ban guns
>sharp decline in school shootings
>sharp rise in school bombings
>bombs already banned
duh, just ban killing people at schools
problem fucking solved

>locks all external doors
>fires flaming rocks through windows
>random lockers filled with gasoline canisters

Yeah that could probably get about 3.50 people

ban science

It isn't difficult to construct a rudimentary bomb. IEDs were the scourge of advanced western militaries in the middle east because any 80 IQ goatfucker could make them. In this day and age there are step by step instructions online with fucking diagrams and even videos. They're easy to make, it's just dangerous. But we're talking about mass murderers here, these kids understand that they're going to end up shot by police, executed or imprisoned for life to get raped by Jamal - yet they still do it. I don't think they'd be phased by the prospect of accidentally blowing themselves up. In fact you could get away with a bombing a lot easier than you could a shooting.

Or just make a flamethrower from an old fire extinguisher container.
Roasted roastie

You still have to make the thing. Those aren't chemicals that any teenager can just get a hold of.

But OP showed a picture with a slingshot

His kill count would be significantly lower, and knife puncture wounds are easier to treat than bullet wounds.

he`l blow up the entire city with that weapon of mass murder...

Cold packs,c02 containers, no salt.salt substitute, hexamine camping fuel...
You misunderstand.
All the ingredients for nearly any kind of explosive can be found at Walmart

most high schools have chemistry labs
they still teach chemistry in U.S. schools, right?

Hell even ammonia and peroxide make a hi-ex compound.
You have to ban all the chemicals, except you can make explosives from urine!

yeah but you have to be somewhat smart to make a bomb, if you think about it really if a kid decides to make a bomb and doesn't go through with it, he learned how to make a bomb

if a kid has a gun and decides to go through with it, he didn't learn anything

so having bomb attacks is superior to gun attacks, and another positive is that most school shooters want to be recognized as the perpetrator because they have been "taunted" by their peers and want their harassers to recognize the perpetrator

those guys in boston didn't really have a problem putting theirs together.

that was a false flag

Again, not really. You would be disgusted how easy it actually is.
Dangerous, but easy.

Also binary and trinary explosives are legal in many parts of the u.s.

>metal bb's with a listerine tab wapped around it

Enjoy your anaphylactic shock and agonizing death.

If they get themselves blown up then they don't get anyone else killed which more than defeats the purpose. They're aware enough of this that it would be enough of a deterrent for some.

This. I personally know a dude who got nicked during a fight and didnt feel it due to adrenaline. The medics said that if a nearby taxi driver hadn't used his belt to stop the blood flow he would have 100% bled out before the ambulance arrived.

Sharp knives are no joke.

ban piss bottles

Lol but you can buy at the bare minimum tannerite online.
That's an ALAN derivative, and their .22 formula is chlorate based.
Or at sporting goods stores for cash.

>pay Russian hooker to piss on me
>get raided by the ATF

Just visit a fucking pharmacy and spread out what you intend to buy over different shops and a longer period of time.

Nitrates are fucking easy to get in the form of artificial fertilizer in any flower shop.
Mix it with fuel and use a clock as a timer to set it of.

>t. FBI agent

Literally this.
There's been instances of urea bombs being assembled and deployed by inmates of maximum security prisons.

Can you throw a link towards info about that as I can't find anything on Google about it.

What if you just got some concentrated bleach and vinegar and just left it there. Kinda like the guy on Jow Forums who gassed himself.

>Year is 2045
>The law making it illegal to stockpile any chemicals is in effect
>Have to pee super bad
>4th gender semi fireball melts the toilet receptical with it's acid excretion
>Piss myself
>Get blown apart by a high pressure water blast from a bomb disposal drone


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That wont work unless you mix it with nitromethane to make. AnNM


Better would be pool cleaner and bleach.
I bet he didn't expect to start melting.

>Guns get banned
>Buy gun illegally from a prepper/nigger
Even if he cant get a gun, its insanely easy to pull off a bomb, sarin or anthrax attack if you commit yourself.

But how effective would it be? Would people get a skin irritation or would it start to melt their lungs

If they blow themselves up they'll blow up everyone and everything around wherever they're attempting to construct the bomb. In the case of angsty teenagers, that'll be something like a suburban garage or the back of an old van parked anywhere.

What if you get kid who decides to make a chlorine bomb (also easy)? What if some kid just drives his car through the school's front door at the bell? What if he hires the heaviest truck he can hire and drives it through doors and down the hallway?

It's retarded to think people who mass murder are just not going to do it because of laws. We wouldn't have a terrorism problem here in the biggest police state in the west if that was the case. Where there's a will, there's a way. The only way to solve this problem is to actually address the reasons why these kids are killing.

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>let’s not fix the people, let’s just limit the tools they have to use

David killed Goliath with one, So maybe the whole school

Stupid effective.
Toilet bowl cleaner (the acid kind) would be even worse.

If you want to go super silly mode, you could load a super soaker with toilet stain remover and while wearing rubber gloves go spray a bunch of people.
Take 2 minutes to inflict the wound and they will think it's just slightly tingly water.

