Only countries who can legally question the holocaust are allowed ITT

Drop redpills

Attached: redcross-number_of_people_who_died_in_nazi_germany_concentration_camps.jpg (595x822, 142K)

Other urls found in this thread:

here are the tally's for that report:
Auschwitz - 52,389
Bergen-Belsen - 6,507
Buchenwald - 20,501
Dachau - 17,842
Flossenburg - 18,259
Gross-Rosen - 7,925
Neuengamme - 5,570
Mauthausen - 77,727
Majdanek - 6,920
Dora-Mittelbau - 7,187
Natzweiler-Struthof - 3,944
Sachsenhausen - 4,785
Abteilung 'I' - 41,748
Total of these labor camp deaths: 271,304

Although in 1991 after the fall of the USSR the Auschwiz death toll was changed to 73,137, as reported by The New York Times on March 3, 1991 and was based entirely on the wartime German concentration camp records that had been captured by the Soviets and just recently released.
According to this figure, of those dead, 38,031 were Jews.

These records state that the total of all persons who died in the ENTIRE German prison camp system from 1935 to 1945 were 403,713. To repeat: a total of 403,713 persons of all races and religions was officially recorded to have died (of all causes. typhus, old age, measles, etc.-and execution) in the entire prison camp system over a 10 year period. Of those 403,713 a total of 73,137 died at Auschwitz. Of those 73,137 who died at Auschwitz, 38,031 were Jews.

Attached: German Labor Camp Population Count.jpg (373x604, 64K)

The actual victims of a holocaust were citizens on all sides that perished by being burned to death because of white phosphorus or nukes dropped on their city that wasn't involved in any kind of battle.

Attached: realholocaustvictims.jpg (719x489, 112K)

Photos from train crashes were later used as evidence the burning of bodies occurred around the labor camps.

Attached: Dresden Ohio train crash 1.jpg (650x702, 91K)

Earnst Zundel was a German born publisher who lived in Canada that was harassed his entire life in the country until deported for telling the truth:
It was his defamation case that we learned no one died of gas poisoning nor were there any witnesses to an extermination program.
Because of his case the Human Rights Tribunal kangaroo court for hurt fee fee's came into existence

Attached: No Scientific Proof Jews Exerminated.jpg (600x785, 203K)

What are the sources for these documents?

The labor camps, if you fucking read anything


Or rather, out of context. Bad Arolsen does not have full documentation from any camp. These numbers are actually internal records of how many people they have traced, after being requested to trace them.

They are not totals of deaths.

The 73,137 number for Auschwitz is the number of people entered in the death certificate books covering Camp 1 for a period of less than two years

It does not cover the other two years of that camp, or the much larger camp 2, and does not cover the killing s on arrival at Birkenau

So these are lies by using out of context figures.

And the OP knows that.

Lying cunt

Zundel was shown to be wrong, and lying - using these numbers among other lies. He was convicted of lying.

pilpul discarded as you should have been after birth

>i-its o-out o-of c-context g-goy!

Attached: fdbf09fcd1383a1eb50d4596171c9917e5075ed1b212d7049fa9eb0d7c42b500.jpg (349x245, 59K)

Thé photos from Auschwitz were confirmed as authentic. One of them was then used, in an altered form, for a few seconds to illustrate a story about ghosts after a train crash, on an American Ghosthunter program. They used photos of other train. Wrecks and other places as well to illustrate the story because they had no original photos from the wreck in 1912.

Stormtards think this is proof that the Auschwitz photos are fake, but if you compare the original you see how the Ghosthunter version is photoshopped, and of lower resolution

It is a fake

The poster knows this, but posts the lie anyway

Truth is true. Zundel lied, and was caught. You are lying, and have been caught

Remember kids, the kikes like the child fucking frenchie want you to forget that holocaust means "Completely burnt sacrificial offering to a deity or monarch" and replace the meaning with whatever fits their brain damaged thinking.
Don't forget the original meaning because they will have no power over you

Yes it is out of context.

Or do you think that partial records for a short time for one camp can be claimed to be full records for a longer period for several camps, and not be out of context?

when someone says you're discarded you should take it seriously, or are you truly that stupid?

Remember kids the leaf with the mental health problems is lying and knows it....

yep, you're fucking retarded

When you lie like that should I take anything you say as true?

