They're standing, r-right?

they're standing, r-right?

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what? speak english fucking spic

...on the edge...

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why did you include Austria? they're West-European and Germanic

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...of the crater...

What ?

Attached: 1509813515916.jpg (505x678, 136K) american ass...

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Gave me a nice little chuckle. gud1

Adolf just give up already you haved a chance

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What do we have to do with the other 4

...of the creature...

Ahh the creature........

I met an Austrian touris in AK. Her name was Clauuuuudia for Auuuuustria she was cute as a button. And tiny, backpacking around, whew lad.


your history faggot.

Oh, hello Ad...albert, sure, Adalbert! Sorry, we're full, but I heard there's a lot of fine Universities of the Arts in Israel, why don't you study watercolor painting there?

Building our glorious Kaiserreich 2.0? Is that enough for you?

I've made this connection before as well. Austria may not be a V4 country but it's taking a very V4 approach against refugees and islam and are protecting their borders. These 5 Central European countries are the only nations in Europe doing what they should be doing.

Neo-Austrio-Hungarian Empire perhaps.

Retarded slav serfs need and upper caste of emperors, leaders, bureaucrats etc.

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Maybe ruining Europe for the third time is the solution to this degenerate mess.

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we can do it one last time

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