Jordan AMA

He looks really unhealthy. His reddit fans claim he looks fit as a fiddle. Some of his fan base are like cult members.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Giardia will do that.


Remind me again why he’s /ourguy/ if he promotes the site that Jow Forums along with this board has hated ever since then inception?

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He’s one an all meat diet. He says his depression is probably autoimmune related, and this helped his daughter. But he looks really sick

How did you survive after Alex Jones put you in gas chamber?

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>that flip monkey

Wow the Spaniards would fuck anything wouldn’t they?

Anything interesting not already addressed in 100s of videos will get removed

wtf is wrong with his eyes?

Looks like he's got a fortnight left of adipose to sustain that diet before it sends him loopy.

people don't understand the power of collective thought.
Peterstein is showing the signs of collective hatred bestowed upon him for saying white folks are too dangerous if organized but it's ok for kikes to do it because they've paid for his existence for the last three decades.
Sabbatean-Frankists will never learn

ask him how much his hair plugs cost

>dat paypig smirk tho

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Guys, lets flood his reddit with requests to do an AMA on Jow Forums and talk to the real 'kekboys'. Maybe give him some instructions on how to navigate the site because I can imagine him not figuring it out.

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I got that during a month long survival trip. Absolute misery

looks like his cancer got aids.

non-European admixture.

apparently him his daughter are a fan of the "all meat diet" which is extremely retarded and faddish

She is cute. Nigga you gay.

clean your bowels bucko

looks like a faggot with aids

Definitely looks like some form of cancer

>tfw getting millions of dollars from neets doesnt make you happy after all

He has only been going non stop fighting neo Marxism/post modernism for the past year or so. Would make anyone tired.

holy shit did he get HIV

Yeah, it’s also the diet. He should take a break from the debates.

lets be honest

could you make a genuine smile if you were about to talk to a shitload of reddit cancer?

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Someone post the original image

Dem digits tho

Juden Peterson has got the AIDs.

would you give a shit about anything anymore if you were given a few months to live?

You rather he promoted Jow Forums and send all the redditors here?

Us going there > them coming here

you can see the sickness of mind and body in him

>be murrican
>see thin man
>gee boy he shure do look unhealthy
>mah wife got 300lbs more than he do and she still not full healthy yet

>tfw the Jews literally steal your soul

yes. I would make the most of my remaining time, go out big time

He looks fine, aside the dead SSRI eyes and forced smile. What the fuck are you all on about?

Not all McDonalds cows are over weight. I'm only 130lbs.

His ring doesn't fit his finger anymore. He's deteriorating physically

His life is stressful now

In all seriousness it could be down to severe depression and pressure combined with any form of autoimmune disease.

Regardless Mike, Sven, and Alex's takes on him from that debate are spot on.

AIDS? He has that look.

>Boy cleatus that boy sure need some meat on dem bones I swear he be a couple pounds way from blowing in the wind

what the fuck are you talking about

what do you pretend he follows a keto diet
on kids alone it suffices to skyrocket their kidney stones risk up to x3000 times the normal

Mike, Sven and Alex


How long til thread is killed after I report it for violation?

LOL This kike has the gay AIDS, the bad AIDS not the good AIDS just L.O.L

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>Some of his fan base are like cult members.
gee, doesn't that remind me of something

Has he forsaken you "kekboys"?

When's his Jow Forums ama?

he is filthy rich now. probably decided to change his diet to some fancy stuff and lost a lot of weight

Can someone explain to me how on one hand Peterson says law shouldn't be allowed to legislate on speech but then the guy wants to be called dr.?

WOW is that real?

What a fucking babe

>my depression must be autommune related
Yeah, that must be it.

Reverse image search gave disturbing results.
>Who is this semen demon?

he's the one who became a tall poppy in exchange for $80k monthly. what a stupid idea.

remember when everyone cared about his bizarre misinterpretation of the gender law, then he said he doesn't actually care if xir asks him to refer to xirself as that?

