Been shitposting for 3 years. I'm tired of you fucktards thinking you're any different from the liberal cancer. Most of the shitposters here have no arguments, provide screencaps and memes as evidence of their dumb beliefs. You faggots are just the same as those mouth foaming liberals. Goodbye Jow Forums. It was fun while it lasted.
Jow Forums is an echo chamber that thinks it's the bastion of free speech
Robert Reed
Other urls found in this thread:
Connor Robinson
Nathaniel Ramirez
Reddit plz go
Zachary Harris
Lucas Kelly
1. echo chambers don't allow you to call them echo chambers.
2. You're here forever. see you tomorrow.
Jace Wood
dumb anime poster
Jose Walker
Tfw poster without a message
Austin Taylor
Pol is free speech
Free speech doesnt mean you cant get rekt by fellow posters for stating dumb opinions, fallacys or non arguments.
We often post news atricle from all spectrums
Jaxon Sullivan
This place is only arguments generally speaking, Shills will never make this an echo chamber
Isaiah Perry
see you tomorrow famalan