Maybe but not a liar

Don't give into the pilpul kids, see how this pedophile in france wants to change the subject now?
Thank you Earnst Zundel for showing how utterly shit these LARPing Iranians are, aka Khazar's

>Only 2 out of 467 Ashkenazi Jews showed typical Levantine ancestry.

>The non-Levantine origin of AJs is further supported by an ancient DNA analysis of six Natufians and a Levantine Neolithic (Lazaridis et al., 2016), some of the most likely Judaean progenitors (Finkelstein and Silberman, 2002; Frendo, 2004). In a principle component analysis (PCA), the ancient Levantines clustered predominantly with modern-day Palestinians and Bedouins and marginally overlapped with Arabian Jews, whereas AJs clustered away from Levantine individuals and adjacent to Neolithic Anatolians and Late Neolithic and Bronze Age Europeans. To evaluate these findings, we inferred the ancient ancestries of AJs using the admixture analysis described in Marshall et al. (2016). Briefly, we analyzed 18,757 autosomal SNPs genotyped in 46 Palestinians, 45 Bedouins, 16 Syrians, and eight Lebanese (Li et al., 2008) alongside 467 AJs [367 AJs previously analyzed and 100 individuals with AJ mother) (Das et al., 2016) that overlapped with both the GenoChip (Elhaik et al., 2013) and ancient DNA data (Lazaridis et al., 2016). We then carried out a supervised ADMIXTURE analysis (Alexander and Lange, 2011) using three East European Hunter Gatherers from Russia (EHGs) alongside six Epipaleolithic Levantines, 24 Neolithic Anatolians, and six Neolithic Iranians as reference populations (Table S0).

Remarkably, AJs exhibit a dominant Iranian (88%˜) and residual Levantine (3%˜) ancestries, as opposed to Bedouins (14%˜ and 68%˜, respectively) and Palestinians (18%˜ and 58%˜, respectively). Only two AJs exhibit Levantine ancestries typical to Levantine populations.

>This research also shows that most Palestinians have been living in the land of Palestine for at least 5000 years (Early Bronze age Levant).

Oy vey you must be that (((french))) always on holohoax threads always just swinging it.

his brain damage prevents him from learning what the truth is.
That can be squarely blamed on the toothy rabbi that bit his dick off just days after birth and damaged his brain irreparably (scientifically proven with MRI)

Oy vey the holohoax was hol-arious!

Zundel used these fake numbers - lies

Zundel used Leuchter’s unscientific ‘report’ which ignored all the documentation and used bad sampling techniques and improper analysis which the lab that did the analysis said was worthless - so more lies

And he was convicted of those lies. ,

see what i mean?
he's stuck in a loop


Jews don’t hate whites.

The Jewish intermarriage rate in the the USA is 58%. It’s 71% for non Orthodox Jews.

You don’t marry people you hate.

Pic Related

Attached: E0AC97A0-AA20-4E3E-9861-FB8A722B2F4E.png (750x1334, 247K)

Not French, just in France, not Jewish either

Still, OP. How about you respond to the points I made? Is it out of context to cite internal records of numbers of people traced (German citizens, not necessarily Jews, as they are not listed by religion) which do not cover non German citizens in the camps (like three million poles for starters) and ah they are complete totals for all killed?

Justify your lies

So anyways, when ever a pilpul bullshit artist starts in on you remind them what the word holocaust means (Completely burnt sacrificial offering to a deity or monarch) and that the victims were those who died because of incendiary or nukes.
They were the true victims of the WW2 holocaust.
I pray for them every time one of these threads come up because no one else is

Wow. So the best you can do is a word play.

So is River Phoenix an actual river, or an actual bird, or a bird made out of a river, or a bird that lives in a river? (Since to you names are literal based on Ancient Greek derivation)

Notice how I'm not giving him any (you) but still thinks everything is about him?

At least I have a brain...

it's the irish faggot in france

So while this pedophile is still trying to get my attention please read over the first few posts, they're the truth

It's not that simple. Some people can be attracted to those they hate.

Also, kikes already have over 50 genetic diseases, and if they continue to inbreed, they will not survive.

Also not gay.

What truth?

Tell us this - how did they get these figures?

The Red Cross says (and aid at Zundel’s trial) that they had no way to count the dead at these camps. (Also why do the figures change in then 1980s - did more people die in Auschwitz in then mean time?)

