Irish Abortion Referendum

Getting down to it now boys, 2 more days to save this country from turning into a liberal wasteland.

Where my Irish anons at?

Yesterday we had a very productive meme making thread looking for the same today.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Something I've been working on.

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>no side put out there best prematurely and lose the debates closer to the referendum

Meh, let the women choose, mate. It's better all the way around.

The sjws got too greedy and went with 6 months. Fuck that, I just want it legal to abort the downs syndrome babbies.

I'm afraid yes will win.
We had the faggot vote and they won. If we couldn't do it...

Abortion on demand might give the game away.

Meant to reply to you

Some other nationality:
"Trump Clinton, it's all the same: corrupt politicians will always sell us out"
"You eurofags are lucky I don't have a passport and never even left my state. I would blow your fuckin head off with my colt 45 Winchester, semi reload. You democrat fags will pay on the day of the rope"
Other nationality:
"hey remember when I helped you get trump elrcted, well there's currently a highly concerning issue in my country"
Aneritard: "Meh"

When the need for post gestation abortions kicks in.

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I can't wait for the Jow ForumsIreland meltdown when no actually wins

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Yesterdays debate was a critical win for the No side, Peadar kept his composure and dealt with any of the Yes sides emotive arguments with ease and class. The 'rat' Harris on the other hand came across as obnoxious and his 'muh Britain 500 year' rebuttal was one of the cringiest things I have ever witnessed on live TV.

>post your face when Yes wins

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Yup Harris overused repealer mantra slogans too. He's a fairly competent debater though: spun a lot at high speed, despite not having much to work with (repealer argument on the 2% of hard cases is merely inch deep)

The Don has spoken:

Your country is already a liberal wasteland.


>my oc is spreading

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True, but the laws of heaven and nature must be upheld. There are multitudes who are doing so, but they're seemingly outnumbered because the libshit media are holding the megaphone. Come on social media and support those who are standing up for what is just.

Plus, you get to troll the libshits who condense on the abortion side

Abortion = eugenics = less White thrash, mongrels and shitskins in Ireland

Think with your head

The yes side was driven by middle class white irish yuppies now they'll think that having abortions is completely fine and our birth rate will fall off a cliff and divorce rates skyrocket

Abort yourself!

or we could just stop shipping non whites in and not have to resort to killing children

wow woah

Why is it that /yes/ campaigners consistently look like browns and mongoloids?

And the no side look pure and white?

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Good luck my distant potato relatives, from a fellow potato.
>inb4 56%

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The evidence supports a NO vote

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Someone said on liveline all of the foreigners non irish citizens are getting polling cards even though its illegal to vote for them?

Can someone please explain to me why eugenics is bad? You've been making this same thread every single day for a month and all I've seen is feels bullshit. Why should we want the poor and other low-tier people to breed?

Wouldn't surprise me with Fine Gayl in charge. They know that the shitskins and burkas are going to vote in favour of killing white babies.

Anyone know what time tonight's debate is on at? Can't wait to see Steen BTFO the living fuck out of the Yes side

Why is she so perfect bros?

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Eugenics isn't bad, abortion is. There is moral ways to go about eugenics such as not breeding with certain people. Abortion dosen't need to be part of the equation.

Latest polls? Most of the undecideds will probably go for no so if Yes is at 45% or slightly below they'll lose

This isn't eugenics, it's dysgenics.
The case is "my body, my choice" and "de catholic church ebil" and "wimmen power".
It's nothing to do with improving the quality of the population, and it won't be used as such.
It's essentially just letting roasties get to do whatever they want.

Doubles decides what percentage No wins by

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53-47 it is then

60% No 40% Yes

87% No -13% Yes complete btfo

Re rolling for 60 No

People that can’t plan their pregnancy are not worthy of reproduction. Remove your self from the gene pool christicuck

Either can I was on there this morning after the debate, what a bunch of cunts, that place is fucking Cancer



We don't have that many poor people in Ireland, quality of life here isn't that bad, we're a small island with a population of on 5 million.


Winner, probably not too far off too


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Fuck off.

Because this isn't about eugenics paco, they want abortions so they can keep shagging rings around them with no consequences. They say they want them for "problem pregnancies" but they are so fucking rare that legalising abortions because of them is fucking retarded, at most i'd say 1% would use them for that reason, everyone else would do it so they can keep their legs open.

So a father should hace no choice? or the woman foetus?

Stones, glass houses.

planned pregnancy is bullshit. Just a ploy to kill birthrates. Most pregnancies arent planned.

What debate are you talking about any links?

51 No 49 Yes, queue yes crying for a second referendum since it was too close

>maria steen back on for the tv3 debate
how do we help

Good luck and God bless lads
Remember to vote

Northern Ireland here, would you lads like a bit right wing efficiency? Say the world we shall start voting.
10 PM irish time lads

I always thought the marching up here was pure shite, but that banner on the right! Holy good fuck who gave these libby bastards a voice!

What's the chances that we might win lads because 68% of people who voted in the Dublin talks poll voted yes

Dublin was always a lost cause, unfortunately.

you know better than to trust polls by now, surely

I'm just scared lads please assure me that we're gonna win

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Our Lady appeared to me today and said No

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i was 100% sure we were goint to win now but I see now the Soros crowd are double-voting and planning to sabotage No votes

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Then fight harder lad

Are we allowed to vote?

Through ways and means I think we can.


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already at full power
i actually have a few ballot papers myself but i wouldn't have considered double-voting desu

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>Repeal propaganda

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Dublin is degenerate

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>REEEEEEEEEEEEE Don't show the truth

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we should build a massive fucking wall around dublin

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La Creatura....

Overheard americans on the bus today talking about getting polling cards and wondering if they were allowed vote even though they aren't citizens.

Still that is a lot of people I'm banking on people in the more rural counties to vote No

Do it lad
Take the fight to the enemy and the only sin is losing

Why should anyone listen to the country that first colonized them, then oppressed them for centuries, before finally trying to kill itself and take everyone on the Isles down with them?

I think if you had an address in the Republic within the past six months you can.

the Soros money is getting around

if no wins, there will definitely be a second referendum no matter the margin

Still no recognition of the life that will be killed. It's basically non-existent to them

have a bump lads

fucking kek
the voting system is a fucking shambles
i have the polling card from my uncle who sadly passed away this year
could easily dump it in the box but i won't
let the soros crowd sabotage the electon
Jesus Christ, it's worse because this is a long-running "problem" that they haven't tried to fix. There needs to be urgent action taken over this.

I saw that shit yesterday when walking past. The yes side had huge white sheets to block all of the no side's posters. Pissed me the fuck off.

>to save this country
Not worth it.

You don't need to micromanage everything, it just make you even more uptight and miserable. Try respecting women for a change and let them decide. Can't understand why you have this draconian amendment in the first place.

no way
>Ha ha, Mr. Garda, I was only joking about electoral fraud

How about you respect the rights of children you fucking kike
What am I on about of course you don’t care go jump in a fucking oven

If Ganley goes for President he will win in a landslide
time to get that little knacker higgins out of the park

>one cell on mars is life!
>oh that!? lol! its not alive if it depends on me, so its okay to kill my baby, lol! omg did you see what (insert random celebrity) did?! lol!

it benefits us when they shut us down
swings generation z to our side

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yank fight

Hate this cow tbqh.