Hey Jow Forums, remember when we were all libertarians and AnCaps?

Hey Jow Forums, remember when we were all libertarians and AnCaps?

Pic related, newfags from r/the_d just think he's the "it's happening guy."

Attached: IMG_8537.jpg (1189x1491, 984K)

Don't post this guy if it's not HAPPENING.
Stupid frog.

Found the new memeflaggot.



Just because I spent dozens of hours to help Ron win the nomination in my state doesnt mean I cant like Trump calling the media pieces of shit.

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libertarians get the rope aswell

>hey Jow Forums, remember when we put all of our cards behind a guy who had 0 chance of winning

The same faggots that were worked up for Bernie voted for that clown.

We still are, Hitler had plans for further liberalization of industry after the war ended and he set the tax rate to 14%.

i was never a libertardian

>hey Jow Forums, remember when WE were blabla
this is the same tactic as "hey fellow (((whites)))" by twitter jooz

try it, unterfaggot
we're better armed than you stormniggers

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Unfortunately much less organized

Well, everybody except the JIDF NSA SRS SJW shills from Reddit.

Now we call those 'globalists' and people who don't believe Israel is our greatest ally.

Even when he's obviously counting on them to build his image and appeal to retards like yourself who believe he's "anti-establishment" while in reality he's just being a neo-con cuck like every republican president ever?

>remember when you shit in diapers and someone else fed you?

Pepperidge Farms remembers

Attached: ronpaulthekidslistened.jpg (400x400, 92K)

muh six million d chess

Hello fellow white people

I'm sure theres a bot that posts the same shit at the same time each year