These figures make no sense.

they also have the bloodlust disease called tay-sachs which is induced by eating matzoh which has blood in the recipe

Attached: jews - blood 1.png (863x1326, 630K)

they also eat the foreskin of babies

Attached: (949x1135, 637K)

they also rape and torture children to death then consume them:
>The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder
>Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited

Attached: Simon of Trent - Jewish Ritual Murder.jpg (2393x1086, 2.29M)

no, in this case, you marry people whose genetics you wish to steal.
the ultimate insult to the injury of white people is the very people who destroyed their ways of life and identites stealing their superior genetics to boot.

they wanted to become the very blonde haired, blue eyed people that they so despised. the ultimate insult to their enemy - stealing their source of pride and their very life force.

it doesn't matter what your sexual orientation is. only an absolute queer could possibly be so obtuse to the truth.

it's the pinnacle of bio-mimicry


In that case it is amazing you can type with two cocks in your mouth

But come on, tell me how the Red Cross could have counted the dead at Auschwitz - they never had access to the camp.

what are you talking about? the red cross came and went from the camps for the duration of the war and never saw anything untoward. this is well documented.

dbl checked!


Auschwitz was not a POW camp - they had no access. They visited the Camp 1 once, were taken to the commandant’s office, had a short interview and were escorted out. They were not permitted to inspect. They never visited Camp 2 or 3 or any of the fifty sub camps.

They had no access to Auschwitz-Birkenau where the gas chambers were.

Show me the documents that say otherwise.

(Note, Zundel quoted from Red Cross reports about the camps in North Africa, passing them off as reports about the death camps in Poland - another lie)

pic related

Attached: 020aaa1a-441c-4d3a-8dda-4601a1b71904.png (1142x1600, 1.13M)

"Children" were killed on arrival - she was fifteen, and lasted as an adult labourer, and entirely as a slave o another camp.

79 children under the age of fifteen were in her train. They were all killed on arrival, along with over 400 elderly and sick people.

Learn some facts

You do know the spacing gives you away, right schlomo?

>where the gas chambers were

well, to be fair, mickey o' phagot, no one had access to the gas chambers - because they did not exist.

tell me, how do you reconcile the vast number of "survivors"? the technically and logistically superior germans set out to exterminate a people... how did they fail so spectacularly at this? they already had all the people in the camps? why didn't they kill them? why did they use a pest control agent to kill humans? that was really the best system they could come up with?

you are so spectacularly retarded it is difficult to even comprehend. you aren't addressing reality, you are addressing things you think are real that you saw in steven spielberg movies. all the evidence and the logical deductions say one thing, yet you blindly believe the complete opposite. it is truly stunning.

i hope you're being well paid, because that would be the only thing that should keep you from gassing yourself from the shame of being such an absolute fucking mongoloid.

Oh dear another person who does not know how to type.

I learned on a proper typewriter in the 1970s, before reddit was heard of. Sorry but old habits die hard.

Also not an argument

It's illegal in my country to speak against the Holocaust, but that must be because we tried to exterminate the jews and the gypsies. Had our own fascist movement and executed a lot of them. We couldve finished the job and rid Europe of gypsies if the soviets wouldn't have existed. Wish Tsar Nicholas wouldve remained in power.

The diary was also written with a ballpoint pen that wasnt invented until after the war.


Attached: uLIfJpo.png (499x583, 310K)

not to mention the guy who wrote it sued her father and was awarded 50 grand by the court.

plus the fact that it's just some pervert book about young girl playing with herself in morbid situations -straight out of [[[their]]] repertoire.

As always the bullshit spewing frenchie is at a loss, but he'll never learn

also, the fact that you work tirelessly against humanity should make you ashamed to the point of self flagellation. have you ever even read your bible? you serve the children of satan.

he's some wank irishman living in france

Thoughts On The Holocaust™ by Dr. William Luther Pierce

Attached: piercetherealworld.jpg (600x529, 88K)

The ruins of them are still there. The plans for thrm, right orders for gas tight tight doors and the covers for the roof vents through which they put in the gas pellets (good bug killer, but even better at killing mammals, you need only a tenth the gas for a few minutes, it takes hours to kill lice)

As for the survivors - they did not kill everyone on arrival - they took slaves. Millions of them.

