Why do many of you hate on France ?

SURE EVERYTHING IS NOT PERFECT, but i honestly i enjoy living here.

We have beautiful and various landscapes : beaches and coasts (the riviera) mountains with ski resorts (the Alps, the Pyrennees), beautiful forests, lakes (Lac d'Annecy) dead volcanos (Auvergne) ...

We have a delicious gastronomy (wine, cheese, french cuisine), beautiful women (women like Sophie Marceau or Laetitia Casta being the standard of beauty for french women) a certain freedom and quality of life (the "french way of life" : sex, love, drinking cafes, smoking cigarettes, taking it slow) known the world over.

We have strong workers union and laws ensuring we get shat on less than most other countries : we have 35 hours work weeks, paid vacations, paid maternity leave for women etc.

We have free healthcare and free schools. We even have free university which the government litterally pays us to attend (state scholarship based on the student's family income).

We have basic income for people who don't work, unemployed people also get financial support, you can also get financial help for housing (i do since i'm a student, the state pays half of my rent).

Basically the state here can help you for everything.

We have an extremely rich history with many monuments and cities to visit...

The weather is nice, the people are friendly and civilized. I have moved at least 6 times in my life in different locations in France and have always felt very safe and peaceful.

I'm not saying there is no poverty and crime like elsewhere, i'm also not saying France is the best country in the world. But i seriously wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

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Fuck you Salim Ahmed

If you mean France of the 70's, then yes.

What a remarkably smart answer.

Have you been here recently Germanbro ?

Hello, reddit spacing. But you're kinda right so I'll reply anyways. Been to France dunno 5 or 6 times and your country is beautiful - if you avoid the big cities like Paris nowadays. Which is a shame, Paris used to be nice as well at some point, but that's just the same for our metropoles like Berlin, Hamburg, Munich etc. And I wouldn't want to live anywhere else than Germany either.

France is great, the only issue is modernasation right next to a medieval castle, the amount of Africans and liberals - the same in any Wester country right now.

French are my least favourite yuros.

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I have been to Berlin and London. Loved both.

Sometimes it's great to remember that, although we have our problems, we should be thankful we live in Europe.

Pretty much, m8. To be honest, visiting London in the 90s gave me a bit of a culture shock because I had some glorified image of Britain and was shocked and suprised to find that the streets are crawling with Indians, Pakis and Africans. But once you travel abroad and visit smaller towns and villages you can still experience the actual country and its "native folks". Same here.

>I enjoy living here.

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kek, i live here (pic related)
France doesn't look like what Tv Novosti shows you, Aleksei.

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I loved them as well, but wouldn't want to actually move there. But that's a personal issue, they are simply too crowded for my taste. Some people seem to enjoy this kind of thing, but I feel more comfy living in a small house in an almost rural area, knowing my neighbors by name and so on. Friend of mine moved to Hamburg but came back a few years later because of the anonymity and lack of social contacts even with guys living next door irritated him as well, know what I mean?

And damn right. I'm thankful for getting born in a country with a halfways decent education/social/welfare system and knowing that I won't randomly get shot by an anxious cop.

Because Jow Forumstards think anecdotal cases highlighted by the news are representative and believe in the eastern boogeyman who is supposedly destroying western values.
France is fucking beautiful and no it isn't going to shit because 1 guy got stabbed by a muslim

I exactly know what you mean, i live in the middle of the Normandy country. It's all green hills, cows, cider orchards and little villages. I study in the biggest city of the region though so i get to enjoy both worlds.

I live in a small villiage in the peak district, nothing but rolling green hills and forests for miles (pic related is my town). I honestly didn't see a non-English person until I was 11 and moved to a large secondary school about 45 minutes away from my home. Now I live in a fairly major city for university and I feel out-numbered.

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Fuck that looks dope.

I don't hate Sweden, uk, german or france.
But I do hate the traitors in politics and media that are currently promoting the destruction of their own homecountries and I hate the people that vote for it even more.
Every single media cunt that ever lied to population about the fugee crisis deserves and in fact will be tortured to death for their treason.

I agree with you Pierre, I wouldn't want to live anywhere in the world but this is why some frenchies are so angry at the state we love what we have and don't want it to be ruined.
I wanna preserve what we have also free healthcare is going to the shit and will crash in our lifetime just you watch

Fuck off, Muhammad al kutata
I've noticed a big wave of newfags in almost every board, where the fuck they came from?

i met this french women in the backpackers a few weeks ago, she was smoking hot.