>the good AIDS

On what evidence does he have beaver fever?

Dude aren’t you hip on all the YouTubers?

there are a population of "junk doctors," usually people with a humanities PhD, who demand that people call them "doctor." none of the people I know with a PhD have ever asked me to refer to them by any title.

it's a phenomen I only witness, e.g., if someone on the internet has a gender studies/philosophy/creative writing PhD


that fucking kike shapiro probably slipped some Polonium into his drink

>mfw even female flips can see through peterstein
based roastie

Yeah AIDS by accident - blood transfustion.

that's not really "good" though is it

It's the same for everyone. Eat shit, feel shut. Eventually numb.

looks burned out

disregard the video title and watch his behaviour

He looks fine he just lost a ton of weight and looks kinda gaunt now

Looks like his hairplugs are holding up

Get fake hair bucko



He looks aesthetic there

Hairplugs+beard plugs+ suit is working for him

pretty sure he just toured the world doing a bunch of MSM spots for his book.

looks like man with no soul whose body is withering away because there is not an ounce of truth in him.
-what a surprise

daily reminder that if you believed in jordan peterson at any point, for any duration of time, you should neck yourself. truly.

All fan bases are like cult members. Humans are pathetic creatures.

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t. butthurt trans. Xer btfo gtfo

I don't want my peterpoo exposed to the vile nonsense he will inevitably find on Jow Forums. If we could host a respectable thread sure but we know that's absolutely impossible

He's like that because of the insane amount of antidepressants he takes everyday.

When is he doing Jow Forums ama?

Ethnically cleanse your homeland bucko

{{{jordan peterson}}}
go buy a 2000 dollar rug and talk to {{{{{{dr peterson}}}}}}} about your problems for 45 minutes a month, bruce.

go ahead, try and deflect. it won't change the fact that peterson is a servant of jews who was even invited to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the balfour declaration with the zionist community.

He's an older dude. I don't like peterstein, because he essentially sells common sense to young adults without real influential figures to create some sorta foundation, and uses his platforms to be the Berney Sanders of the alt light xxxtra light club. The fact that he can't simply say something along the lines of a Jewish Mafia exists along the same lines an Italian Mafia can exists just show he's afraid to challenge the JQ. It's really not a huge thing to discuss "Yes I believe Jewish people do have their own private groups, that have political, and financial power, as well as believing that other ethnic groups INCLUDING whites have abused their powers, however 109 locations? Really is there that much anti-semitism in the world, or are there people *cough cough* the Strauss,Rotheschilds,Soros;that ruin it for everyone?"
Jordan picklestien simply does not have the balls

But he should face the dragon

On all levels except physical I am a pickle morty


Petershekelstein needs to rake in his 500k a month goyim do not disuade these students, and create un-necessary heuristics just like turn off your brain bro, and remember goyim you love me

>Us going there

>she still not full healthy yet

you're alright, nigger

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Looks like his cognitive dissonnance is taking its toll

he looks high as fuck. that's it.
> reddit
fuck that shit-tier website.
>Some of his fan base are like cult members
like? they are cult members.

If you are chronically depressed for decades, even if you are a clinical psychologist and know how to fix depression, it's prolly caused by something such as autoimmune disease.

aye put the witchetty grub on ya cock

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You don't have to call him Dr.

The Daily ah sower.
Jewish apocalypse

well I think it's good

To be fair, you have to be High IQ to understand australian peterson critics

Celebrity gossip isn't politics you low bred fucking turd.

He has become very thin and more whiny recently. Does he have full blown AIDS?

My cognitive ability has only grown since I've watched Rick N Morty one may look at an episode of Rick N Morty but to understand what's going on one must be 1-400 people (25% of the fucking world fucko), and let me tell you

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he is doing some extreme form of paleo.
his daughter is eating ONLY MEAT.
they have food alergies.

For me nothing has changed. I don't understand any joke in Rick and Morty.
Are there some tutors who can teach me to understand it? I want to be smart too.

Dark Souls CURED my depression

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