They managed two thirds of the Jews in Europe killed, it isn’t a bad score - they had another million making vital war supplies - and as the war came to an end they stopped the mass killings as they were bit busy fighting. So some survived.

But nowadays (I think wrongly) every Jews that wasn’t killed is being called a survivor even though they were not in the camps

But not that many survived Auschwitz. The 70,000 you admitted to have died were in a two year period in a camp that held only 20,000 inmates.

Think about that. Over two and half times the capa Of the camp died in under two years. Average life span in that labour camp was about eight months.

To Recap:
403,713 persons of all races and religions were officially recorded to have died (of all causes. typhus, old age, measles, etc.-and execution) in the entire prison camp system over a 10 year period between 1935 and 1945.
I've read that before but I can't trust anything it says, just the flag it's posing under

So far you haven't said anything of substance in this thread, only obfuscation. Sorry but reality is reality.

Attached: 1526420773901.jpg (729x781, 428K)


It wasn’t written in ballpoint (which wasn’t invented before it was published)

And the Law suit was about the play based on the diaries, not the diaries.

Recorded by who?

Do we have complete records for all the camps? Where are they?

You can check any claim I have Ave made - it is not obfuscation to point out that the OP numbers are not totals of deaths - that is clarifying not hiding the truth

He will never notice the proof about the USSR collapsing in 1991 and the records that they kept from the captured camps were released and the New York Times published the information. It's why we know how many people died in the labor camps over a decade.

disgusting subhuman snake

Nicholas got cucked by this dude. He was already lost.

The New York Times number - firstly there is no story in the NYT that says that.

(Prove me wrong - show me the link or the photo of the story)

SecondLy, the 73,000 number is the Auschwitz camp 1 death book number. Which is for less than two years, and only camp 1.

It records nearly 30,000 deaths from heart attack in young men. A medical statistical anomaly.

But no matter how often you tell the lie it still isn’t true to say that these are totals for the whole camp system, or for the whole time it was in operation

Much of what you have said is only partial truths where as the full explanation shows the records and figures are correct. Common sense dictates that you would go by the records from the time, not records made up to decades later.
Most of us here have gone over this for years upon years now. Of course its not worth getting into, since neither will change our minds and tomorrow you will act no differently to today.

I will never waiver

Sorry, what have i said that isn’t is partially true? And what is the full explanation?

How can the fact that we haven only partial records for only Somme of the camps, and death records at all for many camps, be a «partial truth»

How can you rely on the records of the time when we don’t have them?

Because you will never learn. You will lie for ever, and be ignored

>the germans did not meticulously document and record everything

now you're getting really far out

germans knew that the {{{allies}}} would likely try to smear them with some type of shit like this as they had done during and after world war one.
why don't you tell us, mick boy, about the babies they used to toss up in the air and catch on the tips of their bayonets?!
oh, right, because just like everything else you are charging germans with, it's just projection: it was actually {{{bolsheviks}}} who carried out all these crimes against humanity - that is why they knew to accuse germans of these things in such morbid, vivid detail. {{{projection}}} explains all of these things. germans never professed to want to take over all the people of the world - {{{communists}}} are the only "people" who have ever done this.

you truly are a piece of work. how does it feel to be working against the interest of humanity? do you have no conscience? you live to assist the people who have caused -without hyperbole- most of the world's suffering.

>it records 30,000 deaths from heart attack on young men
wait, what? they bothered to do autopsies on 30,000 people that they were going to exterminate anyway? your story is wearing thin, seamus. i thought they vaporized or burned all the bodies? how did they do the autopsies? who did them? why did they care?

the inside of your mind must be like a michael bay "film"

Get a load of the brain damaged boomer frenchie, he promises to ignore me yet the thread proves otherwise.
he can't even keep his own story straight how the fuck is he going to refute anything else?

Guess that makes half Jews white now.

Race is biology right?

Half Jew Jake Gyllenhall in the pic

Attached: 55B0283B-03C1-44C8-A984-FD542B49487C.jpg (500x669, 28K)

thanks to genetic admixture analysis they'll always be khazar and never a race of their own

Also for the other guy...
>Of the roughly 30,000 wartime victims at Sachsenhausen, most were Russian prisoners of war, among them Stalin's oldest son.
As you should know, that is the same story as most camps.

Attached: 1501976419059.jpg (480x677, 143K)

If Jews continue to interbreed they effectively become white. They’re already on par with Sicilians and Greeks.

