Old thread was censored by roastie

So we had a thread that was generally questioning why white men should bother contributing to the white race given the way we are treated.

Some roastie didn't like the topic and hence spammed the thread into oblivion - claiming that we don't have the right to speak freely about topics that annoy her. I promised her I'd simply make another thread after it was done, so here it is.

>I am white. All I ever wanted was a job, the chance to buy a home, a white wife and white children. I don't think white collectivism exists because white people have thrown me under the bus just as quickly as people of colour. I don't benefit from the 'white collective' and have no special treatment for being white. Why should I care anymore if the white race is destroyed? Particularly when they are unable to provide the things that would give my life any kid of meaning.

Attached: roastieagainstfreespeech.png (464x359, 19K)

You're a cuck if you don't know how to lead white women properly, you just gotta man up and take some responsibility. That girl was right, cucks like you shouldn't have the right to speak.

>just man up
Typical white roastie bullshit. You cunts don't even try to hide it.


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OP is a confirmed cuck.

>Man up

Masculine shaming. Its good when it suits you isnt slut? I bet you also preech about toxic masculinity when you get your ass beaten or miss out on a promotion in the work place.

Must be hard to type with that nose.

I'm actually a guy, you faggot incel cuck bitch. And enjoy your second thread being ruined.

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