>but this is why some frenchies are so angry at the state
In here it's literally a culture to hate the president or the government, most of the time for no fucking reason

Nobody gives a fuck aussietard. OZ not equal to Fr

Le gros probleme, plan Kalergi, PLAN KALERGI, genocide des peuples, europeens. Quand les musulmans seront en majorites alors viendra des guerres civiles generalisees dans toute l'europe pour point de depart la France, comme 1789, comme mai 68. Seulement cette fois si cette "revolution" a coup de divisions des peuples sera l'opportunite pour l'oligarchie d'installer lle reve ultime de Pike, leur gouvernement mondial. Je pense que de notre vivant on en verra les premices. Mieux vaut vous orientez vers la campagne et acheter des terres tant qu'il en est possible.

Attached: carte-sismique-france.jpg (605x517, 239K)

Traveled in normandy by car last summer. Gorgeous land and veiws. Only capital and big cities are multiculturalar. Country side is french

i fucking hate indians and paki's too. i have 3 living in a 1 bedroom apartment across the road from me.

i've called immigration on them a fortnight ago, there was originally 5 in there. 2 got deported. i'm trying to find the landlord of the apartment so he can kick them out for subletting it illegally.


>We have beautiful and various landscapes : beaches and coasts (the riviera) mountains with ski resorts (the Alps, the Pyrennees), beautiful forests, lakes (Lac d'Annecy) dead volcanos (Auvergne) ...
When the only good thing about a country has to do with no people living in certain areas
France can be nice DESPITE the French living there and not because of them.

Deja en 2008 les francais s'insultaient entres eux sur les thread fr. La SEULE nationalite a s'auro pourrir, a s'insulter entre nous, remarquez que les autres thread peu importe la nationalite il y'a conversation, debat plus ou moins constructif. Bref c'est a l'image de notre pays, juste divise en une infinite de cases.. Toujours un boulet pour "lol ntm batar"

I'm sharing an apartment with 3 other people this year for college. One is a french girl. She stinks of body oder consistently. The bathroom is next door to mine and I have to listen to her as she shits loudly. Louder than anyone else I've ever heard.
I fucking hate french people.

>all french people are like her


kek, even our women are more alpha than you italians

>all nigers are like him
nice try, jamal

More disappointment than anything else. France has always had a reputation of doing things their own way, so they certainly had every reason to say 'no' to globalisation and keep their culture and values alive.

Most of the stuff you talk about is dead. Most of the frogs I've met here have talked openly about the problems with multicult, unemployment and just about everything else.

I guess if you are the French equivalent of a boomer you are doing well thanks to the welfare state, tho.

He's from ireland.

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C'est vrai qu'il y'a une culture de la haine de l'autre français sur internet, en même temps j'ai rarement vu des français qu'étaient pas cancer sur internet

How far down is France pic related?

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One human being like her is too much.
watch it lad

France is not white. You yuropoors are basically all shitskins now. There is no future for the white race in Europe, we need to preserve racial purity over here in America and let Yurope die

I like Ireland though. I've been to Cork and Dublin. The irish are good comrades.

France sucks because it's full of French

>(women like Sophie Marceau or Laetitia Casta being the standard of beauty for french women)
>The weather is nice, the people are friendly and civilized.

>There is no future for the white race in Europe, we need to preserve racial purity over here in America and let Yurope die

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Dans le sud on veut tous immoler paris et ça nous unit généralement

Poor bait

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shut up slavnigger. You are not white to boot

says the faggot whose royal family just got BLACKED, lmao. Bin that knife britcuck

pretty nice country aside from isramerica bootlicking

>shut up slavnigger. You are not white to boot

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nos normies puent tous tellement du cul, des vrais hontes à notre belle nation

L'idéologie mortifère du Progrès et la propagation de celle-ci

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France is shit, french are retarded drone trained to act as Stalinian system guard.

why are you Yuropoors so butthurt about the truth? Your countries are not white, we have more white people than you do and we have guns. We have Trump while you get cucked by Muhammad's BBC.
There is no future for you

This exactly, we need anti-americanism back

I say we nuke Paris desu

Normandy and the Bretagne are my favourite places in France.

Nice. And yeah, major cities are shitskin magnets everywhere in the west. I don't really care because at the same time that means that the rest of the country stays mostly harmless.

gee i wonder who could be behind this meme flag

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i've got alot of migrants deported over the years.

i even dobbed in an visa scam that was fronting as a "english school" , got shut down and 65 people deported. it was in the news.

i got a nail salon shut down and everyone deported. they were all illegals and overstayers, running the business illegally on a commericial sublet.

any business you see that doesn't have eftpos/card payment facilities and is full of all migrants you should automatically report to your national immigration service.

they do investigate.


