48% of americans now support UBI

48% of americans now support UBI

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why is everyone memeing about the trial ending
its not even half way done

Because it will be a big success because Finland is nearly 100% white and protestant, and because "everyone knows" that people are the same everywhere, this will "prove" that this retarded shit can work in America or Britain, with their huge population of parasitic niggers.

Of course half of the U.S supports getting free money from the government. That doesn't make it feasible.

In order for everyone in the U.S to get a livable wage regardless of employment state, the taxable GDP of the country would have to be 100 times higher than it is now.


not /his/ thread

the US has a history of being pro-UBI. nixon and carter both got it through the house of representatives but failed to get it through the senate, mostly due to technicalities rather than ideological opposition. something like 90% of the major newspapers were pro-UBI too. it wasn't until the neoliberalism meme under reagan that it fell out of favour with political orthodoxy

>this is /his/ related

i'll revise that, the democrats actually stopped it going through the senate both times because the proposed rate of UBI was too low

Where's my neetbux wagecucks?

Don’t forget Milton Friedman himself actually advocated for it, but you’ll never hear a right winger say that

As a NEET I support it too

You have to go back

We already have "basic income" they are just trying to change it so you can get "your money" automatically, without applying for it every month.

i dont get why this is getting so much attention..
i fucking hate this communist shithole..

i have heard right wingers say it but it only ever comes up if UBI is actually being discussed and it rarely is

ubi is retarded. if you just give people $10k a year, then rent will just go up $10k a year for everyone. it only makes any sense if you can control prices, and whoops you just invented communism, enjoy your mass starvation and gulags.

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>i fucking hate this communist shithole
The universal basic income is the anti-communist form of welfare.

why are gooks so susceptible to communism?

>tfw believing opinion polls
48% of Americans that will reply to a CNBC poll, not 48% of all Americans
I bet the boomers that watch Fucks News Channel didn't even know this was being taken, their responses would wreck this claim.

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Government already said they're not going to do it even when results aren't even in yet so thats not going to happen. Funny thing is the system we had in testing phase was not full on UBI, it was UBI up to a certain point of earning money and it was only 30 euros more than the money you get from the dole anyway.

The difference was lack of bureaucracy until you hit little over 2000 euros a month earning limit. So you could have startup companies and be a freelancer much easier. Right now its hard as fuck doing either because of the amount of bureaucracy involved. Write one thing wrong or one of the people reading your form doesn't understand how the law works and there goes your welfare money for the next 2 months, hope you don't starve. So most startup companies don't happen and most freelance work is done illegally with straight cash and a handshake.

>48% of Americans are also useless non-whites

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Hmmm. We have already seen what welfare has done to the family in america. UBI would finish it off.

I want ten grand a month

UBI would just cause inflation. KEK. Enjoy your worthless pieces of paper goyim.

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UBI does not have the same incentive problems as most welfare does.

Single mothers qualify for welfare? Ok then, I’ll just live my husband.
Disabled qualify for welfare? Ok then, I’ll just pretend to have a disability (which you can attempt to screen with enough tests and paperwork, but all that will cost money for the taxpayers).
If I get a job then I will no longer qualify? Well then I guess there’s no point getting a minimum wage job, as the cost of transportation to work plus the loss of welfare probably eats up most of my pay anyway.

The good thing about UBI is that it is given out unconditionally, so people don’t get stuck in these welfare traps.

A number of Native American tribes have uses their casino money to fund basic income programs for the tribe members; that would be good place to start studying UBI effects.

The Seneca, for example, started their program back in 2004, and poverty has increased on their reservation; the basic income kills young adults incentive to get entry-level jobs, which means they are not able to move on to better paying jobs later on.

>The good thing about UBI is that it is given out unconditionally, so people don’t get stuck in these welfare traps.
ahh yes, I'm sure the tech giants funding this project care a lot about people getting stuck in the welfare trap

Or compare it to Alaska, which publicly owns their oil.

>tech giants support this, so it must be bad
Basic bitch ad hominem. You know Hitler was a vegetarian?
Look, any taxpayer should be worried by welfare traps. Increasing economic mobility means more people rising out of poverty and thus paying higher taxes, thus easing the tax burden on you.

Printing money would cause inflation. UBI is not just printing out money and giving it to people. It’s payed for by taxes.

I don’t think rent would go up 10k. Yes, landlord would realize that people have more income, and so they could milk people for it. But there are other effects which could counter this.

Rent is highest in the cities. City life is expensive and kinda shitty, the only reason most people want to live there is for jobs. If people are less dependent on jobs to survive, then some of them will look at the much cheaper housing prices in rural areas and go live there. So while consumers have more income, urban landlords now actually have some competition from rural ones as well. Supply of desirable land goes up, so price of land goes down. (I don’t think the price of land would go down overall, I’m just saying this would partially mitigate the effect you’re describing.)

Stuff your bullshit polls up your ass commie, right along with all the ones that guaranteed clinton to win.

It doesn’t have to be a living wage to be beneficial. Maybe it’s just enough for you to get by while working part time. Maybe it’s enough for some mothers to stay at home. Maybe you can live off of it in combination with your savings for a year when you quit your job to start your own business.