>still haven't confirmed that this post was made by the attacker
Still haven't confirmed that this post was made by the attacker
Other urls found in this thread:
The supermax jail in toronto won't allow me to see him because i'm not family.
too funny
All i wanted to ask was about that post he apparently made, and who sgt Jow Forums is
>The supermax jail in toronto won't allow me to see him because i'm not family.
>too funny
what's funnier is that since the second day after the attack his cellphone hasn't been mentioned once, and that would be the only possible way for him to be the poster because it was posted while he was in the car.
Quick rundown?
that post sounds so made up, NOONE on 4chins speaks like that
wew, spoopy. Incel false flag?
Y u delete?
>>he's mentally retarded (had a 1 on 1 special education teacher)
>>got "recruited" to the army
>>was kept there for 3 months
>>released 6 months prior to attack
>>drives into pedestrians
>>post is made during attack
>>post is deleted before the media even get ahold of it
>>post is sent in a blurry video to a single journalist
>>the post was archived by someone
>>attacker was supposed to die
>>whipped out cellphone like a gun multiple times screaming I have a gun
>>sets the stage to attack chans/loners/dissidents INCEL buzzword
>>media, police, facebook use soft, deceptive language to talk around confirming him as shooter
>>cellphone could confirm this immediately
>he's mentally retarded (had a 1 on 1 special education teacher)
>got "recruited" to the army
>was kept there for 3 months
>released 6 months prior to attack
>drives into pedestrians
>post is made during attack
>FACEBOOK deletes the PROFILE of an active murder suspect before the media even get ahold of it
>post is sent in a blurry video to a single journalist from an """unconfirmed source"""
>the archived profile shows that this post is the only thing on his profile
>the post/profile was archived by someone
^big problem
>attacker was supposed to die
^BIG problem
>whipped out cellphone like a gun multiple times screaming I have a gun
>sets the stage to attack chans/loners/dissidents INCEL buzzword
>media, police, facebook use soft, deceptive language to talk around confirming him as shooter
>cellphone could confirm this immediately
did this incel shit feel organic at all?
obvious hoax is obvious
>story hasn't been mentioned since it happened
>no other photos of the alleged perpetrator other than this one, taken from the back
>0 information regarding anything has been released
>only "proof" of motive is a fake post on a fake facebook account
>and yet we get weeks and weeks of "what do we do about this obvious incel problem?"
Sgt Jow Forums reporting in. What's up guys?
*plants the scoops*
it got people to stop talking about Kasky and his child trafficking adoption scheme didnt it? They had to do something
Lt. Jow Forums reporting in. How are you guys doing?
>did this incel shit feel organic at all?
It did if you had a realistic awareness of how many people on other boards despise this board and constantly raid it. Mot people here hardly leave Jow Forums and only for one or two other boards. They have no idea about how Jow Forums is hated by the larger community. Mutt memes came from a series of raids that no one did anything to stop or punish, for example. People here thought it was "psyops", which is it, but it was primarily a raid by faggots on a board that hate us. has 300+ threads daily on why Jow Forums should be shut down, they obsess over it.
>300+ threads
300+ reply threads
Colonel general 4chin checking in at ease faggots
>confirming him as shooter
too many attack narratives to juggle in the brain at once and I'm getting sleepy
>>whipped out cellphone like a gun multiple times screaming I have a gun
if this was some big conspiracy why didn't they just give him a fucking gun
>autistic socially retarded man
>canadian gun laws
yeah that would be really useful and believable
right, so they can basically train him to do anything, except keeping from firing a gun before the event. Why didn't he run people over with the car before then?
>right, so they can basically train him to do anything, except keeping from firing a gun before the event.
this is an incoherent mess
>Why didn't he run people over with the car before then?
if you don't understand I'm insinuating that he was a sleeper, you need to lurk more.
>that he was a sleeper
LOL you been watching to many movies dude
Too soon man
Oh gee goy, you're watching too many of (((our))) movies. They must have made you sleepy
>mind control radiation
what the fuck does that even mean
>I'm insinuating that he was a sleeper
thats retarded
>in military for months
>receiving some form of training or assessment
>commits attack 6 months later
>calling this a possible sleeper is somehow retarded
Muslim commits crime
>stupid sandcoons they need to be deported
White guy commits crime
>it’s a conspiracy!
Fuck you faggots
police following 30 seconds behind. probably the time it would take to get a phone out of a pocket let alone describe the location
I’ve never believed it. It’s always been a picture of a screenshot. No actual screenshots. Just a little too convenient.
I’m not buying into this false flag shit at all since the people making these threads always seem unhinged. But, the FB post about incels catapulted this strange crusade against virgins and losers which doesn’t make too much sense to me,
natural and organic shilling is natural and organic
>strange crusade against virgins and losers
only white ones tho
Thats because they think Jow Forums is all white boys, they don't know about our sleeper cell non whites.
>Jow Forums vernacular that hasn't been used since 2012 /b/
>racial derailment posts in a cluster
really good showing
dude, they don't need some spooky manchurian candidate to pull this off.
consider that they first reported the arrest as having happened over 20 minutes after the attack began
is this the reason why I had to filter the word Incel?
yup, plain astroturfing