How do we fix this?

Your purchasing power dwindles down and these kids are only getting richer because of it (they own assets). You're practically working and funding them while they're just wasting all your hard work drinking champagne on their jets and buying $10,000 belts and $100k watches.

How do we fix this?

Attached: rich-kids.jpg (748x374, 77K)

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But... Meh.... Communism is bad!

It's been tried, but the results were even worse

Attached: 0eLZpee.jpg (753x486, 266K)

Start taxing the rich maybe?

fuck that's depressing.

Attached: 15171849778155637124067837510183.png (316x311, 202K)

How many of them though? Like 0.01% of the population

The money will trickle back to the asset owners through rent seeking. The problem is when you have inflation, wages keep going down so wagecucks can never save to buy up assets. Asset owners on the other hand, their cost keeps going down since wages are a cost to them, and they will just raise rents to match inflation. Inflation is a net benefit to them, but not to workers.

Instead of tax, try a gold standard maybe?

Attached: gold-is-money.jpg (500x373, 129K)

>Communism is the only solution to Laissez-faire Capitalism
Why do braindeads believe everything must be either one extreme or the other?

It'll solve itself, nature has certain distribution laws

Just take away their easy mode. They'll kill themselves, just like you will.