Why are boomers so obsessed with burning ressources as fast as possible...

Why are boomers so obsessed with burning ressources as fast as possible? Don't they realize we could extend the western lifestyle by slowing down the economy?

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Boomer here. I have to spend all this money I made somehow. It's fun buying stuff. You kids will have a lot of money someday, too. When young it's hard to have a lot. I was poor for many years when I was younger. Just work hard, save, and in the fullness of time you'll be rich. As the great W. Buffett said "someone is sitting in the shade today because they planted a tree 30 years ago".

>meme flag
>"slowing down the economy"

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>economic growth is bad

Fuck yourself commie

>slowing down
What the fuck does that even mean?
What would boomers be saving for? They're nearing the ends of their lives, they have every incentive to enjoy what time they've got left. You'd do the same.

boomers get the rope first



I would not focus on blaming others for the things that you are unhappy with in life. Look within and start making changes there. That will be more effective than randomly scapegoating various groups of people.

All generations are Boomers
Boomers give birth to Boomers
Hence, society will be forever plagued by the eternal Boomer

T. Juden Peterstein

They don't care if their actions end up destroying the world or collapsing the society they grew up in as long as they can spend whatever time they have left on this earth living in luxury. They know what's coming, and they don't care, because they won't be around to face the consequences.

Yes, it can be very bad. Everything in the universe is about balance. Endless economic growth will eventually result in a major unbalance in some way which will be disastrous.
Growth is good if it's offset by shrinkage.
To grow you need resources, and no resources is absolutely free, meaning it must come from somewhere.
Growing in one place means draining another of resources.

Hell, we're at a point where almost all the money in the world is in possession of a handful of individuals. Yet we're concerned about our "economy" which is really just peanuts.

We need to have a cataclysmic event to reset the balance. For example killing all the ultra rich and starting over with the financial system. Jews not allowed to participate this time.

Money was worth more when you were younger you senile piece of shit.

You and your kind were born in one of the best economies in human history, and you sold your childrens' futures to make yourselves comfortable in the present.

Jews may be terrible but at least they don't actively stab their own children in the back like you did.

Oh I'm fed up with this pathetic aittutde, I'm not a boomer myself but I was born in 1965 and had to work my bloomin arse off to afford the house I live in today and the car I drive. Why the hell should some 20 year old brat be entitled to the fruits of my labour? Especially silly when kids complain they have no money yet have the latest iphones, laptops, nike trainers and so on. In the 70s growing up in England you were lucky to get a chemistry set for Christmas, and things we take for granted now were scarce and expensive. Yes property was cheaper but my first job paid a measly wage of £1.30 an hour, now my son sits on his bicycle delivering burgers and things for £12 an hour for some kangeroo delivery company he applied to by pressing a few buttons on his smartphone.

economies do not grow
boomers were raised under strict-ish ww2 parent and a huge economic inflation which led them to rebel with the 60's hippy media propaganda, making them atomized individuals.

inflationary economics + immigration = increasing prices + decreasing purchasing power + deceasing wages

People are poorer and your argument against that is some trinkets(made by outsourcing jobs to foreign countries) and a failure to grasp economics

>Why the hell should some 20 year old brat be entitled to the fruits of my labour?

Because that "brat" is YOUR SON, you sociopathic son of a whore.

Why did you even have kids? You clearly don't care about your son, or anyone who isn't you.

Fuck your dumb.

Boomers were born in times of plenty bought with the blood of their parents. Everything was so easy for them that they never even considered that the new generation doesn't have it as easy. They will never want to protect the environment or keep our countries green and beautiful because they don't know that it's Blood *and* Soil that make a people.

I'm a baby boomer. I didn't start coming here until recently, when the glowing rabbit mystery was breaking ground. After a while it just turned into a whole bunch of piddling. Sometimes I get tired when I use the john. Take it from someone with wisdom and experience, money isn't everything.

Boomers also lack all sense of belonging to their race or people. I mean just look at no kinship with his own son. Disgusting.

>bought with the blood of their parents.
>bought with the blood of their parents' friends

i doubt many of the ones that got maimed had kids.
much worse

anyway every generation always blames the one before.

My great uncle died at the eastern front, he didn't have kids obviously.

We're working on change don't worry. It involves you and a rope.

But OP is actually correct.

Whenever you hold interest rates low, your country burns through its capital goods faster instead of saving. This effects lower purchasing power.

The role of interest rates is to moderate consumption. The more "stuff" there is in the economy, the lower your natural rate of interest. Artificially low interest rates cause individuals to adopt inappropriate spending habits and behave as if resources are more plentiful than they actually are.

What kind of a shitty ancap doesn't understand interest rates?

>being this dumb and thinking the economy is some kind of finite resource.

>(((Wisdom and Experience)))
That's why the Jews are the greatest race.
They're the oldest, thus the wisest.
They had it harder than you, you have no reason to complain.
Remember the holocaust/vietnam/cold war.
Sure, they have money now, but they earned it.
You don't deserve success until you've been terrorized and slaughtered as much as they INSIST they were.

Any surprise the generation following WWII is the most semitically minded?

pretty sure this board requires iq>80

>clean your room
>fix up your life
>marry roasty
>provide for roasty kids
>pay 4 times more than your parents for the same house with the same wage they had