Pic related managed to torch 10 and wound 28 with a homemade flamethrower and lance.

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>When using a gun isn't enough
Glorious. I like how he worked melee into their.

>make bomb with your urine
>culture biological agent from your feces to coat shrapnel
>literal pee pee poo poo attack

Such is the way of the world

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>everyone and everything around
so they'd blow up their garage or some van. tragic.
>What if some kid just drives his car through the school's front door at the bell?
Schools have barriers to prevent cars from getting onto the premise.
>What if he hires the heaviest truck
Teenagers can't just rent a truck whenever they feel like. They don't have the funds, a driver's license, or any chance in hell of getting past the insurance checks.
Why not both?

>God made man
>Sam Colt made him equal
This triggers the Marxist.

Except you really can't.
Pipe shotguns have become the weapon of the hour in Britain and guns are illegal there.
Nothing has changed.

Dogs hate niggers by nature. It is instinctual. An animal species can never be trained respect for a competitive animal. Any nigger that owns a dog is an animal abuser by default.

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Pretty sure it can cause permanent brain damage if you inhale the right concentration, or that might be another mixture of home chemicals.
Anyway, either you'll end up too fucked up to attend college, essentially doing you a favor. Or you'll fit right in, lmao.

>super soaker
It's time to ban waterguns.

The idea of instead of killing them, permanently scarring people beyond recognition, seems much more appealing if I were a psychopath.

People don't seem to realize that you can weaponize pretty much anything.
It's a reason why pepper spray is banned here.

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The only body count will be his

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I'm surprised we don't see more pneumatic weapons in places where are illegal.
Large bore airguns and arrow guns (not bowgun, but and airgun the fires arrows and bolts) can penetrate armor with ease and have as much energy as a .308 rifle, or in some cases more.

Depends what he is lobbing.
Arrows can be fired from slingshots for example, and contrary to popular belief and arrow wound is debilitating

ban assault fertilizer, obviously. nobody *needs* all that nitrogen.

> Teenagers can't just rent a truck whenever they feel like. They don't have the funds, a driver's license, or any chance in hell of getting past the insurance checks.

And most of these shootings are committed with illegally acquired firearms. Why not illegally acquired trucks?

One kid could kill everyone in his school with simple arson and blocked exits. All it takes is one fucked up innovator to get a high score with something we may not have even considered to inspire everyone else including the mohammeds.

The truth of it is that there is no evidence that bans reduce murder. It's a purely emotional argument to curtail some very important rights.

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Ban assault cold packs, after all they require no straining or refining like fertilizer does.

cuz the next best thing after a gun is a slightshot right xDDD

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typical slingshot ammo is basically ball bearings. that can easily penetrate the skull.

There is only a rough theory how to commit a terrorist attack.
One day an autistic will put the world to shame and it will be something simple.

I actually didn't know that. I always had glass or ceramic ammo growing up.

It's not that easy to steal a truck. They have GPS trackers on them. For a kid to somehow get a hold of a semi is setting the difficulty pretty damn high.

[post by faggot redditor who genuinely thinks your post is legit and not a shitpost]

>nobody *needs* all that nitrogen
honestly though, if you know about soil that shit is just salting the earth and poisoning the rivers for the sake of this season's crop. maybe for hydro, then all that soluble nitrogen makes sense.

Also a student can't just block all the school exits. There's no way he could get to all of them without someone noticing what he's doing.

No, it's hilariously easy if you're not even slightly concerned about getting away with it afterwards.

Must be why Sam Hyde's score is still so low.

>Emps gps tracker with microwave gun

What about shitty rural or church schools with on or two entrances?

Lets be honest the problem is niggers and jews

stock up on this if you still have your sling. get some replacement tubes while your at it, they usually don't last very long.

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Fucking Israel and the Jews need to die.

I remember reading a few years ago that we've lost a worrying amount of arable land because of industrial agriculture and it could lead to a food crisis in the future. The African population boom is going to be fun.

I'm good I have tons of ammo for gun and lots of 50 Cal ball bearings

>hat's the highest body count he can expect to achieve?
None, unless he is "lucky"
A knife or a baseball bat would yield more, hell, even a sharp stick or pencil.

>set up remote fire bombs above every exit
>all exits are now obstructed by fire and debris

It will be bombs you retard you know like the last guy had even though they are illegal.

Or just padlock and chain the doors shut.

And all the windows too? M8 pls.

Then you're talking about stealing it during school hours so in broad daylight. We're assuming this kid would even know how to drive a truck from say a gas station to a school. Most of them have manual transmission which is nothing like a regular car's.
Yeah exactly it's just more layers of complexity. You also have to know where the trackers are.

>Hasn't seen school windows in the modern era
They don't open on some school buildings m8

You can put a semi into first gear easy.

I'm pretty sure a kid could get his hand on a large knife and get perhaps 1 or 10 depending on his stealth lvls

I knew a guy that made his own crossbow. That fucker could shoot clean through a sheet of corrugated iron

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haha you'd be lucky if your classroom even had windows.

probably the unbreakable polycarbonate kind like they have in prisons