SURE EVERYTHING IS NOT PERFECT, but i honestly i enjoy living here.
We have beautiful and various landscapes : beaches and coasts (the riviera) mountains with ski resorts (the Alps, the Pyrennees), beautiful forests, lakes (Lac d'Annecy) dead volcanos (Auvergne) ...
We have a delicious gastronomy (wine, cheese, french cuisine), beautiful women (women like Sophie Marceau or Laetitia Casta being the standard of beauty for french women) a certain freedom and quality of life (the "french way of life" : sex, love, drinking cafes, smoking cigarettes, taking it slow) known the world over.
We have strong workers union and laws ensuring we get shat on less than most other countries : we have 35 hours work weeks, paid vacations, paid maternity leave for women etc.
We have free healthcare and free schools. We even have free university which the government litterally pays us to attend (state scholarship based on the student's family income).
We have basic income for people who don't work, unemployed people also get financial support, you can also get financial help for housing (i do since i'm a student, the state pays half of my rent).
Basically the state here can help you for everything.
We have an extremely rich history with many monuments and cities to visit...
The weather is nice, the people are friendly and civilized. I have moved at least 6 times in my life in different locations in France and have always felt very safe and peaceful.
I'm not saying there is no poverty and crime like elsewhere, i'm also not saying France is the best country in the world. But i seriously wouldn't want to live anywhere else.