Dodd Frank


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Frankly I’m at the point where if it’s gonna piss off lefties, I’m for it.

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>be Dodd-Frank
>do nothing to punish criminal bankers
>"Too big to prosecute"
>Pocahontas, who feigns to be anti-bank, pretends Dodd-Frank did anything

Obama should've rounded them up and hung them all and there would've been thunderous applause for that, around the entire world.

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>Obama should've rounded them up and hung them all
oy vey anti-semite

banker wet dream becomes reality, thanks to the most corrupt administration in our history

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The trouble is that Obama was/is a Good Boy. A house negro. The White Self Haters voted for him as a fuck you to whitey. They don't truly care about Banking or they would destroy Jewish Control Over Central Banking.

Dodd did nothing but further push the consolidation of the banking industry, killing local and regional banks that couldn't finance big enough regulatory compliance departments. It made our financial sector even more top heavy than it already was.

If it all collapses, the parasite left will suffer,
the forsighted, conservative will stand strong.

The sooner the crash, the better.

And i dont even believe that dott-frank remocal is bad.

Its pretty standard practice lad. Dont let your brain washing get you ovee excited. Regulation is normally relaxed in the good times to squeeze out more growth. Hillary would do the same.

I honestly don't know much about it, but aren't the really big banks that every shits on still subject to Dodd-Frank?

Average citizens need to be taught every day that Jews run all the money they use. They do this by control over Central Banking, Fractional Reserve Lending and The Power To Inflate Currency and Change Lending Rates.

There are still Billions of people out there who don't know that Jews are the True Masters of the world and those "evil" White Gentiles are merely the Master's favorite slaves. This is why Jews pretend to be victims and White Gentiles pretend to be Masters.

Why complain? There's nothing we can do but watch it crash.

>work in banking not a jew
Dodd Frank is A pile of shit it did nothing but create useless paperwork that nobody reads anyway. If you want banking reform kill the Fed, kill Fannie Mae and Kill Freddie Mac.

Chris Dodd had Biden call New Zealand and had them steal their citizens cars.

Barney Frank was 90% responsble for the 2008 market crash due to his inability to read finanical documents about Fannie and Freddie.

Anything involving those two has to be a total nightmare.

All Dodd did was produce an unimaginable amount of paperwork that killed countless small banks that couldn't afford it.

so.. whats this mean? Time to take out some loans?

>even small institutions can cause major problems
1st 4th 8th 8th bank of Jow Forums fooken when


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A bloated, business-stifling regulation. Did very little to fix the underlying issue which was pushing pushing mortgages to niggers but prohibited banks from making money, pushing fees up and driving down taxes the banks pay.

The last of Obama’s legacies are evaporating before our eyes.

Frank is a disgusting faggot, I don’t thing he should have his name on anything except a new strain of AIDS.

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