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> and we have guns

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>if you expose the truth about Yurope you must be a jew
I thought asians were smart?

Let's be honest here, infighting is a french tradition. Mostly banter (the eternal and futile "Chocolatine vs Pain au chocolat" war for example. The rest ? Pure jealousy.

>coping this hard
It's ok. Seeing Muahmmad fuck your wife in front of you while you can't even react because you have no guns must be hard

Pain au chocolat period. People who say chocolatine are retarded barbarians

>We have strong workers union and laws ensuring we get shat on less than most other countries : we have 35 hours work weeks, paid vacations, paid maternity leave for women etc.

And we have a fucked job market where employers ask for a master degree and ten years experience for shitty jobs that anyone could do 20 years ago. All because employed are fucking terrorized of employing new people, because they can never be fired, no matter how shitty they are.
That's also why we have the most inneficient public transportation service in the world, why public servants can allow themselves to strike most of the year.

>We have free healthcare and free schools. We even have free university which the government litterally pays us to attend (state scholarship based on the student's family income).

Nothing is free, half of everyone's income is spend into that shit every month. On the other hand, every shitskin in the world can come to France and get actual free treatment, no matter how expensive, even though they've never payed taxes in France. Same with education.
University? Unless you are a shitskin, you don't get any scholarship, and more often than not, you'll be required to pay a fee that increases every year.

>We have basic income for people who don't work, unemployed people also get financial support, you can also get financial help for housing (i do since i'm a student, the state pays half of my rent).

Again, that's the reason why we have such heavy taxes. What is good anyway about giving money to people who don't work? Why should I pay so that you pay less rent? White people usually don't get state subsidized rent, it's mostly a shitskin thing once again.

>Basically the state here can help you for everything.

Basically I have to work like a slave so that faggots like you can have everything for "free". Thank you Mohammed. Those points are exactly why I loathe this fucking country.

It's petit pain you non-white

Is this guy serious

>you have no guns must be hard

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yeah, don't you see that's the uk?

sometimes mutts are so dumb

Petit pain au chocolat you faggot or else it can be just bread

>hon hon hon fraches tings hon

And all of that beauty is going away forever because you fags are giving it away willingly to the fucking barbarians. Fuck you faggots.

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Even your food wars are memes wars.
Chocolatine and pain au chocolat are two different things, you can't compare them!



I like France, in fact most Flemish people do.

just kidding drunk ginger christian bro, we got ya

How are they different?
Also, sorry , , , I'm from teach Chocolatine. Even l'Académie Française said it looked nice

depends where you are in france.

we also like you guys, we kinda see you guys as a lost region

So you people hate Wallonia, but like France?
How weird.

Because you always treated us like garbage...

Stayed in Flanders for a month, it was comfy

Comment rendre Paris meilleur? Revenir au mur des fermiers généraux, (orange-rose sur pic related) et verser du Zyklon B en dehors du mur. Tout ceux qui vivent ou fréquentent dans l'ancienne zone des fermiers généraux sont généralement civilisés et la vie est vraiment belle la dedans... Le reste a besoin d'être rayé de la carte.

How to make Paris Great Again? Come back to the general farmer wall (orange-pink in pic related) and throw Zyklon B outside it. Eveybody living or hanging around the former GFW are civilized and life is just beautiful here. The rest needs to be nuked.

Attached: fermiers_généraux.jpg (1280x1133, 273K)

Only D and C niggers hate France

I'd rather pay taxes than live in a free market system like the US where the poor are fucked.

they're the same m8, its just a name difference with parisians and people near spain

we call them Chocolate Croissants

They're not different
It looks nice yeah, but it's still pain au chocolat
Love you too
t.1/4 Wallonian

I'm sorry surrenderbro, I mistook wars.
I take that piece back.

We also have some comfy Dungeon Synth

Yup, i love Belgium too. I was born and raised in the North of France near the Belgian border. Flanders is based.

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mean team not teach obviously, just woke up
One of my guilty pleasures when visiting my family in Normandy is asking for a Chocolatine with a deep, faked Southern Accent
It's alright Guido. I kinda like your food btw

pas mal comme plan, à garder en tête

The poor are not fucked in the United States. In fact, even the poor are obese. Though there is a segment of the population this homeless. These people usually temporarily homeless due to a foreclosure on their home, or chronically homeless because they are on drugs and alcohol. It's hard to get and keep a job if you would rather rob someone for a crack rock and squat down in an abandoned building.

The only thing I can understand is disliking nigger zones in Paris, Dunkerque and Marseille.

Obesity isn't necessarily related to wealth. Junk Food is cheap.