Is there anyway to reverse the amount of degeneracy in today’s western world I can’t stand it anymore?

Is there anyway to reverse the amount of degeneracy in today’s western world I can’t stand it anymore?

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no and it´s spread around the world like wildfire

We need another crash like romans had.

Public shaming and ostracism.

>the Germans have been destroying empires for millennia

There's people out there actually doing something about it but you faggots don't like them because you're intimidated

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> we need a collapse just like the Romans.
It’s coming. It’s slowly but surely being destroyed.

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what am i looking at?

pretty sure you're one of those dudes who would still have an intoxicated women suck your dick

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Yes, shame them. It won't be hard as even the most degenerate feel shame for their actions in their most private moments. Most people are against degeneracy, we have just become desensitized and docile to it.

Excellent answer. I'd add a return to Christianity. Through it, excellence will flow and the degenerate will either become spiteful and crawl deeper into their pits to wither and die alone or attempt to emulate as a means of salvation.

not really we should be like the jew keep pushing it til is collapse
> take the noise pill

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No I want a gf

reverse? lmao, no. at this point it too late. either realize this and save yourself, or succumb to it's destructive nature

Not defending the practice, but there's a difference between being the originator and promoter of chaos and simply riding the wave.

Go away snowflake, your moralistic hand-wringing is exhausting.

We don't like them because they are just as bad in their own way, you subhuman filth.

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Feminists are naive and dumb. They think they can fix it by giving life sentences. The source of the issue is still active and incest will not stop. It's true that girls can indeed seduce older men, family or not. Make the idea trendy in their mind and all bets are off.

You're still passive.

>unironically posts a larper

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They apologised to Israel for accidentally bombing their supplies.
ISIS are funded by Israel to destroy the ME and allow for Jewish expansion.
This is VERY important. You cannot allow the Kikes to take Pakistan under any circumstances

I mean we also have people literally just fliming woman’s asses in public and no one bats an eye to this shit

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yeah and I want a boyfriend but apparently being modest and shy isn't gonna help me with that these days

>where are all the trad men irl

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if you don't like j*ws, why are you on a reddit/trump board?


enjoy the decline

Right here

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Well, we are not going out, we are doing our own thing and making a homestead, developing ourselves.

>tits or gtfo

Kill yourself Ahmed

All I see is this in this photo

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>killing civilians, using random women as sex slaves, raiding, raping, pillaging, and using massive amounts of amphetamines is doing something about it

ISIS is equivalent to the raiders in Fallout.

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>sees himself as a part of trad men
>"tits or gtfo"

1. no matter what they do, they're doing more than you, cuck
2. compare the amount of public degen in an ISIS controlled town with your own

I'm pretty sure some dating sites can specify political views or something on it, and there are probably quite a few trad guys on there. I'm lucky to have found my trad gf in school.
Wish you luck in finding someone you can love and start a family with!

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They claim to take the moral high ground yet are far more degenerate than any average westerner. No thanks. Those raiders can die in the desert.

Camel piss has rotten your mind Muhammad.

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Society has to collapse. Whenever you give women rights you can't go back until there is a full collapse. A few nukes on western cities should do the trick. Of course, if that happens we might find ourselves under the rule of China.

those are some nice tittties
got more pics dude?

Nothing personal. You know the rules.

>reverse the amount of degeneracy
Degeneracy leads to low fertility. It's self-correcting.
What you need to do is to keep places of degeneracy so that the degenerates go there to die. Otherwise they will shit up your clean society.
Meanwhile stay away from them and reproduce. The future belongs to those, who show up.

To cure an illness you need to treat the cause rather than the symptoms.

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comes on a south Indonesian basket weaving anime board and expect to be trusted just by HIS word...

where would i find someone like you?

bump for sauce
OP is a faggot as always

Literally praise anime

Hi a bunch of asian scientists to develop a bioweapon to kill asians. They won't even hesitate, they are very loyal and submissive.

Why bother?

Yeah. Import a bunch of backwards sandniggers into the main cities, let them spread sharia and wipe out degenerates there, then take back our land from them. Once again, germany is ahead of the times...

Crusaders lost the 8th crusade though

I only care to liberate Europe.
The holy land can be liberated by the Aryans of Iran.

Acceleration is the only hope. Do not fret though. Unlike past times, the degeneracy of our modern Sodom and Gomorrah will be recorded for the ages. The tides of history will not easily erode this. Even if all evidence is lost, the stories and legends will live on. Oh, gather round children while I tell you about San Francisco. The lord burnt the evil city of old with his rage. This time he drowned it with his tears.

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No, Shlomo, we will not save Israel and its rats from Holocaust v.2.

containement my dude.
the white race needs to re-balance itself towards ethnocentrism and shed the pathological altruism.

turkshit, get out of Greece