Just saw this

Discuss, Jow Forums. Is home depot right?

Attached: FB_IMG_1527071323131.jpg (660x825, 71K)

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>Krystal Lake

With a name like that she was doomed from day one and not because of her race

A 22 year old has never been told they can’t drink the same water fountain as others.

this is what you get for promoting from within

"brainwashed" in an official PR statement is pretty low-class, its immediately apparent that there is a specific writer with specific feelings, which is the opposite of the point the writer is trying to make, that not everyone feels the same way about everything

but remember that the depot's founder is pro-trump, and probably didn't like all the illegals collecting outside his stores, so I give them a pass

Odds are some triggered lefty made an account trying to look official and posted that.

It sounds like a line of intel CPUs

Attached: 1524740416156m.jpg (1024x704, 39K)

Fraudulent and homosexual

It's the camp grounds from friday the 13th, niggers can't swim.

Wow, sounds like whoever was writing that is about to break down in tears. But making America great again has nothing to do with stringing up niggers but maybe if we all can't get along them we should live in different states.