Also ... maybe people just meet, fuck, marry, and have kids. Maybe normal people don’t think in Jow Forums terms. Just saying.

So where are the meticulous records?

(Answer, we don’t have them, they destroyed many records and they didn’t even record the name s of the those they murdered on arrival - although we have some train manifests with names, and some matching records of admissions to the slave labour camps so we can see the missing names who were just killed - like the children on Anne Franks train)

And of, hey didn’t autopsy them. The man who wrote the books testified he was not allowed to record violent deaths, so he put heart attack - those were the ones killed (some by gas)

A full Ashkenazi Jew is on par with a Greek or Sicilian person.

A half Jew half Western European would cluster around Tuscany, Romania, or Northern Italy depending on the European parent’s ancestry.

Does this mean that Greece and a good chunk of Italy (and even maybe Spain) aren’t white now?

If you want to be consistent that is what it means.


so what were you saying about "medical statistical anomalies" then? some guy making up the cause of death he has no clue about is a "medical statistical anomaly" to you?

i think we're now starting to see how you come to your "conclusions"

looks like your little story has collapsed around you. it's tough to keep all the lies straight sometimes, i guess.

there goes that last leg you were limping around on.

SO your story does not in any way corroborate OPs claims.

Not a redpill but funny.

Attached: 3EE05DCF-7842-4EF4-9A8C-21D9E944F463.jpg (859x1000, 184K)

I am not back-pedalling - you are the one claimed we had records, I am pointing out we don’t.

And the anomaly is obvious - these supposedly meticulous records were faked by the Nazis.

You say they recorded everything carefully.

I say they didn’t, and we don’t have good records

You say the full records show a certain figure. I say you have yet to tell us where these records are, and that they are reliable.

It is you that has no legs.

>completely avoid the question at hand

so you don't feel it's a bit disingenuous to claim that "30,000 men were given heart attacks by those evil nazis - a medical statistical anomaly" when you actually are just making this up?

How thick are you?

Ok I know you are just a troll, but for the hard of thinking who might be stupid enough to think the way you pretend to....

Thé Nazi shot them. Gassed them. (First prisoners gassed at Auschwitz were Sovi POWs) béat them, killed them in various ways. Then recorded their deaths as heart attacks

Covering their crimes.

But please, tell me what the question at hand was supposed to be, because your meandering insanity is hard to follow

I am very well aware of what the admixture analysis shows, and I don't give a fuck about your white/black bullshit.
Grow up

Attached: Ashkenazi - Greek - Sicilian (2).png (1500x1200, 316K)

The holocaust didn't happen

Is there a place a person can read the names of the six gorillion? You’d think with such intense research there would be a database with names, bios, etc. Of everybody.

no jews were incinerated by ovens or open fire pits.
But European and Japansese citizens were the victims of being incinerated to death for the jewish banking clan that considers themselves the King of Jews:
>The Rothschilds: The Financial Rulers Of Nations by John Reeves

Attached: Rothschild king of Jews 2.jpg (492x934, 244K)

So what happened to the Jews you say died in Auschwitz? They had five large crematoria - capable of burning 4756 bodies a day - did they not use them for Jewish bodies? What did they do with them?

>and be ignored

well as you can see there are people who will stop at nothing to continue to get their reparation payment for a lie

>still avoiding the issue and the question

now it's just becoming blatantly obvious, sinead.

>question literally right above your post
>please, tell me what the question was, i can't see one anywhere

do you actually believe that this is fooling anyone?

it's okay. we'll just let this one go for now. we'll forget that you got caught up in your own bullshit until a bit later. now let's talk about the magical smoke from the crematoria. tell us again, which color smoke did the polish jews produce?
or maybe you could tell us about the vaporization device that nebulized 20,000 people instantaneously without a trace?
i am very curious.

>I don't give a fuck about your white/black bullshit.
>Grow up
its the most grown up thing in the world to care about your people, and your willingness to sacrifice for them

>capable of burning 4756 bodies a day

are you aware of how ridiculous your shtick is?

Both those stories have been debunked. no historian gives them any credit

Why are you asking about stuff no one who knows the truth believes? It is irrelevant to the facts.

Some guys blog

Well that is what the SS and her people who built the crematoria reported to Himmler.

You think they lied to Himmler?